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Dan F

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I think Marieh is right in that it's hard to specifically say 'he's an alcoholic' or 'he's not an alcoholic' but I guess there is a line that gets crossed somewhere along the line. My mum was an alcoholic, she was also diagnosed as clinically depressed.

Again, it's tough .. but do you think your dad could go without a drink for a day or two? Cause if the answer to that is immediately no then I'd say there's definitely a drinking problem.

I mean, that's probably not what you're wanting to hear but if your dad really is an alcoholic then he's going to need other people's help to get through it.

It could just be that just now is a difficult time for him, or maybe it's just that alcohol has become more of a habit?

I don't know if this all means anything to you but I recognise some of what you're saying as how my mum used to be.

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I thought this would be the most appropriate place to say this...I went into hospital yesterday for surgery. I was only meant to be in for the day, but 'cos my blood pressure was low, they kept me in over night. Anyway, I'm home now...on crutches and not really allowed to move much. I'm in a lot of pain, but hopefully I should be okay.


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I thought this would be the most appropriate place to say this...I went into hospital yesterday for surgery. I was only meant to be in for the day, but 'cos my blood pressure was low, they kept me in over night. Anyway, I'm home now...on crutches and not really allowed to move much. I'm in a lot of pain, but hopefully I should be okay.


I hope you feel better soon :)

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It's okay, Katie. I have cerebral palsy because I was born nine weeks early. This means that I don't walk properly, and, as a result, have problems with my feet. The latest off-shoot of this is that I've got arthritis in my big toe 'cos of the way I walk. So, I had surgery to take out metal work from a previous operation to see if that would make the pain go away and to clean the joint out to see if there is actually anything dodgy in there. 'Cos before the surgery I was in a lot of pain just walking. But it means that now my foot is all bandaged up now and I can't really walk properly. :( Oh well, I'll live. :)

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It's okay, Katie. I have cerebral palsy because I was born nine weeks early. This means that I don't walk properly, and, as a result, have problems with my feet. The latest off-shoot of this is that I've got arthritis in my big toe 'cos of the way I walk. So, I had surgery to take out metal work from a previous operation to see if that would make the pain go away and to clean the joint out to see if there is actually anything dodgy in there. 'Cos before the surgery I was in a lot of pain just walking. But it means that now my foot is all bandaged up now and I can't really walk properly. :( Oh well, I'll live. :)

^^I can't imagine what that must be like. Just hang in there and take it one day at a time.

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I suppose I need support in coming to terms with the main person in my life might have cancer. My mum has a growth in her womb and it might be cancerous.

She's finally found love and is getting married in June to the most amazing man ever, the person that I call dad.

She's always been there for me, she's the person that carries me up to bed every night, wakes me up, dresses me, brushes my teeth, puts up with my mood swings, my obessions with Liverpool FC, she's the person that looked after me when my dad walked out on me and my brother and sister when I was 6 weeks old. She's the one that helped me over come my self harming, my sucidal thoughts.

I'm just so scared that she's going to die...

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Gypsy and Will Fan- I don't know what to say. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. In hard situations it can be hard but the best thing you can do is be with your mum and think positive that your mum is such a strong peron having had to look after your siblings and you on her own and the way she's cared and looked after you that she will beat this. I think it's lovely that she has found her dream man and you have got a father. Try and keep your family together and be strong. Don't feel bad to feel happy at times. I'm sure all your mum wants is to see you happy.

I know words won't really help you but I really hope your mum gets through this.

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