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Guest -ParaisGal-

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omg she smoked lol :P i hate smoking lol no offence to anyone lol :P... yay you updated ooo i cant wait until martha has her baby even if it is deaf :( i feel sorry for handicaped babies though coz they never get to know what its like to have a "normal" life well excellent update huni :D


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Chapter Fifteen.

Jack sighed, looking over at Lillie and checking his watch again. It was nearing 6pm, and Martha wasn’t due home for about two hours. She’d agreed to take on a little more time, so Beth could get some important stuff done, another hour and a half. He looked at Lillie again, before standing up and taking Lillie in his arms and grabbing his keys “Let’s go see how you’re mummy is.” He said softly, locking the front door behind him.


“How are you?” Jack asked Martha as he headed in.

Martha turned when she heard Jack’s voice and smiled at him “I’m fine.” She assured him.

“Are you sure you don’t need to come home?” He asked her.

“I’m positive.” She assured him, smiling as Jack put Lillie on the bench “You don’t need to stay here you know.” She pointed out, turning to another customer.

“I’d rather stay here. Lillie can’t wait for her mum to get home.” He said, grinning at the four year old child.

“Well, alright.” She agreed, then leaned on the counter “It’s been pretty busy and Beth had to rush out really quickly to get something done. I think it was for your dad or Luc, she was in such a rush I didn’t have time to find out properly.” She said, rubbing at a drink that had been spilled on the counter vigorously.

“You three need to get to the hospital.” Alf said, hurrying in.

“What? Why?” Martha asked, worried.

“Robbie and Lucas were just involved in a car accident.”


“Are they alright?” Jack asked as he hurried in, Lillie in his arms.

“They should be okay.” Tony said, looking at Tasha with her eyes red from crying as she clutched to five year old Ella, and four year old Hope.

“How are you?” Martha asked quietly, sitting beside Tasha.

She shrugged, and looked up when she heard Irene’s voice calling to her and she wrapped her arms around Irene.

“How’s Tash handling it?” Jack asked Tony quietly.

“She has barely said a word, she’s just been focusing on Ella and Hope.” He answered his son, looking at where Belle sat on the chair beside Tasha, also worried about her boyfriend.

Martha moved to sit beside Belle, and sympathetically pulled her into a hug “He’ll be alright.” She tried to assure her.

Belle looked at her miserably “What if he isn’t though?” She whispered, as Martha held her tightly.

“He won’t let this bring him down.”


“Where’s Martha?” Ruth asked as she headed into Noah’s Bar.

“She’s at the hospital, Lucas has been involved in a car accident.” Alf told her, but stopped her from rushing off “I thought you’d gone and so did she, so maybe you’d better tread carefully. She’s seven months pregnant.”

“I was busy in America with stuff. Like, quitting my job and getting one here, and organising the big move.” She explained.

“Alright, but Martha’s heavily pregnant so she doesn’t need the stress.” He warned his only daughter, and sighed. He knew Martha wouldn’t be happy, she’d thought she’d been rid of her mother, but now she’d turned up again. And the results wouldn’t be pretty.


“What are you doing here.” Martha said coldly, glaring at her mother as she stood up.

“Sweetie, we’re here to talk to you.” Ruth said, still pleading with her.

“Get out. You’re not welcome here!” She said, pushing her towards the door as she fought of Jack’s restraining hands.

“Go Ruth. She doesn’t need the strain.” Jack urged, also looking coldly at her.

“You’re my son-in-law I gather?”

“Yes, but get out of here, you’re not welcome.” He said, standing in front of her.

“Please.” She almost begged.

“No!” He snapped.

NEXT UPDATE: How do Lucas and Robbie fair after the accident?

NOTE: Short, I know but I wanna get some other updates done too.

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