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Come What May

Guest -ParaisGal-

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Chapter Nineteen.


Jack peeked a look at the tiny screaming bundle laying squirming in the crib, the bundle that reminded him so much of her dearly beloved mother, Martha, and as he looked at her, remembering everything that had happened these past two years. A year and a half ago, Martha had been announced into remission, something that had been a cause of great celebration, but it had been marred by the fact that Martha would never be able to have another child, it had spread to her uterus. But, six months later it was revealed that the frozen eggs she’d decided to keep had survived, meaning that surrogacy was an answer. Tasha had offered to carry her baby for that nine months, even though she and Robbie had only delivered a baby boy after the cancer was announced gone. So, Tash carried around a baby Holden even though she had her six month old son Marc to worry about. The little bundle reminded him so much of her mother that it was surprising. They’d decided on another different name, they’d taken a liking to the different names. Ebony Martha Holden was brought into the world by Tasha Hunter, but to parents Jack and Martha, and the baby was now two weeks old and tiny. He and Martha had hoped for a son, but knew that as long as the baby would be healthy it would be fine.

Martha smiled as she stroked her third daughter’s cheek. She picked her up, smiling at Jack’s face. She’d known he was going to pick her up, but she’d decided she’d wanted to do it. She quietly walked out into the main room, holding her while Jack quietly went past her, to prepare Ebony’s formula. It was early in the morning, three am to be precise. And Ebony was screaming her little lungs out for a feed, and Martha was desperately trying not to wake two year old Mackenzie and five and a half year old Lillie. She gently put the bottle to Ebony’s lips, smiling as her cries ceased immediately.

“She loves waking both her mum and dad up.” Jack said, smiling.

“She’s an attention seeker.” Martha said quietly, still smiling at the tiny bundle in her arms “I still remember when I was told that I couldn’t have another baby, because the cancer had spread.” She said, looking at Jack “Then Tasha’s offer, even though Marc was only six months. If it wasn’t for Tash, we wouldn’t be holding our baby girl right now.” She said quietly.

“That was awfully kind of her, I still can’t believe she was prepared to do that.” He said, looking at the now sleepy baby his wife held in her arms.

“I can’t believe it either.”

“I guess it’s because you were such a good friend to her. Remember every time you had trouble with Ella or Hope, she’d be there for you. Even when you were pretty crook with the cancer you’d be there. I guess it was her way of saying thanks.” He said, following Martha back to their room.

Martha passed the bin, smiling at it. Many wouldn’t understand the logic in smiling at a bin but most of the Holden’s did. The first time it fully hit Martha she had cancer was that afternoon in the bathroom, looking at her hair in the bin. Now, she’d look at the messy hair that would come out naturally, and she was thrilled that now it wasn’t coming out because she was dying of a deadly disease, it was coming out due to her rough combing, because she had successfully fallen into remission. She gently lay Ebony in her crib, before moving back to her comfortable bed, smiling as Jack wrapped his arms securely around her, as they fell asleep.


“Hello Martha!” Leah greeted her, grinning as Martha came in, pushing the double pram and leading Lillie at 3:30 the next day “Hello Lillie, how was school?” She asked, nodding her thanks to Martha who also led in 9 year old VJ. Martha would pick VJ up and bring him to the diner in the afternoon.

Lille grinned at Leah as she bounded up to the counter “It was good!” She said, her fiery blue eyes shining.

“She likes school.” Martha whispered to Leah, who grinned.

“One of the few!” Leah said, grinning at Lillie.

“Well, I better be heading home.” She said, waving goodbye.

“Thanks for dropping of VJ Martha!” Leah called, waving goodbye to her.


“Hopefully you’re not wearing yourself out.” Jack said to her later that night, as they cooked dinner for the kids.

“I haven’t been.” Martha assured him, touching her hand to his gently “If I was, I’d tell you like I’d promised.” She told him, turning her attention back to the spaghetti sauce that was bubbling away merrily.

“Alright, but I must know if you get overwhelmed!” Jack told her, watching as she sauce bubbled, and watching her stir the sauce. He quickly turned his attention back to the spaghetti. He looked up at the sound of upset crying, looking at Martha as she rushed off to get Ebony. He grinned, he knew Martha hated cooking and would look for any excuse to get out of the cooking.

Martha gently picked up the two week old baby, smiling as her eyes looked at her “Hello beautiful girl.” She whispered as she carefully placed her in the crook of her arm “Come on, you’re hungry aren’t you?” She said, walking quietly towards the kitchen, grinning as she noticed Jack place a bottle in the microwave “I’ll turn you into a house husband yet.” She smiled at him.

“That you probably will but remember, I’ll have to remain in my job so I won’t fully be a house husband.” He grinned at her, used to her humour.

Martha smiled at him briefly, before turning her attention to the microwave as she quickly got the bottle out, tested the temperature and gently put the bottle into Ebony’s eagerly awaiting mouth. She looked at Jack, who was paying attention to Ebony and not to the food “Jack, our dinner.” She reminded him quietly, smiling at him.

He looked at her sheepishly “Yeah.” He muttered, turning back to the dinner.


Jack looked at his paperwork, thinking about his family, and was about to begin when he felt a pair of gentle hands on his shoulders. He turned, smiling at his wife “What are you three doing here?” He asked, picking up Mackenzie.

“You’re lunch, you left it at home.” Martha pointed out “And remember, I’ll be at the park during lunchtime so feel free to visit.” She said, smiling at him as she grinned.

“I won’t forget.” He quickly assured her.

“Good.” She said, giving him a kiss as she took Mackenzie back from him “I’ll see you at the park then.”

NEXT UPDATE: Martha gets another scan done, is the cancer back?

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Great update Paris, the family are just soooo cute!

So nice of Tasha to carry the baby for them!

Martha passed the bin, smiling at it. Many wouldn’t understand the logic in smiling at a bin but most of the Holden’s did.

That whole paragraph was really touching. I'm so glad Martha is better, so nothing better show up on the scan! Like I said before, the way you've written the family interaction is just the cuteness! Update again soon!

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