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Dan F

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Don't worry, it might take a few days but you will get a reply. Please don't feel down, you've made such an important step. You should be proud of yourself. Getting help is really scary but it will be worth it in the long run - surely it's got to be better than carrying on as you are?

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Great news Mar!

I wouldn't worry about not yet receiving a reply - I think it's a University law that all staff should not reply to an email within 3 days (well it certainly seems like it from my experience!) :P

As others have said, you've made the large step of actually asking for help, so make sure that this doesn't knock you down! :wink:

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He is right, it can take weeks for these sort of things to come through. The main thing is that you made the first step, I know how much courage that took for you to do and you need to know what a huge achievement it is and congratulate yourself for it. It was a really brave thing to do and as others said, at the risk of sounding corny, I'm really, really proud of you.

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