-Tess- Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 Oh, this is awesome! Can't believe that Drew might be the dad... Please update soon!
~Lynd~ Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 This is awesome,it has my two fave characters in it!! I want Drew to be the dad,it'll be interesting to see how he reacts to the news,interacts with the baby and how it effects his and Peter's relationship. And how Petter reacts to being a grandfather,let along the grandfather of his fiancee's child!! Just my opinion,i'll love it if it's Pete's as well!!
swfc Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 What can I say that everyone else hasn't already said, Lil? That was absolutely amazing. The descriptions and Amanda's thoughts and her feelings. It flowed beautifully well. Loved every bit of it and I can't wait to read the next part and find out what happens. Amazing job.
Drew Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 That was great Lil! Loved it! I thought it was just a casual conversation between Drew & Amanda then those thoughts came rushing in Loved it! Can't wait to read more! Hope there's more twists ahead.
Traceve Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 *crosses fingers and toes that the baby is Peters* I want Amandas bed, it sounds really comfy Great work Lil, your an awesome writer
-ParaisGal- Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 Drew cannot do what his father did and have a child in his teens, no way. He'd lose his life, and everything would be screwed up badly. lol. Everyone in Home and Away has kids in their teens! Great writing though, keep going
Lilone Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 Tank you for all the comments, really appreciate it Teaser: Quote As she stood leaning against the sink, she felt herself become dizzy; she started to stumble into the living room where she collapsed on to the sofa. She began to look wildly around the room but it was fading to a blur as the threat of tears attacked her eyes. The picture of her and Pete seemed to move further and further away the more she stared at it. She almost wanted to grab hold of it and pull it close to her but her hands were still at her side, cold and shaking. She couldn't stop shaking Next chapter should be up tonight
swfc Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 Arrgh, can you just post the next chapter nd put me out of my misery? I really want to know what happens.
Drew Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 That last line had me going where she couldn't stop shaking Great tease! Can't wait to see the chapter, which will be when?
Lilone Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 Chapter two - The joy of fatherhood! At this point Amanda felt like her world had just came crashing back down, all the thoughts of her happy future had just been crushed, the repulsiveness she felt inside, the disgust and hatred that was tearing her heart apart, bit by bit. She quickly turned back in the direction of her house, she burst through the door feeling physically sick, and only just managed to get her head into the sink before she threw up She managed to take her hair from the front of her face, taking it to behind her neck, still trying to catch the breath that had been taken away when she was being sick. As she stood leaning against the sink, she felt herself become dizzy; she started to stumble into the living room where she collapsed on to the sofa. She began to look wildly around the room but it was fading to a blur as the threat of tears attacked her eyes. The picture of her and Pete seemed to move further and further away the more she stared at it. She almost wanted to grab hold of it and pull it close to her but her hands were still at her side, cold and shaking. She couldn't stop shaking She blinked in an attempt to look at the picture clearer but when she opened her eyes it wasn't Peter she saw. Drew was staring at her from the picture placed next to the one of her and Pete At this moment she was beginning to tremble in shock and it forced her to slump to the floor as the disturbed thought of her having Drews baby passed through her brain. Her head fell into her arms as she tried to block out the thoughts. She burst into tears as she could see Pete’s reaction. She suddenly opened her eyes, as the thoughts were too horrid to think about. She felt her self-becoming weak as the realisation to the terrible news hit her over and over again. Her eyes wandered around the room, noticing the kind hearted gifts from Peter for Christmas or her birthday, the joy that filled her inside seemed so real, the love she got from Pete that she never had felt before. The silence of the house was soon disturbed as the noise of her mobile began to ring. She wedged herself from the sofa, wiping her eyes as she took her mobile, she looked at the text message that she had received from Peter, it read out to be “Babe, I am so sorry, you mean the world to me. I never want to lose you”. Reading this text made Amanda feel even worse, she felt sickened inside, as she knew lies were going to have to be told. The more lies, the more heartache it will cause for everyone. She tried to pull herself together as she knew Pete would be home soon. She glanced her eyes round the room one last time before the noise of Pete’s car came closer to the house. She wiped her eyes and put her top back in shape. She made herself look as if she was doing something, and the nearest thing to her was Ryan’s comic. She began to read as Pete cautiously entered the house. He entered slowly with a grin on his face hoping that Amanda have received his very apologetic text message, he looked over at Amanda who was sitting reading a comic, he laughed as he saw her really enjoying the comic. He slowly walked over, leaning next to her. The closer he was to her, the more he could smell the sensational perfume that he brought her just the other day. He loved the smell. Amanda carried on trying to read when Pete whispered in her ear, “I’m sorry” She gracefully lifted her head up as Pete kissed her passionately on the lips. Pete suddenly pulled away as he knew there was something not right, he took his hand, he placed his hand under her chin,“Amanda, What’s wrong?" She looked at him as the only thing she saw is Pete being devastated at the news, she thought it was best just to keep it to her self for now, and that is what she did. She gave Pete a warm smile saying, “I’m just sorry for last night”. “It’s forgotten, I’m just going to get out of these clothes then I am taking you out for dinner.” “But what about Ryan, I have to pick him up in an hour” Pete grinned at her, “It’s sorted, and Dan is looking after him” Pete walked slowly up the stairs as he kept looking back at Amanda, he just couldn’t wipe the grin of his face, and he was so excited that things were back on track. He started to sing joyfully towards their bedroom, he began to take of his shirt, placing it on the bed. Just as he was about to take his throwers off he stood back stunned, looking at a pregnancy test just lying before his eyes, the shock took him back, falling onto the bed. He took the pregnancy test in one hand as he read the instructions that lay next to him. Different thoughts ran through his head as he tried to come to the fact that he was going to be a Dad. He began to run downstairs to Amanda still carrying the pregnancy test. Pete could barely hold back his happiness, he raced over giving Amanda the biggest kiss ever. “I’m going to be a dad” he squealed as he picked her up and spun her round. The joy of becoming a Dad gave Pete even more of a reason to make the smile even bigger on his face. He was so overwhelmed he didn’t even ask why Amanda hadn’t told him sooner. The excitement just took over him, he was going to be a Dad. Amanda forced a smile on her face hoping Pete wouldn’t notice a thing but hiding her sick, disgusting, hatred feeling was just the beginning. Looking back at the pregnancy test started to get Pete thinking, “How far gone are you?” “I don’t know, I only found out… this morning” Amanda tried her hardest to keep her voice from shaking but she was certain she must have sounded unsure, that she'd give herself away Pete placed his hand on top of Amanda’s shaking hand, “I am so happy, I couldn’t be happier. Last night I had no sleep what’s so ever, you’re the only person I need. I can’t stand it when we fight. I will be here for you and the baby no matter what.” All Amanda could do was give Pete a warm smile hiding the fact she was hiding a secret that could change their lives for ever, her heart felt like it was being ripped into shreds, she just didn’t know what to do or say. Amanda looked at Pete who was just looking lovingly at her. Amanda could feel the warmth radiating from his body, could sense his joy, the guilt began to overwhelm her, every second that she saw Pete the worse the guilt become. She tried her best to keep stay calm and not get worked up. But she just couldn’t bring herself to keep looking at him. The soft gentle touch of his hand n her arm was the moment she knew that the longer she kept the secret from Pete, the worse she would feel and the more devastated Pete would be. The warm, kind, softhearted Pete deserved to be treated like he would treat her. This was the point were she began to remember the time Pete accused her of cheating on her even though it was nothing of the sort, she just went out of her way to get him a an amazing Christmas present. This was the sort argument that forced Amanda to rethink about keeping the secret from Pete. The deeper she thought the more she went into another world. She was in such a deep thought she didn’t even hear Pete say, “Let’s get married as soon as possible” She shot up out of her thoughts, “what?” “Let’s get married before my birthday?” She looked at Pete in amazement as she couldn’t speak, she tried her best but the their was nothing their, she couldn’t say a word. She didn’t know what to do, the first thing she thought of was pushing Pete away, gradually getting up off the sofa looking down at Pete who was still kneeling on the floor, looking up. She slowly started to walk into the kitchen before suddenly stopping, the sun was beaming through the window into to her eyes, the slow growth of guilt building up. Amanda couldn’t do it to herself let alone hurt Pete any more, she knew that by facing up to reality she wouldn’t feel as guilty if she kept it to herself. Her heart began to beat one thousands times faster as she pulled her self together as she looked at Pete, “Pete, You know that I love you and that is why I need to tell you that ” Pete slowly stood from kneeling as he stood facing her as he waited for her to speak, his concern started to grow as he saw tears filling up in Amanda’s eyes. To Be continued Enjoy..... all comments appreciated
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