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Guest -ParaisGal-

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Whoa had to scroll back about 6 pages to actually find a chapter that I had read before, so thaat I could pick up where I left off!

Someone has been updating alot, not that I'm complaining or anything :P

Aww they now have 3 daughters, they are all so cute. Martha's cancer won't come back I'm sure of it. If it comes back you will pay Paris...

Update soon, can't wait for more.

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Chapter Twenty.

Martha smiled at noon that same day, as usual her husband was late, she'd told him she'd be here yet he'd decided against turning up. A moving car caught her attention, and she looked at the blue and white police car, grinning as it pulled into the parking lot. She checked the double pram, both Mackenzie and Ebony were asleep, and Lillie was at school so it was alright. She watched as a man got out, and began walking across the green grass that the long drought obviously hadn't had much chance to affect, and she smirked as the man paused after a while, looking around. He had no idea where she was. She noticed him look in her direction and stayed still, wondering if he was stupid enough to miss her. He wasn't.

"Hey!" He greeted her, sitting beside her on the grass.

"Stranger danger." She grinned at him.

"You really need to be worried about a cop." He said, rolling his eyes.

"You never know." She said innocently.

"I'm really going to kidnap you." He said, leaning against the tree and taking in the shade, pulling her towards him so she was leaning on him.

"You never know, those cops can be really dodgy." She said, grinning.

"Enough of that." He said, using a stern tone even though he was smiling at her.

"Alright, shall we eat?" She asked, opening the picnic basket.

"You went all out." Jack said, giving her a kiss as he looked at the wraps in there.

"Aww, I'd say thanks, but I can't take the credit." She grinned at him.

"Let me guess, Leah?" He asked, looking at her.

"No, Irene." She said, grinning as she grabbed a chicken wrap, handing Jack the ham one.

"How long has she been out?" Jack asked, meaning Mackenzie.

"A while, so she should wake up soon." She answered, looking at Mackenzie sleeping with her sunglasses on upside down.

"I'm guessing the sunglasses were her?" He asked, grinning when he noticed.

"I tried to correct it but she got quite stroppy." She said, laughing.

"Did you ever do that as a kid?" He asked her, looking at Mackenzie, then at Martha. The similarities between them were unbelievable. He reached out to fix Mackenzie's sunglasses, but Martha put her hand on his arm, grinning.

"She's too cute, leave her like that." She protested, laughing, but the feeling of her glasses being moved slightly had already woke her up, so Martha watched her as she yawned and rubbed her eyes with her little fist "Hey sweetheart." She said softly, unbuckling her from the pram and pulling her gently into her arms.

Jack grinned, looking at his middle child rubbing her eyes "Hello sleepy." He greeted her. He watched her give him a dirty look before snuggling in closer to her mother, who poked her tongue out at her husband.

"That'll teach daddy won't it princess?" Martha told Mackenzie quietly, wrapping a blanket cautiously around her from the wind that was coming up, and smiling as she noticed Jack do the same with two and a half week old Ebony.

Jack paused, his glance on the youngest family member and he smiled at her, even though she was sleeping quite peacefully. She was his beautiful daughter, his creation. And she, like her sisters and mother, meant the world to him.


"Have you heard the news?" Jack asked the next day.

"No, what is it?" Martha asked, not removing her attention from the bath where Mackenzie was.

"Ric and Mattie broke up. Mattie caught him with another girl, and apparently it's been going on for a while." He said grimly.

"That's such a shame, they've been going out for years!" She exclaimed.

"That's not the worst of it. She's only eighteen, and Beth thinks she's pregnant."

"That's not exactly too bad." She pointed out "I was pregnant at 19 Jack, and I was single. Mattie's strong, she can handle it."


"You're worried about her aren't you?" She asked him, turning to face him.

"Who wouldn't be worried about her? She's facing life as a single mother, if she is even pregnant. All Beth knows is that she was throwing up a bit." Jack reminded Martha.

"I know, but constantly being sick, that's pretty obvious. But it may be the fact she's bulimic again." Martha said, fiddling with a piece of grass.

"It might be." Jack admitted.


"You're pregnant?" Martha repeated the news Matilda had told her.

She nodded, a single tear falling down her cheek "I don't even know if I want to be." She said as Martha gave her a hug "I mean, Ric doesn't trust or love me anymore." She continued "So I don't know if I should even keep this baby." She furthered her speech.

"You know what Mattie? When I found out I was pregnant to a man I didn't want to have a baby with, I simply left the bay. Many people encouraged me to abort the baby. But you know what? I couldn't abort the baby, no matter how many times they said I should have. How far along are you?" She questioned her.

"I'm nearly two months. I found out about two weeks ago." She answered, a hand resting on her stomach.

"Are you going to keep this baby? If you do, I will support you, and I'm sure others will as well."

"I'm unmarried, no partner anymore, everyone's going to hate me." She whispered quietly.

"Jack won't, Lucas won't, Tony won't, I was technically unmarried when I got pregnant! They didn't hate me, in fact they supported me." She reminded her.

"I guess." She said quietly.

"Don't do the abortion yet would be my advice. If you decide to then yes, do it. But think about it. Abortion is pretty nasty work, and you can't take it back. Just make sure you don't want this baby before you destroy it." She said, wrapping a sympathetic arm around her shoulders.

NEXT UPDATE: Which people turn on Matilda, and does she abort her baby?

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