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Dan F

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Penny you know im here for you whenever you need to vent about it all like mar said your so close to your mum and its an awful thing to go through.

Jess I hope that everything works out ok with your foot and like with Penny you know im here for you if you need to vent about everything.

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Pen, I don't know what to say. I guess there's not a lot we can say to make you feel better, 'cos if there was I'd say it. I just wanna let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Mum. And you know I'm always around on MSN and BttB. Take care. x

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My friend wanted me to post this for her, as she wants to reamin nameless. So i'll call her Annie

Annie(about 10 minutes ago) had this Huge fight with 2 of her friends (actually it was one of them) this person (her names jay) used to be her friend for 9 years untill she started hanging out with these emo people who bullied her for a year. then jay started smoking, drinking, wagging school and swearing every minute.

One day when her friend was over at her house, she was telling her mum all that stuff and that girl (her names erin) went and told jay abotu it. now jay is extremly pissed at her becuase i told mum that but now shes really scared bnecause jays in about 3 of my classes and she has a group of friends of about 10 who hate me so much one day they chased her into the bathrooms and wouldnt let her out.

I'm really worried for my friend, does anyone have any advice I could give her?

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I'm slowly, but surely, digesting a Norwegian book called "Depression and Mania" - so far I'm halfway in the third part, on bipolar depression (already read about unipolar depression, but skipping depression with retarded (dunno if this is a PC word, sorry if not). It's amazing how much of myself I see in this book - symptoms, how the depressed see herself, everything!

They've mentioned several things that the book "Reinventing your life", which I haven't gotten around to reading yet. I've had the book recommended, but also as a part of help from a therapist, not reading it entirely on my own/as the only way of "fixing myself".

I hate how good days are never really good. I've always got this lurching feeling in me, deep down, making me feel inadequate. Compliments are doubted, looks deciphered as looks of intolerance and words transforms and withers in the air. I can be in a room with hundred of people, and still feel lonely. I can be held and hugged and still not feel really 'there'.

I hate how this illness has made me into a selfish, lonely, insecure and bitter person, incapable of really reaching out for others and not really giving others my hand.

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I'm slowly, but surely, digesting a Norwegian book called "Depression and Mania" - so far I'm halfway in the third part, on bipolar depression (already read about unipolar depression, but skipping depression with retarded (dunno if this is a PC word, sorry if not). It's amazing how much of myself I see in this book - symptoms, how the depressed see herself, everything!

They've mentioned several things that the book "Reinventing your life", which I haven't gotten around to reading yet. I've had the book recommended, but also as a part of help from a therapist, not reading it entirely on my own/as the only way of "fixing myself".

I hate how good days are never really good. I've always got this lurching feeling in me, deep down, making me feel inadequate. Compliments are doubted, looks deciphered as looks of intolerance and words transforms and withers in the air. I can be in a room with hundred of people, and still feel lonely. I can be held and hugged and still not feel really 'there'.

I hate how this illness has made me into a selfish, lonely, insecure and bitter person, incapable of really reaching out for others and not really giving others my hand.

Hopefully this will make you feel better, but 6 out of 10 people experience some sort of mental disorder. You are not alone Mer, but the difference is you have recognised a predicament that you are in. Others go through life with out the understanding and the knowledge of their situation. I applaud you and others than can speak their mind, on issues such as these. As you are aware i have a brother that has Schizophrenia for the last 25 years, he leads a full and active life. But sometimes he has a blip as we call it, but he has the insight into his illness to read the signs, when they are approaching. in no way at all i am saying that your personal situation matters less, but what i am saying is that because you are a intelligent, and i have seen by reading your comments on the board. You are a very caring person, and not a bitter person at all. I have given my hand out so many times and had it bitten off. I have stopped giving it out. That does not make us bad people Mer, it just says we have sense. I am usually on msn, if ever you want to have a chat.

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