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The Never-ending Home & Away Story


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Romped at the hotel all night.

In the morning however Nicole left Aden in bed with a note "thanks" with that she got in a cab and headed for the Bay. Roman wanted to know where she had been all night but Nicola wasnt saying,

You do relise Mrs Smart wanted your help with that baby shes got now go over and help her",

Colleen had never been so glad to see Nicole altho she still didnt like her, Nicole did her thing and......

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“baby Amanda” was restored to her normal age (and at the same time in another part of the Bay, Sal was restored to her normal age). Colleen grudgingly thanked Nicole, who had sneakily removed the wad of cash she’d seen in baby Amanda’s cuddly roo’s pouch. However, Nicole wasn’t satisfied with the cash and Colleen’s thanks, and she asked Colleen for …


the treasure map that she KNOWS is a Stewart family heirloom. Colleen gives it tyo Nic, as none of teh Staewrt's has been able to find the treasure, but NBicd is adament to find it.

Nic thinks that her perfect ally to find the treasure is .....


To find Aden and appoligise for how she left him.Aden willingly forgave her so Nicola to him about the map so they both went to work on the clues not really knoing where they were going they found them selves in the Police Station Jack Holden and Peter Baker were talking about a case when they saw Nicole and aden come in.

Peter asked Nicole what they were doing she Quickly had to come up with an excuse why they were there....


so she said that they were helping Colleen to look for a missing piece of the treasure map, which had been torn off and lost many years ago. Nicole asked if she and Aden could look in lost property as she thought it might be there. In the lost property room, Nicole noticed a strange symbol on the ancient brick wall that was part of the original police station building. It exactly matched a strange symbol on the treasure map!! Aden and Nicole excitedly …


touch the strange symbol at the same time, and they are instantly tranposrted in time & space to Beijing, on the day before the 2008 Olympics begins.

Nic & Aden are near the athletes villiage and they almost can't belive in when they discover that somone form the Bay is a SERIOUS contender for an Olympic GOLD medal.

Nic & Aden decide to approach the Bayider in qusetion .....


Aden and Nicole relised it was Shauna the long lost daughter of Alf and Ailsa. as they approached she asked what they were doing there Nicole told Shauna that they were helping to discover some treasure from a map that Colleen had but Shauna told them they were in the wrong place but whilst they were there they could stay and whatch some of the games but as soon as she gave them the nod they must go. Nicole aske dShauna "where are we to go " Shauna told them they would have to go back and start again, Aden thought this was rather funny until.....


he and Nic noticed a dial and the number 07.08.08 on the adjacent green LCD display. Nic turned the dial experimentally and the display began to scroll backwards. After observing for a while, Nicole guessed that the display was showing the day, month and year and that the treasure map had shown them the location of a time machine! Remembering Shauna’s cryptic message, Nic and Aden realised that they must go back in time to “start again”. The problem was to decide just exactly how far back in time they should go, and, indeed, what was meant to be starting again? On a sudden impulse, Nic reached out and turned the dial to …


22.06.2008 …. And they instantly transported back to be in step with the rest of the ppl on earth, but Aden told Nic that he thought that they’d have to go back a lot further than that.

Aden adjusted the watched to 05.07.1907, and that where once more instant transported to the date on the watch/time machine. China, and the world, was a VERY different place back then, and .......


PPL were dressed differently no cars there were no neon light that they were use to every whare was black and they had to uase candles to see where they were going.

Nic tried to say they had come back to far when a sudden bang shook them and they turned to see......


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