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Come What May

Guest -ParaisGal-

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How could you give Martha cancer! And shes not far along, the baby could die! Noooooooooooo

ok, Anyway great chapter :)

Oh and just had to say, i know it wasnt ment to be funny but i had to laugh at this -

“Hey Jack.” Martha greeted him.

“Hey. How are the cramps?”

Hehe, sorry. :D

But excellent chapter, please let Martha be ok, and the baby - *gets down on knees and begs* oh wait, that was my desperation setting in!

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Chapter Seventeen.

Most of the residents were crowded around the hospital waiting room, waiting to hear if the baby was going to be okay, and if it’s mother was going to survive, and continue on her battle with cancer. Martha had been in surgery for around 2 hours now, and nobody had heard anything about her situation, how she was going or how the baby was.

Jack clenched his hands as he held Lillie tightly in his arms. He was relieved that he had managed to talk Martha into booking an appointment with Rachel, even though she thought it was a sign she was due to have the baby. He looked at Lillie, who was pretty quiet. Since she was only four, Jack hadn’t the heart to break it to her that her mum might not exactly survive, neither might her sibling. He didn’t even know if he was having a son or a daughter, or anything like that. As long as the baby and his wife were healthy, that’s all he wanted. He was desperate for Martha to beat this. He looked up at the sound of a door opening, and Rachel came out.

“Jack.” She said quietly, a slight smile playing on her face “You’re the father of a beautiful little girl.” She announced to the relieved crowd.

“How’s Martha?” Jack asked, holding tightly to Lillie.

“She’s still in theatre.” Rachel said, avoiding the direct question.

“How is she Rach?” He demanded.

“We won’t know until we run further tests. Hopefully she’ll be out of theatre within the next hour or so, if everything goes well.” She said sympathetically.

“Can I see the baby at least?” Jack asked, meaning his daughter.

“Of course.” She said, going into a room then coming back holding a tiny baby, which she handed to Jack.

Jack looked at the tiny baby in his arms, smiling at her mop of dark hair. She was sleeping peacefully, and was quite settled. Jack quietly settled on a hard chair, smiling as everyone came to coo over the baby.


One hour later, the baby had been taken back to be fed and everyone was in the same restless mood, but the mood was lightened slightly by the fact the baby girl at least seemed to be healthy and happy. Jack stood up quickly as Rachel came out again.

Rachel spoke before Jack had a chance to “She’s in recovery, and we’ve done some tests. Hopefully we’ve caught the cancer early enough to fight it, so there’s a half chance that she’ll survive.” She delivered her piece of news “She’ll be up here in around half an hour but she’ll be unconscious for a while.” She warned Jack, before heading back into the room.

“That’s a good piece of news!” Tony Holden tried to cheer Jack up a bit.

Jack nodded slightly, still concerned about his wife and daughter. He wondered if Martha would survive, if she didn’t he knew what he was naming their baby girl: Martha Jane.

Rachel peeked her head out “A heads up that Martha’s okay. She’s already figured out a name for the baby. Before she went in, she demanded that if she didn’t make it the baby be named her choice for a boy and a girl.” She said, grinning.

“What’s the name?” Jack asked.

“Mackenzie. For a first name.”

“Mackenzie. Mackenzie Holden.” Jack said, thinking about it.

“Do you like it?” Tony asked him.

“It’s different.” He nodded.

“How about Kay for a shorter name?” Luc butted in.

“That isn’t bad.” He mused.

“I guess that means you agree?” Rachel smiled.

“I do.” He nodded.

“I’ll write it on her tag. What’s her middle name? Martha decided that you could figure that out.”

“Mackenzie Katherine Holden.” He decided.


Jack went into Martha’s room two hours later. She was still unconscious, a mask covering her mouth, a drip in her hand, as well as a blood drip. He took her right hand, the one that was relatively unmarked “I agreed with the name of her. Mackenzie. It’s such a name that you’d pick, and her middle name is Katherine, after mum.” He smiled “I hope that’s okay with you and all, I don’t know maybe you fancied naming her after Ruth? I didn’t know, but I figured I’d better wait to see if you had any problems with that name. I had a feeling you would.” He knew he was just babbling but he wanted her to wake up, and he hoped that with his voice in her ear she’d wake up sooner.


An hour and a half later Martha still hadn’t woken. Tony, Alf, Jack, Tasha, Luc, Beth, Mattie and Ric were in the room, with Sally coming soon.

“When will she wake up?” Jack asked Rachel, who was checking her chart.

“Hopefully soon. It’s up to her really.” She answered him, putting the chart down.

The group chatted for around twenty minutes, because Martha’s groan of pain could be heard from the bed. Jack whirled around, staring at her hopefully and taking her hand gently. A look of pain crossed her face, and Jack stroked her face gently. He smiled in relief when he saw her eyes half open “Hey.” He whispered softly to her.

Rachel came rushing back into the room, and did the routine checks “Now, I’m sure mum would like to see her new daughter.” Rachel smiled at her.

“Daughter?” She asked, slowly waking up.

“Yup. Mackenzie Katherine Holden.” Jack answered, smiling broadly.

“You heard.” She grinned weakly at him.

“I did and I approve.” He quickly assured her.

“Thanks.” She said, smiling at everyone.

“She’s gorgeous love.” Tony said, then grinning as Rachel carried the baby in.

Martha felt a tear run down her cheek, and she brushed it away with the hand that still held Jack’s hand, she hadn’t let that go. She moved over, wincing in pain as she pulled Jack in beside her “Hold her for me.” She said softly.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Just a bit weak, and I don’t want to drop her.” She assured him.

“Alright.” He said, not convinced but willingly held his daughter for her.

NEXT UPDATE: How does Martha cope with motherhood and cancer?

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