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Come What May

Guest -ParaisGal-

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Chapter Sixteen.

“I can’t believe she had the nerve to show up here!” Martha fumed later that night to Jack, as they waited for news on Lucas and Robbie.

“Mac, I know but you need to settle down, for the baby’s sake. Alright?” He said quietly, taking her hands in his “The baby doesn’t need it’s mummy to be stressed, does it?” He asked her.

“No.” She admitted, shaking her head.

“Good, now we can discuss this later, maybe when you’re not seven months pregnant.” He smiled at her, pulling her towards him so she could lean on him.

“Sorry.” She apologised to him.

“It’s alright.” He assured her “Just calm down.” He said, kissing the top of her head as they settled in for a long night.


“Tony? Beth?” Rachel asked timidly as she headed out of the room.

Everyone jumped up, rushing towards Rachel, desperate for some news.

“Just Tasha’s allowed with Robbie, but a few more with Luc.”

“Can the girls come?” Tasha pleaded with Rachel.

“I’m sorry Tasha, but he’s serious and he’s not too good, and we need it to be just you in case something happens to him.”

“Alright.” She agreed, looking unsurely at the children.

“Hope, Ella come over here.” Martha said gently, nodding to Tasha as the two tired kids sat on either side of her, as Jack was going with Luc.

“Thanks Mac.” Tash said, before rushing into Robbie’s room.

Martha watched Tash run in, turning her attention to Ella and Hope, Hope who was quickly falling asleep and Ella who seemed quite close to sleep. She stroked Hope’s hair absentmindedly, knowing it was something Tasha did a lot with both her daughters, a move that calmed them and something she’d started doing with Lillie.


“Are you heading back into the hospital?” Martha asked the next day, as she woke up, rubbing her eyes. Today she’d have three kids in her car, because she’d offered to mind Ella and Hope for the night as the others did an all nighter, and she knew that Ella and Hope would be better off at a home.

“Yeah.” He said quietly “Tash called, and she asked if they could stay here. She realised it’s not good for the girls to see Robbie the way he is till he’s awake.” He said, kissing her forehead “They are all out watching TV, and they have some breakfast so it’s alright.”

“Okay.” She nodded, throwing the blankets off her and heaving herself out of the bed. She walked Jack out, and grinned when she saw the three girls, Hope and Lille the same age, quietly watching Carebears. She looked at Ella, noticing her blue eyes looked slightly red and weren’t focusing on the TV “Ella, come here for a minute please.” She asked her softly, reaching out to her as she hurried close to her.

“What’s wrong Aunty Martha?” Ella asked in the voice she’d inherited from her mother, the quiet, peaceful voice.

“Come with me sweetheart.” She answered her, leading her into her room and sitting on the bed, patting the spot next to her “Come talk to me. You seem upset, are you alright?” She asked her, taking her small hand.

“What’s wrong with daddy?” She asked softly, she’d been putting on an act for her sister and cousin and felt she no longer could.

“You’re daddy is in hospital but he’ll be okay.” She assured her “You’re mummy will let you see him soon. But maybe for a few days you’ll stay with us.” She said, giving her a cuddle.

“I want to be with mummy though.” She whispered, brushing away a tear that fell down her tanned cheek. She’d inherited her mother’s skin, hair and eyes, something that her mother was overjoyed with.

“You’re mummy wants you to be with her too sweetie, but she’s a bit busy. I’m sure she’ll come and see you and Hope today, and if she doesn’t I’ll get her to come later on, or I’ll take you there.” She promised her.

“Thanks Aunty Martha.” She said quietly “Can I go and watch the movie now?” She asked, her upset nearly forgotten.

“Sure.” She smiled at her, following the child out of the room.


Three weeks later, Martha was nearly eight months pregnant. Robbie and Luc were both healed and out of hospital, and everything was going well.

“Hey Jack.” Martha greeted him.

“Hey. How are the cramps?” He smiled, kissing her softly.

“Still there, but it’s time for a scan today so we can check.” She reminded him.

“I know, I didn’t forget.”

“You better not have!” She warned him, smiling “If you’ve forgotten, well the results won’t exactly be the best.” She grinned at him.

“Is that a threat?” He asked.

“Maybe it is.” She said.


Rachel expertly started the scan, but the smile slipped off her face quickly. This wasn’t helped by Julie who rushed in with some all important documents of one of Martha’s scans.

“What Rachel?” She asked, panicking.

“We need to get you in for an emergency caesarean.” She replied, her face turning pale.

“What? Why?” Martha said, her face plummeting.

“The baby’s heart rate is dropping, you said before you’d been feeling ill lately? And a little stomach cramping today and yesterday, which is the reason for this?”

“Yeah.” Martha said, her eyes wide.

“There’s no easy way to say this. You have breast cancer, which has put the baby into distress, and the baby is suffering. And if the cancer isn’t treated immediately, then you may die. We’ve caught it pretty early. And if this baby isn’t out now, you may lose your life.”

Jack gripped Martha’s hand, he knew she was worried “No, she can't have cancer. She can't!” He whispered, fear filling through his eyes.

Martha put her hand to her mouth, she hadn’t expect anything like this “I’m not even eight months, what if the baby doesn’t make it?”

“The baby should be fine, you are far enough along for this to be done relatively safely. You’re body is too weak to deliver this baby naturally so a caesarean is the only option.”

Jack watched as Martha was hurried out of the room. Due to the baby and mother’s condition, he wasn’t allowed with them. All he could do was hope and pray that his wife and baby would be okay. And both will live.

NEXT UPDATE: Will Martha’s baby survive? Will she be early enough to beat the cancer?

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I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Paris how could you do that? you are sooooooo evil :( i hope the baby and her are both ok :(... please update now :( that is soooooo sad awwww they better be ok poor Jack :( ooo well getting on to the better part of the story i LOVE ella she's gorgeous putting on a brave face for her sister and lillie sooooooo cute well UPDATE ASAP



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