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Dan F

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Sucks when bad days come sneaking up on me. I thought I was better. I don't see why I should continue taking the stupid pills - I've had such great days the last week, but now everything comes crashing down. I just can't do it anymore. I'm tired of feeling so goddamn aggressive, frustrated and worthless. Everything I touch turns to ****. I don't get anything right.

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Claire L is right Mar, I know that you really want them to work so that you can have many 'up' days but I guess in the beginning you just have to get used to them and that includes some 'down' days, like you said earlyer, you've had 5 good days and now you have a bad day, maybe next time the good days will be more and grow everytime and the down days just gets smaller and smaller..

You know we're here for you Mar :)

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I feel terrible. My Friends are making me feel terrible. Well, it isnt terrible. It might be over soon. But I'm feeling so useless atm. Basically I was really moody in School today, I'v had rather disturbing Period Pains so I wasnt exactly feeling too bright and bubbly. My 'Friends' misunderstood and thought they'd done something. We had a row and a fight. (Ended up in a Detention btw) It was terrible, my Best Friend just started attacking me? They also did a bit of horrible name calling (Including the Words 'Slut', 'Bitch' and 'fat')

I feel dreadful, totally useless.

I could be the wrong person since I live in a place where everyone calls everyone and no one takes it seriously, but my point is that girls are bitches, we all are and this age dosen't make it any better when our hormons are popping up everytime we get mad :P.

I think you shoud try and talk to your friends telling them why you were moody and that you don't like them calling you things. It could be hard for you, I don't know, but I think it's something you have to do to yourself, and if they are you're friends they should respect that.

And like Cal said, they're girls too, they should know :P

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Oh Mar you've been doing so well. I'm sorry you're feeling down again. Its possible this could just be a one off though, you've been so positive recently. Don't give up on the pills too quickly and don't get down on yourself, you have to stick with this. The fact that you're getting frustrated about feeling like this shows how much you want to beat the depression and thats a hugely positive thing. You know theres people you can talk to, you only have to change your MSN status and I'll talk to you, you're only thinking you're alone because you feel down and so you're getting insecure. It doesn't reflect reality, there are a lot of people who are here for you.

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