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Which members would you most like to meet?

Guest matty92

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Swfc- Chrissie [ she is just ace, She allways p-ms me when she is online and she loves Nic Bishop. She is just a wicked Girl, shame we have different clock times because I'm allways on when shes in bed] :lol:

Traceve- Shannon [also a wicked person, love teasing her with "fake" teaser for mine and Chrissie's fic. One thing I know about this girl is she LOVES Bobby Morley]

Drew- Drew [ Drew is a lovely lad allways makes me laugh on msn, bless him :blush: ]

Aaron- [ Allways talking on msn to him, he's an awesome lad]

Mercury Girl - [ Only recently started to speak to her but she allways is there if you need advice for technical computer devices i.e uploading things :D ]

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Sarah realises suddenly Lilone's was the last post on this thread since she started posting and suddenly runs into a corner and begins to cry because no one wants to meet her.

And don't say that you forgot me!!! :P

After that little breakdown, I think I'll go into fanfiction and settle myself down.


Hehe! I only had one person remember me! :P

Anyway, my list would be..........

Mercury_Girl: To share photography hints and tricks together, as well as take many many photos.

Aejdude: Because he is awesome and easy to talk to, as well as very friendly

Jackieleanne: Same reason as Aejdude

Spunkyl (Lynd): Because she is such a strong woman and same as emmasi in the "shaking her hand" sense. :D

Frankie: Even though we were going to meet up anyway, she is one awesome chicky and I would love to meet her, so kind, so diplomatic.

Mez83: Because she's fun and we can make fun of Ugmo together! :D Also, I'd love to show her around my fair city and show her a good time.

Ugmo: For ragging on him (cos it's fun) and for the same above reasons as Mez.

And I think that is about it for now, I only just got up from a big night last night and still a little seedy. :wink:


  Elise said:

Mez83: Because she's fun and we can make fun of Ugmo together! :D Also, I'd love to show her around my fair city and show her a good time.

Ugmo: For ragging on him (cos it's fun) and for the same above reasons as Mez.

Well thats not very nice :(:(

Mine would be Dan, Frankie, Elise, Tainted Muse, Di and Tom


SkyKat, Sirlancelotnz, Jackie, Aaron, Penny, Dan, Di, Tom, Musie, Frankie, Mar, Liz, Elise, Si, Ashirr-Leigh.

I've missed people, I know it. And I'm sorry.


  Ugmo said:

  Elise said:

Mez83: Because she's fun and we can make fun of Ugmo together! :D Also, I'd love to show her around my fair city and show her a good time.

Ugmo: For ragging on him (cos it's fun) and for the same above reasons as Mez.

Well thats not very nice :(:(

Mine would be Dan, Frankie, Elise, Tainted Muse, Di and Tom

You know it's fun! :P Especially ragging of me back!!! :lol:


Ah, Let's see... :P




Tainted Muse










Amy (J/M)

Amy (xGlowingAngelx)


Kat (ZoeMc)

Kat (-Tess-)

Reason: They all rock! :D

Sorry if I've left anybody out, I'm sure that there is more... :huh:



Drew-I've known these guys (online) for ages. I'd love to meet them both.

Chris (from Baylinks) so we can talk about Baylinks in person.

swfc - Chrissie, Because she is so cool and nice! :P -I agree! She likes my fics.

Oxidizer- Andy, He's really nice too.

I Love Music-she's been a big help to me and my fics.

Bay Girl-she seems really nice

Mercury Girl-for the same reason as above. I knew her as Mahong(sp?)


  Di said:

Also gota meet , bad boys... well behaved, muses Shane & Casey!!! :lol:

<_< Comes to something when the imaginary fiends are more popular :lol::lol: !! And no, that was not a spelling mistake on the F word.

Okay, my list.

Di - Cuz she rocks.

Merc - So I can see the hair with my own eyes. Worship the spunky woman with the funky hair, people!

Mez - Cuz she is my squeeeing buddy when it comes to WWE.

Ugmo - Cuz he is cool.

Cal F - I want to meet my bitch.

SkyKat - Cuz she is a wonderful person and I want to give her a hug.

Liz - Needs no explanation.

Oxidizer - I want to watch Hard Candy with you because that would be funny :lol:!

The Non!Zoe revenge bunnies - Because you all share my warped mind. Finally I know people who are as warped at me.

I'll add more later.


I really can't decide - too many people! Well I've met Nicom (Nicole) already!

I'd love to meet...

Jamey-Maria (Krystal) - Because I've spoken with her for so long now on msn that I really want to meet her funny and lovely self in person. :)

Sevenpuddings (Jess) - Wow, I have wondered so many times what you look like. lol I'm curious. And I've proof read for you for like over a year now, so it would be nice. lol

Skykat - As I've said, I'm very curious, you seem very nice and you are a fantastic writer.

Glowing Angel (Amy) - I've spoken to you on msn, now I want to actually see you!

furrylogic - I would love to see the person behind that fantastic writer!

And Annie!!! Many PMs we have exchanged, you always seem so nice and bubbly, I'm guessing it would be infectious and it also sounds like you live in the most gorgeous place. lol I'd love to come visit and meet you!

bay girl - that would be interesting, I'm really curious about you. lol

xsianx - I'm sure it'd be fun. :P

I think that's all...I've probably forgotten someone. lol


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