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Dan F

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Rosey I have to admit that your posting this really concerned me.

If you were seriously thinking of killing yourself and wanted advice I can't help thinking there were better ways to do it.

You upset a lot of people today, especially Paris and the others who you had the row with. If you feel so strongly about this you need to talk to somebody.

As Mar said, you're underage so I find it strange that you were allowed to refuse psychiatric help and if you are so badly depressed you're considering killing yourself then the worst thing you can do is to refuse psychiatric help because you're obviously depressed and need help in overcoming your problems.

There's plenty of advice in this thread for people who are depressed and plenty of other members who know exactly what you feel because they've been there.

If you don't feel you want to talk about your problems thats fair enough but any major problems aren't going to go away unless you get help with them.

I understand that you wanted to get peoples advice and you will always get advice and support on here but I think that next time you should maybe post in here first.

At least if members go in here they have an idea that they might encounter people with problems. Your posting it on a public forum meant that a lot of people who could have been very disturbed by your post read it. I know you put a warning on it, but still, a post like that attracts attention.

I also think you need to be really careful what you say. I know I know nothing about the argument but it sounds two sided and I can't help feel that by posting what you did you wanted to make the people involved feel guilty so that they made up with you or at least realised how upset you were. And I think you could have done that better, by speaking to them one on one and explaining how you feel rather than in a sense almost shocking them into feeling guilty enough to make up with you.

I'm not getting at you I just think you really need to sit back and consider the effect that, in your opinion, a simple post, can have on other people. I think if you had have been thinking of other forum members,namely those involved in the argument. You'd never have posted what you did.

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I don't have much else to say, Rosey, but, truthfully, you've upset me and probably a lot of people here on the board. It has come to my attention that you have made this threat before, and that you was merrily talking about your plans for the weekend after the thread was made.

It hurts to have fights with your friends, but I think you merely wanted attention and had an urge to hurt the people you fought with. Several people tried asking you how you were and help you with your problems over msn after you posted this. Every time, you logged off. If you have problems it would be a wiser choice to indeed talk about it. If you made a suicide attempt last week you would be under strict observation. You are underage and cannot refuse being committed to a psychological institution. That's what underage means - your parents decide and no matter what you do, they will still love you and care for you. Care would, in this case, mean being under strict observation and getting help.

What you've upset me with is how it, to me, seems like you've done this for attention and to hurt your friends. Not only that, you've, IMO, ridiculed those who has serious psychological problems. It's a known fact that those who really wish to kill themselves do so without letting anyone know. I have had two friend die by their own hands during the last few years. I've had attempts myself. I struggle every day with my mental health. There are days where I'm afraid to walk out into the living room because I think they will come to take me. There are days where I am too apathetic to undress myself. I sit in a daze on the bed. My boyfriend has to undress me. He has to calm me down when I'm on the floor crying in the middle of the night, and hold me down with all his strength so that I won't bang my head against the floor or the wall. I am incredibly upset how you make something like this into what I call emotional manipulation.

If you're having a bad day, feel down and need a bit cheering up, please post on the board to get attention and have people who care about you make you happier. Don't manipulate and threaten the people who love you into giving it to you.

Please feel free to ignore this post - I just couldn't hold it in. If you want, you can reach me over msn.

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Urgh, Subway makes me feel sick, even the smell of it.

I'd go McDonalds, only because I don't like Burger King either.

Saying that I'm not a big McDonalds fan. Pub lunch anyone?

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