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Guest -ParaisGal-

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Chapter Twenty Seven.

“Kit hasn’t been here for a few days.” Mattie said, she loved having her sister stay and visit her often, but she seemed to be doing it a lot less.

“I’m sure she’ll come. Remember, she has a busy job.” Martha reminded her.

“Yeah, but whenever I’m on the phone, she tries to end it quickly. I think she’s living with someone.” She continued.

“What makes you think that?” Tasha asked.

“Well, I can hear voices in the background. Things like that.” She answered her.

“Well if she is living with someone is that such a crime?” Martha asked.

“No.” She said “Nothing wrong with living with people before your married.” Mattie assured her.

“We all did, so we’d be hypocrites if we called her false.” Tasha said softly, smiling.

“That is very true.” Martha laughed.


Kit hurried to the door, handing Terri the box she’d asked for before opening it, and nearly slamming the door on the person “Martha, hi.” She asked cautiously.

“Hey Kit.” Martha smiled, looking behind her “Mind if I come in?” She asked, unsure why Kit looked nervous.

“Umm, now’s not really a good time. I haven’t cleaned yet.” She blurted out.

“It’s alright.” Martha said, knowing Kit was hiding something.

“Alright.” She said reluctantly, opening the door.

Martha looked around, noticing the signs of a family home. She turned to Kit “I’m going to ask one simple question. Do you have kids?” She asked her.

Kit opened her mouth to object, just as Kirin toddled into the room, rubbing her sleepy eyes “Maybe I do.” She said softly, knowing that if Kirin was away then Terri was soon to follow.


“Why didn’t you tell us?” Martha asked, coffee in hand.

“Because it was all just too complicated! I mean, Damian is Kim’s son. And after the crash, Kim told me that it was a huge mistake, he didn’t mean it, and he wanted nothing to do with me or anything to do with me, mainly because Rachel went through such a hard time, and he didn’t want me hanging around, making her feel insecure about their marriage. But I fell pregnant, only I found it out when I arrived back in the city. So, I went to the bay a week later, and told him I had something hugely important to tell him. He told me to get lost. I mean, I was only 19, but I wouldn’t abort the baby, or give it up for adoption. So, I kept him, and raised him. When he was 14 months I fell pregnant to my boyfriend, but he left me when he discovered I was pregnant. So, I’ve given up on love. It’s not meant to be for me.” She said finally “And Kim doesn’t need to know about Damian, neither does anybody else from the bay.” She said firmly.

“I understand.” Martha said quietly.

“Thank you.” She said softly.

“I understand why you didn’t want us to know, which is why I’m not saying anything. I especially understand in light of recent news.” She said with a sigh.

“What news?” Kit asked, confused.

“Well, basically, it’s taken them all this time to conceive Rosa. Rachel was so desperate, it took six years till she fell pregnant, and they were desperate for a child. Now, she’s in her mid thirties, and Kim’s my age. So Rosa’s like their miracle child. They know they won’t be able to have another baby, no matter how desperate they are to have one. They are actually thinking of adoption, so hopefully they get a baby to adopt, and they’ve given up trying to have another baby naturally because Rachel had so many miscarriages.” She said, nodding.

“Wow, I had no idea about that.” Kit said, stunned “I mean, how horrible would it be to lose the baby that was inside you? God I couldn’t even imagine it.” She said, shocked.

“That was what I thought too. I have three children, I battled cancer, and I’m living proof that it will work. Even though I can never have another child, I’m grateful for what I have.” She said, nodding.

“Rachel sort of is as well. She wishes she could give Kim another child, but at the same time she’s already given him one. Rosamund is their precious little bundle, I think Rachel’s taking a few years off to raise her, and won’t go back until Rosa’s in school, then she’ll just be working normal school hours.”

“I had absolutely no idea anything was so tough for them.” Kit said “That’s just confirmed what I always thought. Damian should stay away from Kim.” She nodded.

“Are you sure that’s the absolutely best thing to do though?” She asked.

“Yes. Kim doesn’t need to know about Damian, he’s happy with Rachel, he doesn’t need a six year old thrown into the bag.”

NEXT UPDATE: Who else finds out about Damian?

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Chapter Twenty Eight

“Where’d you go?” Jack asked Martha when she arrived home later that day.

“I just went to see Kit, that’s all.” She smiled at her husband.

“Really, sounds like fun.” Jack said, nodding to her.

“It was. It was interesting.” She agreed, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around him “What are you cooking?” She questioned him.

“I thought that would be obvious. Dinner.” He said, shaking his head at her.

“I’m not that stupid. What is it. It looks like sausage surprise gone bad.”

“Maybe it is sausage surprise. But it hasn’t gone bad!” He defended himself.

“Sure Jack. That’s why it’s all destroyed.” She grinned.

“It’s not destroyed! It’s unique! Every sausage surprise is unique.”

“Right Jack. Now, if you don’t mind, I think I feel like heading to the diner for dinner.” She grinned “I’m sure that Lillie, Mac and Ebony would prefer that as well!”


“Rachel.” Julie said quietly to Rachel, pulling her aside “It’s probably none of my business, but I was checking Kim’s file, to see the results on the test he had ages ago, and I saw something. It said Kim had two children.” She said, looking straight at her.

“What?” Rachel asked, stunned and rushing to the computer, quickly opening Kim’s file “Oh god.” She whispered, putting a hand to her mouth. Sure enough, Damian Hunter was listed there “Damian Hunter?” She said, clicking on the link. It brought her to the information, and more importantly the boy’s mother: Kit Hunter.

“Kit Hunter is Damian’s mother?” Julie said, checking the screen.

“Yes, she is. And I want to know why another woman has had my husband’s baby.” Rachel said grimly.


“Coming.” Kit called, hurrying to the door, and opening it to see Rachel. She grimaced, she could handle anybody but Rachel coming “Uh, Rachel, hi!” She said unsurely.

“We need to talk.” She said coldly.

“Oh, right.” She said, lowering her head.

“Yes, about Damian.” She said, glaring at her.

“What about him? How do you know about Damian?” She demanded.

“He’s written in Kim’s medical records. So tell my, how the hell have you got a son with my husband?”

“In the chopper crash, seven years ago, I fell pregnant after a night with Kim, something he was going to tell you about, then lost his nerve. He told me he wanted nothing to do with me, and to stay the hell out of his life, before I’d gotten a chance to tell him I was pregnant. I didn’t even know what I was doing that night, in the bush.” She said, holding her head in her hands.

“So it’s true, you really slept with my husband and you really have a son to him?” She asked softly, more upset than angry now.


“Kim hasn’t told me anything.” She said grimly.

“I thought he would have told you something, but I did what he asked. I stayed away, and I haven’t told him about Damian. I never planned on it either.”

“I’ll tell him.” Rachel said, standing.

“Alright, but tell him he’s not having anything to do with Damian.”


“I can’t believe you.” Rachel fumed, storming into her home, that she and Kim had bought, moving out of Jack and Martha’s little home, a cute little two bedroom apartment.

“What’s wrong Rach?” Kim asked, walking towards her, and reaching out to her.

“Stay the hell away from me!” She yelled, before turning her voice down, praying she didn’t wake her young daughter, who had since become three.

“What’s going on?” Kim asked her.

“Tell me why you slept with Kit Hunter in the bush seven years ago and didn’t happen to tell me before we married!” She demanded.

“What?” He said, now beginning to understand.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about Kim!” She said loudly.

“We were stranded, we didn’t know what was going on, it just happened. We were sure we were going to die Rachel!”

“So you went and had sex with Kit Hunter?” She said, lowering her gaze from him “You didn’t even tell me. I would have understood, didn’t you think of that?” She demanded.

“I just, I didn’t know.” He mumbled.

“So you went and got her pregnant just for the fun of it?” She said softly.

“She was pregnant?” He gasped.

“She has your son, and her other boyfriends twin daughters. He left her too. Imagine how hard it would have been for her, raising three children on a sole parent wage.” She said, turning away from him “You gave her no support, no help or anything. More to the point you were never going to tell me. I went through hell while you were away. That is just simply unforgivable.”

“I didn’t want to lose you!” He said loudly.

“You wouldn’t have lost me! But you kept this a secret for all this time, and you didn’t care. Secrets have a way of coming out Kim.”

“You probably kept the fact that you were practically infertile away from me.” He spat at her.

She looked at him, her mouth wide open, and her eyes filling with tears “I can’t believe you think I would have kept that from you. I wouldn’t have, I would have told you. You’ve changed so much lately, and I can’t handle it. Obviously, something’s not right in our marriage. Maybe we’re just being stupid, bothering to continue this. Nine years of marriage, one baby, and we’re splitting. Maybe it is for the best. I’ll sleep on the couch.” She told him.

“I will, I’m the guy.”

“No, I will Kimberly Hyde.” She snapped.


“We’re going away for a while.” Rachel whispered to Rosa, quietly putting the baby into her car seat. She’d managed to pack some things, without Kim seeing, and she’d taken Rosa’s portable crib, as well as her portable changing table, along with her toys and some other things.


“I’m sorry.” Martha apologised to Rachel, as she set up Rosamund’s equipment.

“Hey, you were just doing what Kit asked.” She assured her “It’s not your fault, I mean Kit’s your sister-in-law.”

“Yeah, Kit came clean this afternoon. Everyone still in shock, and nobody guessed it. But she avoided everyone when she was pregnant, and put them in day care for her visits to the bay. So, it’s understandable.”

“Kim hasn’t met Damian. I don’t think Kit’s going to let him have anything to do with Damian, and I can’t stand being around him for awhile.” Rachel said.

“How’d he react when you took Rosa?” Martha asked her.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since I took her, we snuck out last night. That probably makes me a bitch, but I didn’t want him doing it first.” She said, looking over at her only child, who was playing with Mackenzie.

“Mackenzie, sweetie, you have to leave those in.” Martha said softly, removing Mac’s hands from her hearing aids. She picking up the toddler, holding her close “I know you hate them sweetheart, but they have to stay in. Otherwise you can’t hear us.” She said, sitting next to Rachel.

“She getting better about them?” Rachel asked, smiling as she held Mac’s hands to stop her removing her ear pieces.

“Worse, actually. The older she is, the more she has trouble accepting them.” She sighed “I worry that she’ll rip them out and damage her ear.”

“They are designed so that if she does it, it won’t damage her ear.” Rachel assured her “Otherwise, every kid born deaf would have even more damaged ears.”

“That is one relieving piece of advice.” Martha admitted with a sigh.

“How are you coping with it?”

“Alright. Jack’s been great with her, he plays games with her to stop her touching her ears.” She answered.

“See, it’s good. It won’t be that bad.” She encouraged her.

“I guess.” She sighed.


“I can’t believe how badly my life has turned out.” Kim sighed, at the prison speaking to his father.

“Well, you didn’t tell her, that’s one bad thing to do.” Barry told his son.

“I realised that, because Rachel took Rosa this morning.” He said with a sigh.

“Well, you did make a large mistake but that was no reason for her to take your daughter away.” He said, surprised.

“I know dad, I know.” He sighed.

NEXT UPDATE: Mattie meets Kit’s kids. So do the Hunter/Holden clan.

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