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Come What May

Guest -ParaisGal-

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Chapter Twenty Two.

~Two Months Later~

“Hey relax!” Jack said to Martha, watching her slam a saucepan into the sink in her frustration.

Martha turned to face him, she couldn’t help but be upset “I’m meant to relax?” She asked, annoyed.

“Yes, you are.” He said gently, removing the metal spoon from her hand “Forget about cooking the dinner, you’re obviously not happy and I’m sure I know why.”

“I’m sure everybody knows why Jack.” She snapped.

“It’s alright Martha. It’ll be okay.” He soothed her, holding her in his arms.

“You’ve gotta face it Jack, there’s a high chance the cancer will be back. It’s not as bad for you. You don’t have to go through the chemo, and everything. You don’t face never being able to see your daughters grow up.” She said, putting her hand to her face to wipe away her tears.

“It’ll be okay.” He whispered, hugging her closer “I promise it’ll be okay.”


Martha held Ebony in the Diner booth later that night. Her and Jack had talked for about an hour, discussing everything and by the time they’d finished talking they realised that their kids would be happier having dinner at the diner than a boring dinner at home, that wouldn’t be ready for another hour.

“Here you go.” Irene said cheerfully, handing Martha her dinner of chicken, Jack his baked dinner, and returning again with the pizza Lillie and Mackenzie had decided to share.

“Thanks Irene.” Martha said, giving her a small smile.

“You’re welcome darl.” She said, turning and returning to the counter to serve some more customers.

Martha returned Ebony to the pram, gently placing the gurgling two month old in the pram, smiling at her beautiful daughter. She put a blanket over her little body, kissing her forehead before turning her attention to the food fight that was about to take place “Girls, enough.” She said sternly, making sure both Lillie and Mackenzie put their pizza in their mouths, not in the other persons face.


“You seem nervous.” Jack commented to Martha, looking at her as he took her hand.

“Wouldn’t you be if you stood to lose your life if the piece of paper Rachel was presented with said that your body was full of cancer?” She snapped at him.

“Hey, I was just saying.” He said, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer towards him.

She didn’t say anything, she didn’t bother apologising to Jack because he knew she was terrified of the results coming back positive to cancerous cells in her body.

Jack sighed, realising conversation wasn’t going to be a strong point for Martha until the results came back, and he remained content with the fact she was letting him near her, normally she’d be fidgeting, and refusing to be touched because she was so nervous. He was grateful that their three daughters weren’t here to see their mother like this, and was relieved when his father had offered to mind them.

“Martha?” Rachel said, coming out the door.

Martha leapt up, grabbing Jack’s hand and dragging him with her. She couldn’t stand to lose him, or their daughters. She’d been married for six years, but only happily for three of those years and she wanted to make up for the time she’d missed, but knew she wouldn’t be able to if she got cancer again.

“What’s the results?” Jack asked, squeezing Martha’s hand tightly.


“I’m coming I’m coming.” Mattie grumbled, four and a half months pregnant. She opened the door, smiling at the person she saw there “Hey Robbie! What made you come for a visit, and you know you don’t need to knock, right?” She said laughing.

“I know we don’t but I thought I would try and be polite, I’m sure Tash’d prefer that I remained nice and sweet.” He grinned at her, following her through the house. It looked the same, with the same neutral colours being used “Looks a bit nicer than it did when I owned it.” He admitted, looking around.

“Well, fortunately Belle and Lucas are on my side, and Belle gave me some money and said I didn’t need to pay it back, which I was thrilled about. I’m so glad Belle and I sorted out our problems.” She said, offering him a drink.

“No thanks.” He said “I’ve just eaten lunch.” He looked at the fridge “So you’re glad you made up with Belle because she gives you money?” He said, grinning.

“No.” She frowned, giving him a hit on the arm “Because she’s been a wall of support for me, even though I’m pregnant to her ex boyfriend.” She explained.

“And because she’s dating your ex boyfriend?” He asked.

“Engaged to my ex boyfriend, actually.” She told him, smiling.

“So you absolutely one hundred percent don’t regret breaking up with Lucas?” He asked her, deciding to pour himself a drink after all.

“Absolutely one hundred percent don’t. I’m sure he’d handle this situation a lot better than Ric has. If it were Lucas’ baby, I wouldn’t be living alone. But, I can’t change the baby’s dad so why would I bother? Luc is happy with Belle. That’s all I want. My friends and family to be happy, so I don’t care if they engaged. They also aren’t having a baby, so I feel I’m one up on them. Besides, me and Lucas obviously weren’t meant to be. Neither were Ric and I.” She continued, smiling at him.

“Alright.” He agreed, getting a packet of chips out.

“What’s this?” She asked, confused.

“I was always told that a way to a woman’s heart is with food.” He said, shrugging and pointing to her growing stomach.

“Right, thanks Rob that makes me feel heaps better.” Mattie said, rolling her eyes at him.

NEXT UPDATE: What is Martha’s results?

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