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Guest -ParaisGal-

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Great 2 chapters Paris.

I'm glad that Kim and Rachel have split up, I prefer them apart. And I want Kim to be a Dad to Damian. They would be sweet as one happy family.

I want MacKenzie to be alright. I feel sorry for her :(

Update when you can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter Twenty Nine

“As long as you assure me you feel nothing for him, we’re all good.” Rachel nodded to Kit.

“Why the hell would I feel anything for him? I’ve spent the last six years of my life as a single mother, and he couldn’t have given a crap if I keeled over backwards, and his son was left an orphan.” She said honestly.

“Right, we’re all good.” She grinned to her.


“Rachel, please, for Rosa’s sake, let us talk!” He begged her.

“No.” She whirled around, pointing a finger at him.

He looked at her hand “Your rings, where are they?” He asked, looking desperate.

“They’re gone, Kim. They are never going back. You and I, we’re over. Never again!” She declared, holding securely onto her daughter as she went into the bar.

“You can’t be serious!” He said, astounded.

“I am serious.” She said, glaring at him.

“Please, what about Rosa?” He asked.

“She’ll be fine with me.” She said, marching back out to her car and strapping Rosa in, and quickly driving off.


“Hi Damian.” Mattie greeted her nephew, as he clung to his mum.

Kit smiled down at him “It’s alright.” She encouraged “You’ll be fine.” She said, knowing that Kirin and Terri hadn’t come beyond the door.

Mattie smiled as Damian let her put an arm around him “So, how are you? Do you boss your sisters around like your mum bossed me around?” She asked, picking him up.

He nodded, grinning shyly at her.


“I was wondering when this would happen.” Kit said, looking at the door where Kim stood “But, you can get lost.” She said simply.

“I don’t think so.” He snapped, coming in.

“Excuse me, but I don’t think that’s up to you.” She said coldly.

“I think it is. I’m here for my son.” He said.

“You’re son? He’s you’re son now? I remember when you said you didn’t want anything to do with me, when I was about to tell you that I was pregnant to you. Well, Damian was something to do with me, so I left without a word. Exactly how you wanted it, wasn’t it Kim?” She smirked at him.

“That’s beside the point.” He snapped.

“He’s my son. He loves me, not you. He knows what a jerk his dad is. He found the stuff you sent me. The hate mail. So, he hates you. Really hates you actually.” She said innocently.

“You’re a bitch, Kit. I bet you put it where he’d find it.” He snapped.

“No, I don’t recall doing that. He found it a few months ago, and he asked me. I told him.” She shrugged, suddenly they heard Damian’s voice.

“Mum, what’s going on?” Damian asked quietly, walking to his mother’s side and sitting in her arms and lap.

“Damian, this man’s your daddy.” She explained.

He nodded, looking at his dad unhappily “The mean guy.” He said softly.

“You’ve turned him against me Kit!” He said loudly.

“Well, I didn’t really need to do anything. He loves me, he’s quite protective of me as well.” She smiled sweetly at him “We’d both appreciate it if you left.” She added.


“First contact over.” Kit grinned to her mum.

“How’d he go?” She asked her.

“Not too good. He was pretty upset that Damian had found the hate mail he’d sent me. But Dam’s an inquisitive kid. He loves finding things, and he really likes reading mail, mine or his sisters. He found that, and Kim’s decided I did it to turn him against him.” She explained.

“Well, don’t let it worry you.” She said softly.

“I won’t.” Kit said, shrugging “He made the decision himself. He was being selfish, he didn’t care about what I was going through at the time.” She sighed.

“I’m sorry, I honestly had no idea.” Rachel said softly.

“No problem.” She waved Rachel’s apologies aside.


“Oh no.” Mattie groaned, looking at her timetable, then down at her young daughter “How the hell am I going to do this?” She panicked, rushing around getting ready for work as she tried to figure out somebody who could baby-sit for her “I’m going to kill Martha for this.” She said darkly, struggling into a shoe, realising she needed new work shoes. She groaned when she heard the door, and rushed to it. She looked at the person behind it “Mum, please, now’s not the time. I’ve got to go to work, I’m almost late, and I’m desperate for someone to mind Danae. Now please leave, I haven’t got the time or patience at the moment.” She snapped, trying to slam the door.

“Matilda, I can mind her.” She offered “I’ve experience with kids, and I don’t mind, please.” She begged.

Mattie hesitated. Here was the perfect opportunity for someone to mind Danae when she was desperate, and she eventually sighed “Alright, thanks.” She said finally, before hurrying back in, leaving her mum to get herself ready for baby-sitting duties.

NEXT UPDATE: Beth and Matilda talk.

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Chapter Thirty.

“What am I going to do?” Kim asked Jack “I’ve lost my wife and daughter, as well as my son. I mean, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“I don’t know mate. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but you brought this on yourself.” He told him honestly.

“I don’t need you telling me that. You’re supposed to be my friend.”

“Rach’s my flatmate, and my wife’s best friend. Unfortunately, I have to sort of take Rachel’s side. There isn’t anything I can do.” He apologised.

“Get out if you’re taking her side. I’m trying to get my daughter back!” He said furiously.

“Fine.” He shrugged, leaving the tiny apartment quickly.


Matilda cautiously and quietly opened her front door, wondering if she’d hear her mother lecturing Danae-Lea for being her daughter’s illegitimate daughter. Instead she heard her mother talking to Danae in a baby voice as she fed her. She smiled to herself, her mother had been a good choice. She trusted Danae in her mother’s care, even though she’d have hated to admit it previously. She walked into the kitchen, looking at her daughter’s beaming face and knew that Danae already loved her grandma.

“Mattie, hi.” Beth said hesitantly, unsure how Mattie would be.

“Hi.” She nodded to her, then looked at Danae “She seems happy, which is good.” She said calmly.

“Well, I did raise five children, I should know how to keep a four month old happy.” She said, smiling at her youngest.

“I guess you do.” She nodded.

“So, I’m guessing I’m gunna go now.” She said, picking up her bag.

“You could stay for dinner if you wanted. Nothing special, just sausages and mash, but you could stay if you wanted.” She offered.

“Thanks, it’d be good.”


“You talked to your mum? How’d she take everything?” Martha asked Mattie.

“Really well, it’s good. She’s supporting me, and she loves Danae. And Danae loves her, she baby-sat her while I did the shift you rostered me for.” She nodded.

“Sorry about that, but I was kind of stuck.” She admitted.

“It’s alright. It helped things actually. See, now I’ve got a bit more money, and although me and mum are speaking I’m not going to go crawling back to her or anything.” She told her.

“You like being independent?”

“I prefer being independent. Now I’m a mum I really prefer it. Being a single mum isn’t too bad, I mean sure there’s the late nights but I make all the decisions myself. I don’t have to worry about the dad sticking his nose in.” She told her.

“Well, I’m pretty sure you won’t need to worry about that. Ric doesn’t appear to want to have anything to do with Danae-Lea so you’re safe.” Martha said unhappily.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m happy, it doesn’t really matter.”


“What’s he doing here?” Cassie demanded, looking at Sally as she returned home.

“He’s come back to move in with us Cassie, he and Jess are going through a rough patch.” Sally said evenly, even though she looked like she agreed with Cassie.

“He’s not welcome here anymore, not after everything he’s done to Mattie!” She yelled, looking at him.

“Cassie he’s family, and family always welcomes everyone in.” Sally told her firmly, giving her a look that made her quieten down “You and Macca live here, I think it’s only fair that Ric, who is my foster son, be allowed to live here no matter what.” She told her.

“Whatever.” Cassie said, glaring at Ric “I can’t believe you.” She said, storming upstairs.

“That went well.” Ric said, looking at the staircase.

“Well I’m sure everybody understands why she reacted like that Ric.” Sally said calmly.

“What, because I didn’t want to be a dad to Matilda’s baby, I have a choice Sal. I don’t have to be a dad if I don’t want to, I’m not ready to be a dad to her and I never will be a father to her baby!” He said angrily.

“Hey Cass, what are you-” Mattie started, walking in, pushing Danae along in her pram, and stopping when she saw Ric, glaring at him as she was followed inside by Macca.

“What the hell is she doing here?” Ric growled.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Macca asked him, looking furiously at him.

“I live here, Michael Mackenzie. So get lost.” He snapped.

“I don’t think so.” He told him.

“Macca don’t!” Cassie warned him, stepping inside the room.

Macca looked at Cassie, he hated Ric like most of Summer Bay, and didn’t want him living under the same roof as him.

“Macca, please.” Cassie asked him.

Macca glared coldly at Ric “Just stay the hell away from us.” He snapped.

“I will.” Ric said with a shrug, grabbing some bread and going upstairs.

“Macca I appreciate what you just did but you can’t do that. He is family, like Sally said. We just have to tolerate him until Jess decides she can have him back.” Cassie said, hugging Macca.

“I know but after what he did to Mattie, I just can’t help it.” He said with a sigh “I mean, ignoring your own baby, that’s just the unthinkable, even if you and the baby’s mother aren’t exactly talking.” He shrugged.

“You mean the parents aren’t even able to stand in the same room?” Matilda told him, smiling.

“Yeah, that too.” She grinned.

NEXT UPDATE: Ric’s on his own, do the Hunter/Holden boys take it out on him?

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