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Come What May

Guest -ParaisGal-

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Can't believe I missed this fic when scrolling down the page, and I have aboult 4 chapters to read already! It is soooooo good, I love your fics so much :) Lillie is so adorable already! I hope Lillie and Martha spend christmas day with Jack, not Roo.

Please update soon, I love it already!

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Chapter Five

Jack sighed two days later, extremely glum. It was Christmas morning and Martha and Lillie were flying to America, well that was great wasn’t it.

“Cheer up Jack.” Luc said quietly, knowing how depressed Jack was.

“How can I? My daughter’s in another country for Christmas, so is her mother and the woman who I was meant to be spending our fourth Christmas together as husband and wife with our daughter, the woman who doesn’t know I love her, and I’m stuck here without them when I should be with them.” He grumbled.

“Well you can’t ruin Christmas Day for everyone else, Jack.” Tony said, slightly annoyed “I know you’re upset but it’s not Martha’s fault. She promised her mother she’d go to America, that is totally not her fault.” Tony said.

“I know but it’s not that fun, dad. I need them both here.” He said.

“Alright I know you’re not happy but you’re going to have to deal with it.” Tony said “You can’t change what happened.”

“Lillie’s not even gunna be here for her birthday. With me. Like she should be.” Jack pointed out.

“Jack, please.” Tony said sternly.

“Fine.” He said.


Jack forced a smile on his face, as the presents were handed around. Everyone was opening theirs at different times, and he reached for another with his name on it. He recognized Martha’s handwriting and frowned, when would she have had time to drop this off? He opened the present, inside was a box. He opened the box, to find a letter. A simple letter. He looked at it:

Dear Jack,

I know you’re disappointed because we’re not there but don’t be. Look outside.


Martha and Lillie.

Jack felt his heart in his chest, pounding. What did she mean by look outside? He quietly headed outside, unsure of what he’d find. There was a little trail, which led to the road.

“About time you opened that present.” Martha said, leaning on her ute that the trail had led to “I’ve been here for a while, hiding every time one of your family passes. Lillie’s rather bored, and has spent her time destroying the car.” She said, shrugging to Jack.

“What are you doing here?” He asked, bewildered.

“I thought that would be pretty obvious. We’re here for Christmas. Unless you don’t want us to be.” She said, opening her car door.

“I do!” He said quickly, shutting the door and looking at Martha’s smirking face.

“Good. In that case be nice and get your daughter from the car.” She said.

He opened the ute door, reaching for her as he unbuckled her car seat and pulled her out.

“Good, now let’s go in.” She said, smiling as she rolled her eyes at him “You took so long to find that present that she nearly opened yours. She hasn’t opened any yet and she’s rather annoyed at me.” She added, pointing to the big bag she had in the tray.


“We’ve got a visitor!” Jack called, heading inside.

“Martha!” Tony said, amazed “Come in.” He invited her in.

“Thanks.” She said, grinning “I fooled him.” She said, placing her hand on Jack’s shoulder “Seeing as I’m here for the day I brought her little crib in Lillie she tires. So where can I put it?” She asked.

“My room.” Jack said immediately, heading in there with the bag he’d grabbed out of the tray containing the crib.

“Still the same.” She said, looking around the room as she helped Jack unpack the bag.

“It hasn’t changed much.” He admitted.

“You too lazy Jack?” She teased him.

“You know me too well.” He admitted, letting her win “Work keeps me busy. I’m always at work.” He said with a shrug.

“I know.” She said flatly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He demanded.

“The fact that our marriage ended because of your work basically.” She said coldly.

He whirled around, glaring coldly at her “It wasn’t just because of that. I was asking you to give us another chance and you refused.” He snapped.

“So this is all my fault now?” She said, narrowing her eyes at him.

“Most of it. You were the one who ended it after all, even though I was all ready to work through it, to do anything. And if you had of, maybe I would’ve known Lillie sooner.” He said angrily.

She threw down the piece of crib she was working on and stormed out of the room, making a mental note to appear pleasant, she didn’t want to ruin Christmas.


“Is it just me, or are they avoiding each other?” Belle whispered to Lucas, meaning Jack and Martha.

“They’re avoiding each other.” He confirmed.

“I wonder what happened.” Belle commented.

“Nothing you need to know, miss nosey.” He warned her “Their relationship is complicated enough without you sticking your nose in.” He added.

“That’s true.” She admitted.


Martha stared around glumly, her fight with Jack hadn’t exactly been what she’d been hoping for on Christmas Day but that couldn’t be avoided. Obviously the problems were due to be brought up, and she knew they were coming. She saw Jack at the other end of the pavement, talking to his father and she picked up Lillie.

Tony looked at the pile of presents and realised Lillie hadn’t opened hers “How about Lillie opens her presents?” Tony asked, handing the presents to Jack.

Martha gave Jack a cold glance, knowing this would mean the two of them handing their daughter her presents. She pulled the two year old into her lap, leaving room for Jack next to her.

Jack saw the cold glance and gritted his teeth, moving over to sit beside Martha with the presents in hand.


“Is everything okay between you and Jack?” Tony asked Martha later that day, aftereveryone had gone.

“It’s never okay.” She said honestly with a shrug.

“Care to elaborate?” He asked her softly, picking Lillie into his lap.

“His work split us up and his work caused us to have a fight on Christmas Day, ruining what was meant to be a happy union and a happy day.” She said upset.

“And?” He asked.

“He said he’s always working, I said I knew, and it just went from that.” She said with a sigh.

“He was mainly working trying to track you down.” Tony said matter-of-factly.

“What?” She asked, startled.

“He may have said otherwise but everyone figured that was the reason. Peter knew and let him. A lot of people worried about you.” He said to her honestly “We all worried, us Holden’s.” He said.

“Thanks.” She said, sort of relieved. She’d had no idea that Jack had been searching for her. She’d hoped the whole town would forget about her and she and her daughter would be able to disappear But it seems, you can never disappear from a small town She thought to herself.


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-Sudden note- **Sudden Note contains SPOILERS for non-Aussie viewers!**Everything that’s happened in the bay has happened, except the car accident that killed Chloe. Chloe is very much alive. Kit was never pregnant after her night in the bush with Kim and Kim isn’t infertile.

Chapter Six

“Are you and Rob moving back here?” Martha asked Tasha, taking her juice. She’d stopped drinking with her pregnancy and had never gotten back to it.

“Yeah we’ve decided that America isn’t really for us. And we’d rather raise Ella in Summer Bay as well. America isn’t the place to raise a young child if you’ve been in country towns or in farming areas most your life and have been here for around four to five years. It just doesn’t seem right to just trade it all in. Ella will be much better off here.” She said, looking decisive “We’ve already moved all out stuff back.” She said.

”I might come back soon, but there is a chance I may never come back.”

“That sucks. I haven’t got a job because I was pregnant at the time of the HSC. I remember Lily gave me a hard time over it to, which was really annoying. May I ask why you may never come back?” She said.

“Yes well Lily gives everyone a hard time over everything.” She said, meaning Tasha’s friend “And I may not come back because me and Jack had a fight which has gone higher and higher and now we can barely stand to be in the same room.” She said with a groan “This is annoying though, it’s putting Lillie in the middle!”

“Any sign of a reunion for you and Jack?” Tash asked, smirking at her.

“No.” She said, rolling her eyes at Tash “Not for a long time.” She said with a shrug.


The party had moved to the surf club, and everyone had partied on for a few hours and decided to head home, Martha was giving Ric, Cassie and Alf a lift home, with Lillie in the car.

“That was a great night.” Martha said.

“Yeah it was. Everyone had so much fun.” Ric added, smiling.

“You and Matilda are getting on well.” She added.

“Sort of. Having a few issues.” He admitted, remaining tight lipped on anything else “Belle and Luc are going strong.”

“What’s wrong with that?” Martha asked, curious.

“Nothing.” He said quickly.

“Luc’s a good bloke and Belle is nice.” Martha said, looking suspiciously at her cousin “Where is this coming from?” She demanded.

“What?” He asked.

“You seem disappointed that Belle and Luc are going so well.” She said, frowning.

“Well I guess that their going so well and Mattie and I’s relationship is kinda on the rocks hurts a bit. I don’t really understand cause I thought we were stronger.” He said with a shrug.

“Don’t be jealous Ric. That is one thing I learnt in this whole experience. Not to be jealous. If I had of been jealous, Lillie wouldn’t have had her relatively steady upbringing. She’d have had less, because I’d be jealous of all the mums who’d had more than I had and would have spent everything on that and not on my child.” She said.

“I guess. It just hurts.” He said, staring out the window.

“It will hurt, Ric. But you can’t always think of yourself.” She reminded him.


A short little add-on. Cause of Sian.

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:D to both chapters! I love them both! In a way I'm actually quite glad that Jack and Martha aren't getting back together just yet. But I feel sorry for Lilllie, being stuck in the middle like that!

Please update soon, great chapter!

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