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Guest -ParaisGal-

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Well, Tiffy since you want me too, I will. Buuut first I have to figure out if I'll throw my throw chaps out lol. Maybe I could use them as a flashback but it wouldn't work. I'll probably post the two chapters as one (Prepare for HUGE post as they over 1000 words each) so yeah.

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Chapter Eighteen.

“How are you?” Jack asked Martha two days later, looking at her as she held Mackenzie.

“Fine.” She said quietly. The past two days, Martha had been quiet and dull, obviously upset about everything.

“Please, I know what’s going on. We need to talk, you know that as well as I do.” He said, watching as she lowered Mackenzie into her crib, and when the baby was safely in the crib he took her hands “We will fight this and we will win. The doctors say we’ve caught it early, and they are always saying that the best way to beat cancer is to discover it early. We can beat this. We’ve sorted out Mackenzie’s hearing, and she’s wearing her aids like a pro now so we can sort anything out together.” He said optimistically.

She looked at Jack and sighed, before nodding “I guess.” She mumbled.

“You guess? We’re going to beat this. We can’t give up, our daughters wouldn’t want us to give up!” He pointed out.

“Our daughters are under the age of four Jack! They don’t understand that I’m sick now and that I might not make it.” She sighed.

“They will notice if you’re gone.” Jack said gently.

“I know. I just hope it doesn’t come to that.”


One month later, the battle for life was in motion. Martha had been having chemo for the past three weeks, something she hated, and one month after the birth of her daughter she hated it even more. She looked down at the bin as she knelt in the bathroom, her eyes tearless as she stared at the contents.

Pieces of fine brown hair were in the bin, signs that she was indeed, fighting for the right to live. Her hair was starting to come out, something that had made her go out and buy many bandanas. She had one relief, and that was that Mackenzie, now fondly called Kaye, was a bubbly one month old baby. She knew that if she was having Kaye around now, that her own chance at life would be in risk, as would her daughter’s chance of health. She felt her body start to shake with the sobs as she gave in to the pain.


Jack walked in the house, holding Kaye tightly in his arms and watching Lillie rush to her room. He lay his youngest in her crib, before the sounds of painful sobbing reached his ears. He hurried to the room where the sobbing came from, then knelt beside his wife as he wrapped his arms around her, not sure what was wrong but he found out sooner than he expected. Her hair lay in the bin and he knew exactly why she was crying “It’ll be okay, I promise it’ll be okay.” He whispered, soothing her as best he could, at the same time feeling that his heart had been ripped out of his body.


“How’s Martha?” Tony asked a few weeks later.

“She’s getting better, actually. For the first month or so she was a different person. She would barely even get out of bed, now, she’s totally different, like the Martha I knew before she got cancer.” Jack said, looking happier.

“She’s probably getting used to the idea.” Tony said, feeling sorry for his daughter-in-law.

“She’s a fighter and she’s not giving up, and in about a month’s time, we’re going to have a check up, to see how the cancer’s going and if she’s in remission or not.”

“I hope she is.” Tony said sincerely.

“So do we all. Lillie’s noticed something’s wrong, and even though Kaye’s only two months it’s almost as though she knows something is wrong with her mum. Martha’s sort of upset because she can’t breastfeed Kaye, and she hates it. She knows that it’s better for Kaye to have her own milk, and she feels quite bad because she can’t.” Jack said, sighing. Rachel had told Martha it was in Mackenzie’s best interests that she didn’t breastfeed her during pregnancy, because it gave Mackenzie an increased risk of having some form of cancer herself.

“It must be tough, but she’s a strong girl, and she’ll get through this.” Tony encouraged Jack.

“I know she is, and I know she will, but the battle to that bit is the hardest thing.”


“I’m back!” Jack called, hanging up his coat like he normally did when he got home from work. Martha had insisted that, despite the cancer, he go back to work because she could handle things.

“In here!” Martha called, smiling when he put his arms around her and gave her a kiss “Good day at work?” She asked him, turning around to face him.

“It was alright but my day’s a lot better now I’m at home with you.” He said “How are the girls?” He asked.

“Mackenzie is due for a feed soon, and Lillie is in her room, with Hope.” She replied, grinning at him.

“Hope staying for dinner?” He inquired.

“Yeah, Ella’s with Tony. Rob and Tash would appreciate some alone time.” She shrugged, turning her attention back to the food.

“Now, there is something we need to discuss. What we tell the kids.” He stated, leading her to a chair and pulling her down beside him.

“I’ve been thinking about that.” She nodded.

“What do you think we should tell them?” Jack asked her curiously.

“I think we should just tell them that I’m a bit sick. That’s all I want them to know about it Jack.” She said seriously.

“Alright.” He agreed.

NEXT UPDATE: Two years on, some happiness for one pair, and tragedy for another pair. But, who gets the tragedy card and who gets the happiness? Could Martha's cancer be back?

-Note- This isn't two. I forgot I already posted one!

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That was really great writing!

Her hair lay in the bin and he knew exactly why she was crying “It’ll be okay, I promise it’ll be okay.” He whispered, soothing her as best he could, at the same time feeling that his heart had been ripped out of his body.

Omg, so sad! I thought my heart was being ripped out of MY body at that bit! The poor wee kids!Can't wait to see the 2 years on bit...

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