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Dan F

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I've never really talked about this before, but somehow I feel like I need to do it now..

I don't want to brag or anything, but I come from quite a wealthy family. And I do have a good life when it comes to material things. But I do miss something, something important. I can't really describe it, but I feel empty.

We don't talk about feelings at all. You can talk about properties, holidays, studies, all kinds of things, but don't start talking about feelings because then everyone just shuts up. My parents have been divorced for a while, and I've never why. One day my father was gone, I didn't see him for 6 months, and then suddenly one day I woke up and he was back. I never got an explanation. And whenever I ask about it I'm told I should mind my own business.

And it's not only that. When you grow up, you also have to deal with a lot of things, and you've got a lot of questions, and I've never been able to talk with anyone about that. Just to give an example, a lot of people of my age tell their parents when they're seeing someone, and they can openly talk about it, but I can never do that. When I tell them, they just disapprove it right away. But that's not all, it's never good enough, and they don't do that to encourage me, they just enjoy making me feel bad.

And I feel that all of these things have come together, and I'm at a point where I no longer can take it. It's really affecting me, not only mentally but also physically. At the moment I weigh just 48 kg.. I'm just so stressed out I don't function properly anymore, and I can't do anything about it.

There you go, I just had to get it out. Thanks for everyone who bothered reading it :)

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Hey, I'm sure they don't mean to shut you out and purposely make you feel bad. Sometimes money and good fortune gets to people's heads. And no offense, but that must be whats happened to your parents. I honestly don't know how to help you (I posted something in this thread that I have never talked about before, too). Have you tried telling them how you feel, or talking to someone other than your family members? Maybe thats where you need to start.

Sorry if this post doesnt help.

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Sometimes I think they do it on purpose. As far as I remember they've always been like this.

I tried talking to some of my 'friends', but you know, they're all from the same kind of families, and most of them are just turning into their parents.

And thanks for reading it!

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I think you should confront your parents with the way you're feeling right now. They will not change unless you say that they have to. Maybe they don't see that there's a problem at all, or maybe they're just ignoring it. But really, tell them how you feel. Maybe then you can talk open and honest about it.

Veel sterkte alleszins! :wink:

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^^ I agree with Maaike - if your parents don't know there is a problem, how can they hope to change it? You have to be honest with them about it, at the very least for your own sake, to get it off your chest. If they didn't know about the problem then maybe you'll work something out. And even if it doesn't work, at least you know you're tried, and you'll feel better for getting the problem out there :)

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Is it weird or pathetic or similar words that I'm freaking out that my 5-HTP is all gone on Saturday and that I haven't received my last order?

I know it hasn't been more than a month, but placebo or not, I'm feeling heaps better. Since starting taking the pills I've only marked 2 real downs, and a few semi-downs. Before I started them I had half the weeks marked with down arrows.

I'm just scared I'll go back to my old self. I mean, I still feel bad at times/days, but not enough to sit at home crying thinking everyone hates me and conjuring up scenarios in my head as I used to. I mean, I laugh now. I actually laugh.

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Mar, it's not weird that you are worrying. I was worried today that my Pentasa(Anti-Inflammatory tablets) wasn't going to be re-prescribed. I was down to my last tablet. But luckily, I got them.

It's great to know that they have made a difference, you must feel heaps better. Like me, you must feel like you have to take them, because if you don't, you'll be afraid of the consequences.

Sorry for going on. :P

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