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Come What May

Guest -ParaisGal-

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They won't get back togehter for ages. They arent even talking.

:glare: Thats all im gunna say about that Miss Paris!!!!!!!

YAY!!!!!!! They spent Christmas with Jack even if they did both ruin it :( lol well.. at least they didnt move to america if that had of happend i would have beeen so sad... The little note to Jack telling him to come outside was sooo cute lol :P he was soo excited and happy lol :P... and then when they were in the room i thought they were going to kiss but then that had a fight :glare:... lol well Update ASAP


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Chapter Seven

“Do you know what’s going on with Ric and Mattie?” Martha asked Alf off. Ric was upstairs, and Cassie was playing with Lillie.

“I’m not sure love, basically just some stuff going on. I’m not completely sure, but they aren’t as steady as they’d like to be. Apparently Ric jumped the gun when he saw Mattie with another guy, just hanging. He turned out to be someone she was working on an assignment with and she got pretty upset that he thought she was cheating on him.” Alf answered her.

“Wow, I didn’t think that Ric would suspect that of Mattie. She’d never cheat on him.” Martha said, surprised.

“Well apparently he’s been rather upset since, so I’m guessing Matilda isn’t talking to him. I heard you two talking, he was rather sour about Belle and Lucas’ relationship, obviously. They are also talking about engagement, so you may have a sister-in-law soon.” He said.

“Yes, I would if me and Jack were together. Belle and I haven’t really had a chance to get to know each other. I know her from when she was dating Ric but that’s about it.” She said “And because she’s Amanda’s daughter.” She added.

“That was a fact that surprised everyone I think.” Alf said honestly.

“I’d better get going, Lillie and I have to head home tonight.” She added, waving to her grandad.


“Morning Chloe.” Martha greeted the elderly lady the next day. Chloe and Martin had no family, because they didn’t have any kids so they hung out at the café every morning for morning tea.

“Good morning Martha!” Chloe said.

“Morning Chloe.” She said smiling. She turned as she watched Lillie play with her toys in the corner, smiling. Her birthday was tomorrow, she was going to be three. She was thrilled, but sad. Her little girl was growing up, she just couldn’t believe it.

“Mac you’re due out the back.” Jenny yelled to her.

“Alright.” Martha said reluctantly. Our the back meant cleaning. And she hated cleaning. She did enough at home.

“I’ll watch Lillie.” Chloe said, smiling at the little girl.

“Thanks.” Martha said gratefully. She looked at Louise “Remember tomorrow’s my day off.” She reminded her.

“I remember. I also remember that seeing as it’s your daughter’s birthday I’m going to let you have three days off.” She said smiling.

“Thanks Lou.” She said gratefully.

“You’re welcome. Spend it with Jack.” She smirked.

“I doubt it.” She said darkly.

“What’s going on?” Lou asked, sitting down.

“Me and Jack had a fight that’s gotten worse. It’ll end up affecting Lillie, the way we are now. I just don’t know what to do.” She said miserably.

“Simple. Surprise him for her birthday. She needs it, Mac. She needs her dad. Lillie’s gone fine with you just raising her, but don’t keep Jack out. He’s a decent bloke, you’re lucky he’s a good dad.

“Maybe I should.” She said, still miserable.


“Have you rung Lillie today?” Beth asked Jack the next day.

“No, not yet.” Jack asked, still hesitant.

“Just because you and Martha are having difficulties doesn’t mean you shouldn’t contact your daughter on her birthday.” Beth said firmly “I’m sure Martha would have no problem with you ringing Lillie, or going over.” She said with a shrug.

“I don’t know if I should.” He said with a sigh.

“Go Jack.” She said firmly “You might end up even worse in Martha’s bad books if you don’t even ring your daughter on her birthday.” She said, handing him his keys “Except you’re going to go visit her.” She said firmly.


Jack pulled his Holden commodore to a stop in front of the apartment building, sheer shock running through his body. This place didn’t look like that nice an apartment block. He parked his sedan out the back, locking it securely and headed up. The hallways looks dark and unwelcoming, not a nice place. He reached number five, Martha’s number and knocked, waiting for the door to be opened.

Martha rushed towards the door, making sure Lillie was watching her TV program as she did. She opened the door as much as the lock would allow, surprised to see Jack there “Jack.” She said, stunned.

“Hi.” He said awkwardly.

“Come in.” She said, undoing the lock and opening the door.

“I didn’t know if you’d want me to come.” He admitted.

“Just because we’re having troubles Lillie shouldn’t suffer, especially since it’s her birthday.” She said, leading him into the kitchen “I’d tell her you’re here except she’d ignore me, she’s watching The Wiggles.” She said with a shrug “Everyone gets ignored during The Wiggles. Even Chloe. Surprise.” She said with a grin.

“So she’d ignore her own father?” He asked in mock amazement.

“Worse, she ignores her own mother.” She said with a smirk.

“Then I guess daddy doesn’t have a chance?” He asked her.

“Yup. Daddy has no chance.” She said, getting the kettle “Tea? Coffee?” She asked.

“No thanks.” He said politely, noticing the awkward air between them.

“There goes that awkward silence. Don’t you love that?” Martha asked calmly “I think we need to talk and we’ve got about 20 minutes to do that.” She added.

“Wiggles over in twenty?”

“Pretty much.” She said, grinning “Right, well we know our issues.” She said, looking straight at him.

“My working.” He nodded.

“I found out the reason you were at work a lot was because you were trying to track me down.” She said.

“Yeah. Lara thought I was mad but hey.”

“You are mad, she thought right. But when do I care what Lara thinks, she’s a stupid cow.” She said calmly.

“She’s my colleague!” He protested.

“Whose side are you going to take, the mother of your child who is also legally your wife or your colleague?” She asked.

“Mother of my child and wife.” He admitted.

“Good.” She said, smirking at him “I’m pleased with that.” She added.

“Glad you are.” He smiled.

“How about we put that stupid fight behind us.” She suggested “We ruined a happy day for us, and it may have affected Lillie.” She said “I don’t want to risk her happiness over us being petty.”

“Alright.” He agreed “But we need to set some things straight.” He said seriously.

“That we do.” She agreed, looking at him.

“Right. The separation was both our choices, And there is something we need to decide as well. Will we see the divorce courts?” He asked her.

“I don’t know.” She said truthfully “I mean, I’ll never remarry, I know that much. I’m not going to put Lillie through a stepfather. I had a stepfather, with Roo, whom I don’t like. I was 17 and he treated me pretty rough.” She said honestly, she’d never told anyone about her stepfather.

“Really? I never knew.” He said softly, sitting next to her.

“Nobody does really.” She said, then looking at Jack “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.” She said, brushing it off and getting up.

Jack gently grabbed her arm and pulled her back down “You should have.” He said gently, putting his arm around her “You should also keep telling me if you want. I’m technically still your husband so you can tell me whatever you want.” He added.

“If you sure. Well, he was, very traditional. And he hated me because I was what let everyone know that Roo had a child out of wedlock. On my visits he’d treat me pretty rough, he’d always be cold and distant even though he was married to my mother. I also left to get rid of him. I left to evade many things, Ash, John.” She said, then looked him in the eye “And you.” She said softly.

“Why me?” He asked, confused “I understand the others but I didn’t think I did anything.” He added.

“You were the constant reminder of the steady family I’d lost. If I’d had the check up then I’d have known I was pregnant with your child and maybe we would’ve gotten back together and sorted through our differences. Another reason was because I knew that you would somehow blame yourself, that you’d take pity on me. I thought I was pregnant with Ash’s lovechild, and I left, because you might have felt some responsibility towards me. Something I didn’t want my husband to feel. My husband who I had basically kicked when he was down.” She said slowly “The time you needed me the most, I wasn’t there. I was betraying you, and I was doing exactly what a wife shouldn’t have done. When you were hoping for a reunion I was off with Ash. Something I should never have done.”

“I don’t blame you.” He said softly, placing his hand on her arm “Don’t think that. And yes I would’ve looked after you because you’re my wife, Martha. It’s as simple as that. You had every right to go off with Ash. You didn’t know he was my best mate. You didn’t know that. We weren’t together, Martha. We were separated and if you’re separated you can run your life how you want.” He said gently.

“I was so stupid.” She whispered.

“So what? You weren’t stupid in leaving Ash, the scumbag deserved it.” He said honestly “You’ve given our daughter one of the best starts in life. It might not have been the most glamorous but she was protected from the bad things in life, she had food on her plate and a roof over her head. You’ve done a great job.” He said, touching his hand to her cheek.

She smiled through the light tears falling down her cheeks “Thanks.” She said quietly “You always do this. Pick up the pieces after something happens. I don’t understand why you do.”

“Because I love you.” He said simply.


Tiff was scaring me with all her hate, so I had to write it like this. But there may still be trouble ahead for these two, because they haven't done anything about their marriage, it is still hanging by a thread.

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Scaring you with all the hate excellent lol :P i thought you said you could handle it though Paris lol :P...

Well i think everyone will agree with me that that was a great chapter and awwww he said i love you aw aw aw thats like triple cuteness lol :P trouble ahead :glare: dont you dare lol... poor martha with her step dad :( that sucks lol i love lillie and the wiggles lol that kid is great lol i love how you write all little kids lol but Callie still is and awlasy will be my favourite although Ruby is slowly creeping her way up lol i love that child lol

well great update paris

update ASAP

<3 Tiff

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