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Which members would you most like to meet?

Guest matty92

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  Skykat said:
  Angel A said:

I'd like to meet...

EDIT: I forgot Skykat, She's my helper when I'm going through a boy crisis

Angel A I'd like to meet you just so I could prove to you that I'm not the big expert on guys that you think I am!

Who would I like to meet? This is a toughie, I'd probably want to meet most of the people I talk to on MSN, I really want that night on the tiles with Penny (Gypsyandwillfan) and Jackieleanne.

I want Mez to show me round Christchurch and introduce me to the world of chocolate fish.

Sevenpuddings (Jess) because you remind me so much of my mate Jenny and we seem to be quite similar...maybe when I get to Aus next year you can give me that guided tour you suggested.

Musie and Merc I'd like to meet the pair of you just so I could give you both a hug. Also angelRose for the same reason.

I love Music because you're forever giving me advice on stuff and Nicole because I would have so much fun insulting you face to face!

Sorry if there's anyone I forgot, I'm heavily drugged up on painkillers and mildly delirious so I'm hiding behind that excuse!

I was just reading this thread and realised just how many new people I've become friends with since I posted that. I still want to meet all those people...I'm actually meeting one of them, hopefully. Mez is putting me up when I go to New Zealand and I'm going to get her pissed on her hen night and go to her wedding. Seeing as she's marrying him I'll meet my fellow risk taker Ugmo while I'm there.

Other people I want to meet that I never mentioned before. The people I talk to on MSN; Dan, gutted I'm no longer co-inciding with the Palmie holiday, you'll have to think of me every day :P Frankie, I think we need a night on the tiles or maybe that house you keep suggesting :wink: the other mods and Admin, particulary Andy for helping me through a tough time and Si for a bitchfest. The librarians, provided they didn't talk JM all the time... :yawn: emmasi to tell her she's a wicked girl, Lynd to give a hug to someone who has real guts. Ditto Jeh Jeh, (Jess) and Di.

Theres more, I know there is. Laura, Tess ...theres millions of people I speak to on MSN or on here that I couldn't list but it'd be cool to meet those of you I do speak to and put a name to the face, you know who you are.

I'm just trying to figure out what painkillers I was on in January that I used as an excuse to hide behind because they can't be anything like what I'm on now so that's my excuse if I've forgotten anyone this time around! :P

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