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Dan F

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So .. this is something I've sort of always struggled with.

Like, I find it hard to get over things. Ok, so everybody does, maybe it is normal, but it doesn't feel normal.

I know there's certain things that people just can't get over, it's not really possible but you should be able to move on, right?

I don't really know if I'm making much sense it's just that I always feel like I'm moving on from things, that they're not so big a part of my life anymore then I get days like today where it's just everywhere again. :unsure:

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Ash - I know exactly what you mean mate. Everyone suffers from those kinda days... Its one of the those days. Depending on your mood I guess...

Somedays I have really good days where all I think about are happy things and then others days you think about things alot more, I've been thinking of Debbie alot these last couple of days (I don't know why)...

I've also been thinking of my Granfer who died about 11 years ago or something. It's just one of those things mate!!!

It all depends on how well you deal with things... If your anything like me I tend to dwell alot on things and It's harder for me to stop and its like I'm unable to deal with it (whatever it is).

Bit of a weird subject as like you not sure if Im making sense.

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i need some advice basically ive started sixth form kind of like a new school a couple of months ago its been 6 months now i havent developed any close friends yet, friends but thats just it not people who i regularly talk to like i used to in my old school. So one of the girls birthday is tomorow and there going to a Pizza hut or something lol to celebrate her b-day she invited me,there is only about 4 people coming not much and one of the girls insisted me on coming, and tha it would be fun etc

Im so nervous I dont know these people well and i feel left out?? even though there really nice i dont know what to talk about should i go? I made up an excuse to the girl that sorry i cant come because Im going out on a family outing and it isnt even true i lied i mean i can come its so near my house its like 10 min walk

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Tamxxx you should just be yourself and let them know the real you. It's ordinary to be nervous when you start a new school with lots of new people around you. Maybe you could start off by asking something very simple to start conversation like what type of music they like. Then go from there. You could also join a club or something and meet others who've got the same interests as you.

Just don't be someone you aren't. Be yourself and let others accept the real you!! Try and attend the girl's b'day and make conversation about something you're interested in. eg, music,sport,tv or just talk about skl in general.

Just don't worry and be natural and the real you. Good Luck!!! I hope this helps.

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My Dad is a doctor and he recently bought home one of those BMI Calculators home. And I thought that for a bit of fun I would put in my details. Turns out I'm underweight, but the thing is I don't feel underweight. The healthy range is between 18.4 to 26 or so and I am currently 16.5. I didn't tell my dad because I'm self conscious about how I look. I didn't think the it was right so did it again, but the same result came up.

I am 13 and 14 in a few months, I have a normal body of a teenager except, I'm not as developed as most of my friends. I don't feel too skinny because like most girls my thighs are big and I have a pudgy stomach. And I am self conscious about wearing bikinis without a sun shirt.

A few of my friends they're not overweight they are just a bit pudgy. And if I make comments around them like it's not fair that it's so hard to lose weight in comparison to gaining it they look at me all weird and say "Not like you would no". And this offends me but I am very emotional so it might just be me.

I get really mixed emotions because I do ballet and a few weeks ago my ballet teacher said to me "Megan have you gained weight?" being the emotional girl I am I cried. And my teacher immediately started apologizing.

I'm really confused :S And don't know what to do.

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Ms.Megan maybe you could get a proper check-up on your health for assurance it could turn out that you have a healthy weight anyway. It's normal for teenage girls to be sensitive about weight issues. Everyone goes through it but I am sure that if you eat a balanced diet then there is nothing to worry about. Everyone is different. You shouldn't change yourself for anyone. Weight is something like height. There might be a range that you should be at a certain age but some could be under it and some could be over it. There's nothing to worry about but like I said before for assurance you could maybe go and see another doctor if you are not comfortable for asking your dad. Keep us updated.

Good Luck!!!

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