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Come What May

Guest -ParaisGal-

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wayy to point out how dumb i am guys lol :P... ok so my rewview for this fic is... im going to kick you Paris cause the baby is deaf :(... thats so sad... Emma!!! What the hell happens in your fic that is sooo bad :glare: that lil girl better not die! lol and paris you took it out on an innocent baby tut tut tut lol :P UPDATE ASAP


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Hi homeandawaygal.

In line with the new rules for fanfictions I have made some changes to the first post in your story, see here. I'd appreciate it if you'd take five minutes to make the necessary changes and PM me with any problems/difficulties/questions or post them in this thread.

Please don't forget the rating and to do the same for any ongoing fics you have in the forum.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter Fourteen

Martha smiled as she held Jack’s hand as they walked to a party at Noah’s Bar two months later, Martha was now heavily pregnant, being seven months along “So everyone’s going to be at this party then?” She asked, watching Lillie as she raced ahead.

“Absolutely everybody.” Jack answered, smiling at his wife as he opened the door to the bar and gym for her.

“Thanks.” She said, grinning as she entered, smiling at her grandfather as they walked in.

Tony watched the pair, smiling at their obvious joy “It’s hard to believe they just got hit with the bad news that their baby was deaf isn’t it?” He said to Beth.

“At least they aren’t totally down about it.” She pointed out.

“That’s true.” Tony said, then headed over to greet them “Hey.” He said, smiling at them

“Hey dad.” Jack said, nodding to him.

“So, how is everything going?” He asked, watching as Martha picked up an orange juice.

“Everything is going great. We finally got some good news. The baby may be deaf, but will be able to use a hearing aid. You know the ones you always see the little kids wear, not one of the old people ones.” Martha said, happy. She knew she’d received bad news about her baby but she didn’t really mind. As long as the baby was healthy, with the exception of hearing, she was fine with that.

“That’s great!” Tony said, giving Martha a hug and being wary of her large stomach.


“That was a good party!” Martha said, grinning the next morning as Jack came into the room, Martha was making breakfast.

“It was.” Jack said, in his uniform.

“You’ve got to go to work today?” She said, surprised “I didn’t know you had work.” She said carefully. The work issue was still a problem with them, something she hated.

“Yeah, I got called in.” He said, sighing as he grabbed a piece of toast from the pile.

“Wish Lillie good luck. It’s her first day of pre-school!” She reminded him.

“You’ve got work as well, don’t you.” He remembered, grinning.

“The bad memory coming out again?” She asked him, handing him an excited Lillie.

“I’m taking her?” He asked her.

“Yup.” She answered him, smiling “About time you got to meet her teacher and friends. Ella’s there as well.” She said, handing Jack Lillie’s bag.

“Alright.” He agreed, turning to Lillie “Alright then, we’re going.” He said, kissing Martha before heading out the door.


“On a break?” Martha asked him as he headed in.

“Yeah.” He said, smiling.

“Hey Rach!” Martha said, greeting her roommate, who headed in pushing a pram “How’s Rose treating you?” She asked.

“Good.” She said, smiling. Her figure hadn’t bounced back after the birth of Rosamund Elaine Hyde, fondly called Rose, or Rosey.

“She’s gorgeous.” Jack said, smiling as he looked upon the sleeping baby.

“Thanks. I’m just after a juice, so just an apple juice when you’ve got the time.”

“Sure.” Martha said, doing the order than giving Rachel the juice.

“Where’s Lillie?” She asked, sipping the juice as she watched over her sleeping newborn.

“She’s in day care now. So I can start earning a bit of money.” She said, grinning at Jack.

“You don’t need to.” He pointed out.

“I want to Jack.” She said, turning her attention back to Rachel “When you heading back to work?”

“Maybe in a year or two.” She said, then looked at her watch “I’d better go, Kim will be wondering what’s happened.” She said, waving as she headed off.

“When are you due to finish?” Jack asked her, watching as she finished another customer’s order.

“In about five hours.” She replied, smiling at him.

“Five hours? And you’ve been in here two, that’s a seven hour day when you’re seven months pregnant!” He said, shocked.

“I can handle it Jack.” She said quietly, a tone he knew not to argue with.

“Alright.” He sighed, then looked back at his watch “I’d better head off. I finish in three hours, so I’ll come back and spend the time with you.”

“Not if it’s to baby-sit me!” She called to him.


“He’s back.” Kim said, pointing out Jack as he walked in.

Martha turned when she heard that, smiling at her uniformed husband “Hello.” She greeted him “Juice?” She said, teasing him.

“How about a beer?” He said, leaning on the counter as he sat down.

“Alright.” She shrugged, smiling as Kim headed out with his bottle of wine.

“A celebration for them?” Jack asked, watching as they left.

“They just got Rosey home from the hospital. Obviously the celebration is the fact that Rachel can finally drink alcohol safely again.” Martha said “You don’t know how much you miss a good drink until you’re pregnant.” She mused.

“Are you missing a good drink Miss?” He asked her, grinning.

“Not really. I was with Lillie, but I was firm that I wouldn’t drink. It doesn’t do the baby well to have their mother drinking while she’s pregnant.” She said firmly “I didn’t smoke either.”

“You don’t smoke normally!” He said, surprised.

“Well, I did after Lillie was born. I needed something to help with the stress.”

“Obviously you’ve quit though?” He asked unsurely.

“Yes, I quit about two months after she was born. It was a filthy habit for a mother to have I felt.” She shrugged.

“Good.” He said, satisfied with her reply.


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