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Dan F

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It's not common to just give antidepressants without having counseling to go with it.

Having panic attacks is not good fun, and it for nothing else, maybe you could get something to control them?

And, you're not a failure. I understand that it's weird and sad and whatnot that your friends are coping so well, but think about this - have any of them had surgery recently? Do they struggle with (chronic?) pain? I really know how you feel because I have a hard time with motivation for school too - I've had to drop out of that extra course I wanted to take because right now I don't have the energy and therefore not the motivation to do it.

Let me know if there's anything I can do for you, ok?

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Well, I've been having tests done 'cos the doctor wasn't sure if the chest problems were to do with stress or an illness, so I've got to go back for those results, so maybe it'll be brought up whether I like it or not. I don't know how I feel about counselling, having never had it. The thought of opening up to a stranger is weird; especially face to face.

Tell me about it...they really scare me. Again, maybe the doctor will suggest something. I'm just so bad at relaxing, which doesn't help matters.

I just feel like a failure because I've totally fallen apart. No, they haven't had surgery and whatever, but still they have problems. And there's people worse off than me that cope a lot better. I just feel stupid, to be honest.

Thanks, I appreciate it. :) And I will do. x

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I see what you mean, and I guess there are people at my school too who are 'worse off', but I try to tell myself that no matter how much bigger their problems are, they are not me, and we all react and think differently.

Not all depressions are of a biological factor, some are social, and I think to myself that what would make me depressed could be handled by others, it all comes down to what we've experienced and how that has shaped us.

I can't really suggest anything :(

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Yeah, I guess I just try to be "strong" and "perfect" all the time and then beat myself up about it when it doesn't work. I probably just put way too much pressure on myself.

Seriously, it just means the world to me that someone else understands what I'm going through, because it feels like no-one else does. :)

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I'm about to go on a serious rant, so get ready. And it's quite embarrassing.

The past few weeks havn't been good. I'm almost back to square one regarding Crohn's. I was doing perfectly fine for 4+ months, and then all of a sudden, I'm back to wear it started. Severe Stomach aches and all the the other symptoms.

This is my third week off school, one of them being mid-term. Dad understands that I can't go into school, but Mum can't. She keeps on asking why I can't go in and go to the toilets in there. The teachers hardly let me out to go to the toilets during class anyways, so they wouldn't let me go 4-5 times during one school day. And the other thing, you know what school toilets are like, especially the guy's ones - Not nice!

I think Mum is just concerned about the amount of work I'm missing but she doesn't understand me when I say that I will be doing it over the Summer Holidays. Mum and Dad want to send me to a College in Dublin for 3 weeks in the Summer, to catch up on things. But I don't want that.

And besides, there are exams and work experience going on at the moment, so I won't be missing out on too much work.

I would be much better off doing it at home, where I am close to people I know and where I don't have to worry about my Crohn's.

I heard Mum talking on the phone to Dad, and she said I was "Eating way too much If I'm sick", em... Bull****! I've barely eaten anything. I don't think she believes me when I say I'm sick, and I hate that. I don't want my parents to think that I'm faking it, because i'm not.

I'm sorry for ranting. I just had to get that out.

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To be honest, I think I would be too scared to say that to her. But I'll give it a go.

Yes it can be scary, but if you don't talk to her things are gona be much harder. Fingers crossed that your talk with her makes things a little bit easier for you!

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To be honest, I think I would be too scared to say that to her. But I'll give it a go.

Yes it can be scary, but if you don't talk to her things are gona be much harder. Fingers crossed that your talk with her makes things a little bit easier for you!

Well, I said it at dinner.... And it got mixed reactions.

"Well, of course your health is more important, but you just have to balance it out".

Sorry, But I can catch up on my work, I just want to get better. :P

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