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Dan F

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Today has been a strange day. It's only the first day back after the Half Term holiday and already it feels like we've been back a lifetime! I went back to the doctors tonight, as instructed, and gave him my peak flow graph thing and told him that the inhaler didn't really work and the Diazipam made me really zoned out and relaxed, but didn't really improve the tightness of my chest. He said I'm a medical confusion. At which point I promptly burst into tears. Is that a good thing? He had a medical student sitting in with him from Staffs' medical school and she looked at me like I'd gone insane. I think I freaked the doctor out. He's sent me for full bloods and a chest x-ray, which I'm having done tomorrow since I've got to go to the hospital to see the orthopods. At least it means he'll get my results quicker, but I hate needles - lots of magic cream for me! :P He also gave me a handout on depression, and tried to ask me if I'm self-harming or have boyfriend issues. My mother was in the room...I deflected all questions.

I'm so confused right now.

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I need help. At school, we have a chance to go to the Alpine School, which is a school in the snow for 9 weeks with about 8 kids from our school go, along with more schools, so that's about 45 kids in general (I'm 14). I'm thinking of applying to go, but it's 2 moths away from home, and ive only ever been away for 9 days on camp. What should i do? I get badly homesick, and I want to go, but I don't know if I could do it. Also, I'm a diabetic, and it's a fair bit physical. Please, any advice?

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How bad is your homesickness? Would a phone call home daily be enough to keep it away a little? Are there phones where you'd be going?

What type of diabetes do you have? I'm sure they will've had people there who have had diabetes before, so they'll be prepared enough for it.

I went to Germany for 8 weeks when I was 17. It was hard, but the only time I got homesick was when I rang home. So I only rung home twice. If you're having a lot of fun, and enjoying what you're doing, you'll find that the time flies and you may not even want to go home! Could you apply to go and decide when you find out if you're accepted?

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No, it's a minimal contact camp, so no phoning home..i think it's just email. I'm a type 1 diabetic, and yeah, I rekon they'd be okay with that. My homesickness is pretty bad, but I would be okay i think, and I'm just getting worked up about nothing. And yes, you're right Mez, i should wait and see what happens. Thanks for the advice, I feel heaps better now! :rolleyes:

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Take something from home that reminds you of home but doesn't make you bawl your eyes out and miss it. I took a little monkey that I've slept with every night since I was 3 (apart from the dreaded Hamilton trip, don't ask)

It sounds like and awesome opportunity though.

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Have been feeling more days the last days than I was hoping I'd do. The first week on 5-HTP was great, with only one down episode, which wasn't all that bad. Now, it's slipping again.

I hate the feeling I get when I "come down" - I know it's happening, but I don't know what to do to stop it. Maybe there is nothing to do than go with the flow, so to speak.

There are a lot of people in the filter where I post about my mental state. Some never comment. That's ok. Then there are those who comment with great advice, hugs and love-notes. It makes me happy to see that I'm loved. I don't see how anyone could love me, but they do. There are also a small number of people who comment, giving advice, but tearing me down even more in the process. It's ok to disagree, and there are many ways to do so. I think those who give the best comments are/have been struggling themselves and know how hard it is to be this way, and know how to express themselves in a way that won't be taken so much as an offense. Not all know this. I've removed one person from the filter because, basically, [person] was bringing me down in every comment posted. Probably not on purpose, but it's really not what I need on the best of days and yesterday it just got too much.

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