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Which members would you most like to meet?

Guest matty92

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hm... there are so many I get on with. There's my 3 main peeps:

Krystal (Jamey Maria)

Nicole (Nicom)

Jade (jackandmartha!!!)

then there's all the others who I get on with so well.

Aaron (aejdude)

Jess (Jeh-Jeh)

Jess (sevenpuddings)

Amy (Jack/Martha)

Jo (angelgirl)

Ali (allibaz91)

Cal (Cal F)

Eli (EliRoening)

Clare (Guevara01)

oh and jenny (freakybuffy) because she's my Hollyoaks buddy! :)

and everyone who is a member and posts on FYS because you're all such a great bunch. There's loads though, but there the main of the top of my head.


Well mainly aaron but we have already met obviously. :P

Penny(Gypsy&Willfan) my girl seriously you wouldn't beable to keep us apart if we got together,

Kat(skykat) like with Penny id love for us to go watch the football followed by a night out on the town and oh shopping together, such a great person lovely to get on with.

Jess(Jeh-Jeh) One of my closest friends on here would love to get together and have a girlie night and go on a shopping spree.

Jess(seven-puddings) we have so much in common and Jess is such a lovely person i'd love to meet her maybe I should take a trip to Australia.

Cal(Cal-f) A great guy.

Di - Such a great person has helped me out so many times would also love to see Tom who sounds like such a great kid you have done a wonderful job raising him Di. :)

Tasha- Love your fics and you sound like such a great girl to get on with.

All the mods etc you all seem so great etc would be really great to see Liz and shouldn't be a problem when your about ten minutes away.

Elise- I think your a great girl to get on with.

Ashirrleigh- Such a great girl I haven't spoken to you in ages but its great to have you back.

Chris,Des and Drew.

Lots of other people as well but I can't think.


To be honest, I'd like to meet everyone. Out of curiousity really.

But here are some people I can think of right now..

Krystal, (Jamey-Maria) - I want to put a body underneath her floating head. :P

Amy, (xGlowingAngelx) - I still don't know what city she lives in. I'd like to guess her accent.

Puja, she seems so wise and mature.. and is quite sarcastic sometimes and I'd like to kick her in the shins for it.

Annie, (~Annie) - Because she likes to moan on LJ. And I want to make her stop changing her banner and icons on LJ too. :P

Here's the "out of curiousity" bunch

Amy, (Jack/Martha) - I want to slap you over the head for being so darn hard to talk to over msn. You confuse the hell out of me.

Jess, (Sevenpuddings) - What do you look like!?

Amir - I want to see that friendly, brilliant graphics maker's face. And hopefully I'm taller than you.

Emma, (JackandMartha4eva) - because you're just plain weird

Laura, (loobieloo) - If Emma's weird, you're like... mental. You're very weird. Emphasis on VERY. So I'd just like to watch you for a while.. I bet you'd do something stupid.

Sian - again, you're loopy. I'd also like to watch you.

Becky, (Beckyboo) - I want to follow you home and remove the exclamation mark key off your keyboard. :)

And everyone who reads my fic. You're all great. I love you like my own. :P

And finally, Jade. (Jackandmartha!!!) I'd like to meet you.. again. :P Even though I always said I wouldn't meet anyone off the Internet, I don't regret it. But I'm sure as hell not doing it again. lol


  Jackieleanne said:

Well mainly aaron but we have already met obviously. :P

Penny(Gypsy&Willfan) my girl seriously you wouldn't beable to keep us apart if we got together,

Kat(skykat) like with Penny id love for us to go watch the football followed by a night out on the town and oh shopping together, such a great person lovely to get on with.

Jess(Jeh-Jeh) One of my closest friends on here would love to get together and have a girlie night and go on a shopping spree.

Jess(seven-puddings) we have so much in common and Jess is such a lovely person i'd love to meet her maybe I should take a trip to Australia.

Cal(Cal-f) A great guy.

Di - Such a great person has helped me out so many times would also love to see Tom who sounds like such a great kid you have done a wonderful job raising him Di. :)

Tasha- Love your fics and you sound like such a great girl to get on with.

All the mods etc you all seem so great etc would be really great to see Liz and shouldn't be a problem when your about ten minutes away.

Elise- I think your a great girl to get on with.

Ashirrleigh- Such a great girl I haven't spoken to you in ages but its great to have you back.

Lots of other people as well but I can't think.

Hehe, Jackie. The shopping spree sounds fun! And the girlie night! :D We can sit in watching chick-flicks and stuffing ourselves stupid with chocolate. :P


I want to meet all these people for there own little reasons...

Krystal - She's stupid, probably why we get on so well (joke) :P She's funny and when I'm upset or whatever she cheers me up. Makes me feel secure about my spelling mistake too...

Tasha - because I love our little debates over why Ash is so amazing. Lol.

Angel A - I love to wind you up about Ash. You know you love him!

ZoeMcCallister - You're a fellow Ash Lover. So your great lol

Laura - Always funny to talk to.

Emma & Becky - Same as Laura.

Amy (jack/Martha) - I want to hear your accent lol your not innocent I bet.

Rosey - Spoken to you for ages now, would be cool to meet up. Shame about the distance.

Nicole - Your strange. Funny. Weird.

Jackandmartha!!! - I know we don't talk but your a talanted writer and very funny.

Laura - You practically live like an hour away from me probably less lol and you're the first Welsh person I spoke to on here.

Puja - Helped me with my Health and Social care homework and that deserves a mention :)

Belle, Ash and Fuj - who trusted me to write her fic :P

Sorry if I missed any one out.


  jeh-jeh said:

I'd love to meet (in no particular order):

- Jackieleanne (Jackie)

- aejdude (Aaron)

- Mercury_Girl (Mar)

- Skykat (Kat)

- ~Annie. (Annie)

- Cal F

- flutterby (Katie)

There's probably loads more, but you're talking to the girl who would meet the whole world if she could! You're all amazing! :D

*feels loved :P*

Long Long list :P

ALL the norwegian people (Mar, Eli, Griseknoen,snooops, etc etc, EVERYONE)

- Cal F

- jeh-jeh

- ~Annie *nit sure about the username now*

- Sevenpuddings

- Valk *So I can get all the spoilers *inster evil smily here*

- han *I don't think anyone knows who she is :P*

Ooooh and I'm wondering if Nadya has joined since the last time.. hmm.. *another board.*

Hmmmm *sits down in the corner and waits for people to pop up*


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