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Come What May

Guest -ParaisGal-

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That will be in a chapter or two's time. I was watching Mattie in the court trial, in Aussie viewing, and I realised it'd be interesting to see her have a baby, or go down Martha's path. She's become so mature I'm quite interested to see how it goes, and she's become such a strong girl.

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That was great

Marthas such a great support! Maddies lucky to have her.

Aww and how cute were they during that picnic! Thats what hna needs to be like now! Jacky and Martha picnics, without the kids obviously! :P

Anyway, great update, looking forward to then next one.

Although, i happend to read you put 'Her cancer isn't gone..', which worries me slightly!

Dont do it Paris! Please dont do it :(:)

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Chapter Twenty One.

“Well, what did you decide?” Martha asked her one week later.

“I decided I’m not going to abort the baby.” She said, looking at Martha “What you said was right. I should never have even considered making a decision like that when I was so upset. Now, I don’t regret my decision at all. I’m going to be a mum, and I’m going to love this baby so much.” She said, looking down at her stomach with a smile.

“How’s your mum reacted to the news?” She asked.

“She didn’t react too well. She told me that I wasn’t to have a baby at 19, and to get rid of the baby because I’d have no life choices. I decided I was moving out, so I’m not living under her roof, especially not after the baby’s born.” She said firmly.

“Where are you going to stay?” Martha asked, mentally preparing a nasty speech for Beth.

“I don’t know.” She said honestly “Probably at a caravan.” She sighed.

“Robbie and Tasha haven’t sold their apartment yet, maybe you could have that?” She suggested “It’s still in their name, and Amanda doesn’t use it so I’m sure she’d let you have the apartment. She’s a millionaire after all.”

“I’ll go ask her, thanks.”


“She said I could have it. They all did. Tasha congratulated me on the baby, and Robbie sends his well wishes for the baby. Amanda was fine with it, as I knew she’d be. She had Belle at 14, but the only person to worry about now is mum.” She said, sighing.

“How has Ric handled the news?” She asked.

“Not too well. He told me to get rid of the baby. He wants nothing to do with it, and he hates me for falling pregnant at such a bad time. But his girlfriend’s as bad as him, they both want me to get rid of it.” She said, shrugging “I told them to get stuffed, this is my baby and I’m not getting rid of it. I gave Ric some documents to sign, meaning he has no right to the baby if he decides to change his mind, unless the baby wants him to of course, but he might choose not to anyway. Either way I couldn’t care less. I’m happy with my decision.” She said, not minding being a single mum.

“That really sucks about my cousin, but I didn’t have any support during my pregnancy with Lillie, or her growing up until she was nearly three, and I can tell you that you’ll be fine, because Jack and I will support you all the way.” She assured her.

“Thanks, it means a lot. Tasha and Robbie are helping, so is Kit, Scott, Hayley, and even Henry might come back to help me. It means so much that everyone’s willing to help.” She said, beaming happily.

“Well, you didn’t exactly choose to fall pregnant it just happened. You’re also basically my sister, so I don’t mind. And this baby will be my niece of nephew, even though Ric’s my cousin it was always like he was my brother, and he’s uncle Ric to the girls.” She said, shrugging “When’s the first ultrasound?” Martha asked her.

“Today, I was wondering if you’d mind coming with me?” She asked hesitantly.

“Not at all Mattie.” She assured her.


“The baby’s healthy, so that’s good.” Rachel said at the ultrasound.

“That’s excellent news.” Mattie said, grinning as she watched her baby on the screen for the first time.

“You’re two and a half months along, and the baby is going absolutely great, so you should have no worries at all.” She said, smiling at Matilda as she put the equipment away.

“Thanks Rachel.” Martha said, waving goodbye as she walked out with Matilda.

“A healthy baby, that’s perfect.” Mattie said, breathing a sigh of relief “I don’t think I’d be able to handle it if the baby was sick, or if the baby was so bad I’d miscarried or anything.” She said, getting into Martha’s ute.

“Are you hoping for a baby boy or a baby girl?” Martha asked, looking at her.

“I’m not sure really. I mean, Robbie and Tash had Mark not too long ago, over a year now. And Scott and Hayley had Noah. Robbie and Tasha did have Ella, so it’d be good for a girl but I don’t mind as long as the baby is healthy.” She mused.

“I know, I felt the same, except I was hoping desperately for a baby boy. But we didn’t exactly want to reject Ebony, she’s an amazing baby and if it was her or no baby, I’d definitely go her. I’m not sending her back.” She said softly.

“I know. If I wasn’t pregnant, my life wouldn’t be as dramatic and changing as it is, but I wouldn’t abort this baby now.” She said firmly.


“How come you’re not supporting your own daughters pregnancy?” Tony asked Beth, not looking very happy.

“Because, I don’t want her ruining her life. She’s 19, for gods sakes, can’t anybody see that?” She said coldly.

“She doesn’t think she’s ruining her life. She loves being pregnant and she loves the thought of having a baby. Martha had a baby at her age!” Tony said, throwing his hands in the air exasperatedly.

“But Martha was married to Jack at the time.” She argued.

“She was separated from Jack, and only just out of another bad relationship! She was single from two months pregnant onwards, until Lillie was three. She had no support during that time, and Matilda will have an even better advantage because she’ll have us supporting her!” He said furiously.

“This is Martha’s fault, isn’t it? She talked her out of having an abortion.” Beth said coldly.

“You were younger than Mattie when you had Scott!” He accused her “And this isn’t Martha’s fault. Mattie decided in the end that she wanted to have this baby!”

“I can’t believe you’re supporting teenage pregnancy Tony!” She said, astounded “And I was married when I had Scott. Matilda isn’t even engaged or in a steady relationship.”

“You were one of those women who had a teenage pregnancy!” He said, getting angrier.

“Have I come at a bad time?” Matilda asked timidly, knowing the argument was about her.

“Yes you have but you’re staying, because I’m in half a mind to take you down to the clinic right now, because I will not let you ruin your life!” Beth said harshly.

“I have a choice, mum, and if you can’t understand that then there isn’t any point in me staying to talk it over. Tasha gave me the apartment, so I’m moving in there. They gave me some baby things, an old crib, changing table, that sort of thing so I’m fine. I’m just packing my stuff.” She said, hurrying to her room and ten minutes later left the house, with all her belongings, relieved she’d never have to go back there again.

NEXT UPDATE: Martha’s scan – finally – comes. Will the Holden family like the results?

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