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Come What May

Guest -ParaisGal-

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Chapter Eight

“That’s the last box.” Martha confirmed two months later. She’d finally agreed to move to Summer Bay again and she had to admit it was nice to be home. She’d quit her job and was living in the Diner apartment.

“Lillie’s crib’s set up as well.” Jack said, walking back into the main room.

“Thanks Jack.” Martha said, smiling. Their relationship hadn’t furthered the way people were expecting it to. They expected Martha and Jack to get back together pretty quickly, because of a few reasons and also because of Lillie.

“You do realize your going to have a constant stream of visitors.” Tony said, walking in with Lillie “The Holden’s, the Hunter’s.”

“The Stewart’s, the Dalby’s. The Bellingham’s.” Martha said with a laugh.

“Probably the Taylor’s. And the Hyde’s.” Jack said with a grin.

“I’d say your most frequent visitor would be the middle Holden boy. He seems to hang around here a lot.” Tony smirked at his eldest son.

“Great here we go.” Jack said, rolling his eyes.

“I’ll just have to lock the door.” Martha teased Jack, smirking at his slightly panicked face.

“I’ll just have to run away with Lillie. No problem at all.” Jack said innocently with a shrug.

“Don’t you dare!” Martha warned him “She’s my daughter!” She protested.

“She’s mine too, wanna fight me for her? The best left hook wins!” Jack joked.

“We’ve come to visit!” Tash called, heading in with four year old Ella behind her.

“Welcome.” Martha greeted the two “Where’s Robbie?” She asked, looking for him.

“Somewhere.” Tash shrugged “About time you moved back here too. We were fuelling the search for you, and we’re thrilled when your Aunty found you.”

“I am glad now that she found me.” She admitted “Even though at the time I hated it I’m grateful for it. I needed it.” She said calmly “Lillie may never have met her father if Morag hadn’t brought me round. I’m happier here than I ever was in the city.” She said with a smirk.


One Month Later:

Martha had her job at the bar back, something she liked. But one unwelcome visitor entered.

“Hello Martha.” John Lewis said calmly.

“John.” She said, stunned “What are you doing here?” She asked.

“I’m here to see how my daughter’s going. It’s nearly your 24th birthday.” He said, with a smirk “I’ve also got some news.”

“So what? You never cared about the other ones that passed.” She said with a shrug “Why start caring now, isn’t it easier not to bother with your stepdaughter?” She snapped coldly.

“Martha, please-”

“You nearly turned me against my mother you freak.”

“I mainly came here to tell you news.” He said with a shrug.

“Not a chance! I asked you to leave!” She said loudly, pointing him towards the door.

“No!” He said, walking back in.

“She asked you to leave.” Jack said coldly, standing in the doorway, arms folded.

Martha whirled around at the sound of Jack’s voice and hurried towards him, standing a little behind him. She hated John, something he knew.

“Stay out of this. It has nothing to do with you.” John said, approaching Martha again.

Jack shoved him roughly back “Stay the hell away from her!” He threatened.

“Don’t touch me!” He spat at Jack, shoving his hands away “Who the hell are you to meddle with family?” He demanded.

“Family doesn’t treat each other like that.” He said “She’s my wife, as well.” He said.

“Wife?” He echoed, glaring at Martha “You never told me!” He hissed.

“You’re the stepfather from hell!” Martha spat out.

“So your John Lewis?” Jack asked.

“Too right I am. And Martha’s my daughter. Guess that means you’re my son-in-law.”

“Stepdaughter!” She said loudly.

“She obviously doesn’t want to know that her mother’s been in a pretty serious accident so I’ll leave. You’re mother insisted I come here in person, unfortunately. She wants to see you, obviously. She was in a head on collision. You’re father was there as well, he was the only reason I didn’t fake a flight.” He said angrily. Brett and John hated each other, hated each other with a passion. Brett and Mac had patched up their relationship, but he was yet another person she’d lost contact with after she left.

“Dad!” She said, hurrying to her father, leaving Jack to make sure that John didn’t get too close.

“Mac.” He said simply, giving Martha a hug “We’re going business class, lets go. He’s in economy.” Brett said with a shrug “All the cheap ass could afford.”

“Dad, I’ve got some news.” She said, then continued “I have a daughter and a husband now.” She said hesitantly “I couldn’t contact you, I asked Ruth to pass the message on.”

“She didn’t.” He said, his jaw setting firmly.

“Sorry.” She apologized.

“It’s alright sweetie. I’m gathering this is your husband?” He asked, meaning Jack.

“Yeah, Jack Holden.” She said “We’re sort of in separation. Sort of not at the same time.” She said with a shrug.

“Brett Macklin. Maybe you two can patch things up. I hope you can, for my granddaughter’s sake.” He said, smiling at the girl who came in with Alf “She yours?”

“Yup, that’s Lillie.” She said, picking up her little girl “This is granddad.” She whispered in her ear.

“Alright. I’ll get two more tickets.” He said calmly “I take it he’s gunna come?” He asked, meaning Jack.

“Yup.” Jack said with a nod.


“So he’s still a pain in the backside?” Martha asked Brett a few hours later, on the flight to LA.

“Yup. I really don’t know what Ruth sees in him. He didn’t treat you well, and he and I never got along right from the start. Then I was told by Ruth he had to come, and Ruthie’s all frail and weak so I figured he had to come but I made him pay his own way. Little freak isn’t going to have his way paid by me. Anyway, enough about the little freak. Tell me how everything’s been going.” He asked, pulling Lillie into his lap.

“Well after we married, we had some bad things happen-”

“Mainly explosions, plane crashes, that sort of thing.” Jack cut in.

“Yup. Anyway, then we separated, Jack got bashed up, I went with Ash he went with Sam. I thought Lillie was Ash’s, when he’d been lying to me the whole time. He was and is married with two kids, leading me on like some freak. I left the bay, got found about six months ago and came back two months ago.”

“Wow. That’s a lot. Explosions, plane crashes?” He asked.

“Our wedding got blown up, the reception, then I nearly died. Then Martha nearly died in a plane crash.” Jack said, heaving a big sigh “Everything in the Bay’s been pretty boring except for that.”

“Are you two going to get together?” Brett asked seriously “Not only for yourselves but I’m sure Lillie would do better with her parents happily married.”

“Probably.” Martha and Jack agreed, then both looked at each other and burst out laughing.

“Sooner rather than later?” Brett asked, keen for details.

“Sooner, actually.” Jack said mysteriously, slipping something into Martha’s hand.

She opened her hand, smiling at the rings there “Were you going to propose again?” She teased.

“Probably.” He agreed “What do you reckon?” He asked.

“I reckon so.” She said softly, smiling as she slipped the rings on and leaning into him, smiling profusely.

He slipped his on, kissing her head softly.

“Lillie approves.” Brett said, smiling.

“I’m glad she does. If she didn’t I guess I wouldn’t have gotten back with him.” She said smirking.

“How sweet.” Jack said, rolling his eyes.


“Right, I got a car waiting.” Brett said, hurrying out of the airport, with Jack pushing his and Martha’s luggage, Brett pushing his and Lillie’s luggage. Martha was towing a tired three year old.

Jack stopped quickly. A limo “Have we got the right car?” He asked uncertainly.

“Yes we have.” Brett said calmly, opening the door for Martha and Lillie as he handed his stuff. The car was already fitted with a secure child seat.

Martha grinned at Jack “You mustn’t know about my dad.” She whispered to him.


“My dad’s filthy rich.” Martha explained to Jack, in the Macklin mansion.

“I figured.” He said, staring around the huge room that had a beautiful crib for Lillie.

“Yeah. He owns the Macklin company.” She said with a shrug.

“How come he didn’t raise you?” He asked curiously.

“At the time he didn’t want to accept a baby. About five years ago he did. Then we sort of bonded before you came into the picture, kept in contact. He never met you. I bet you that John deleted the message Ruth was to pass on.” She said with a shrug “I’ll never understand some things about my mother but all in all, she’s my mother and that’s what matters.”

“When’s Alf coming?” Jack asked.

“He’s coming in later tonight, he’s staying here as well. Dad invited him.” She said with a grin.



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-Note- Someone must take Sian's temperature. 1) She may like Brett - 2) She might be nice. Sian and nice just don't belong in the same sentence.. :P I'm updating cause I'd like to see what a nice Sian is like.

Chapter Nine

“So when are you going to go see your mum?” Jack asked Martha that night as they sat over dinner.

“Probably tomorrow. I’m a bit nervous about seeing her, actually. I’m sure John never leaves the room, freak he is. Dad and I share a nickname for him. Little freak, did you notice? That was what dad called him the first time he met him. To his face as well, something I thought was pretty funny. He spluttered when he heard Dad call him that, Ruth was horrified completely. She couldn’t believe it, especially when I sided with him. She always thought I’d take her side over his, but it turned around the wrong way.” She said with a grin.

“Well I’m finding it amusing when those two are in the same room. They certainly know how to start a fight. I see how you got dragged into the middle, your mother especially.”

“I wasn’t dragged into the middle. I was dragged to Dad’s side, where I stayed. I wasn’t really dragged, either. I chose, and I chose the right side, something that surprised Ruth.”

“You always call her Ruth, never mum. I just don’t understand that.” Jack commented.

“She wasn’t much of a mother to me. Sure we bonded when I turned sixteen but at the time I’d just lost one mother. And had gained another.” She said with a shrug.

“Wow, I guess I wasn’t expecting it.” He apologized to her.

“It’s alright.” She said, smiling at him.

“That’s good.” He said with a grin.


The next day:

“Alright, Jack want to come to the hospital or want to stay here, with Lillie?” She asked Jack, grabbing her handbag.

“I’ll stay with Lil. I thought you’d take her, you’re mothers never met her.” Jack said to her, treading carefully.

“She obviously doesn’t know she has a granddaughter, she would have informed Brett like I asked her to.” She said flatly “That damn John is always sticking his head where it doesn’t belong.” She added.

“Alright, well see you then. I’ll mind Lillie don’t worry. And you’re dad’s here, he can help.”

“So is the maid. And the gardener. And the cook. And the-” She grinned.

“Okay I get the picture.” Jack grumbled “You’re father is loaded I get that.”


“Hi.” Martha said nervously, walking in.

“Hello Martha.” Ruth greeted her only child “Come in.” She said, indicating to the side of her bed.

Martha said quietly beside her without a fuss “What happened?” She asked softly.

“I just got run off the road. Nothing major.” She said, trying to smile about it “But your father found out, and came and I’d asked John to go and fetch you, and he went with Brett to Summer Bay and here you are.” She said, smiling at her.

“Here I am.” She said numbly. She didn’t know what else to say. Her and Ruth had never been extremely close.

“So, how’s everything in Summer Bay? When is your grandfather getting here?” She asked, smoothing her sheets and flashing a smile to John.

“Today I think.” She said, ignoring John completely.

“Where’s your father?” She asked, wondering if Brett had come.

“He’s at home with Jack and Lillie.” She said with a shrug.

“Oh your family, yes.” She said, smiling “When are they coming? I’d love to meet your husband and daughter.” She said, smiling broadly.

“I thought you didn’t know?” She asked, confused.

“Of course I knew. I got all your messages.” She assured her.

Martha’s face had an expression of anger “And you never told Dad?” She asked, starting to get furious.

“Why would I bother? He never cared.”

“I thought you knew. I’m staying with Dad. Dad and I are close. Real close.” She added “Closer than you and I ever were, Ruth.” She said, starting to get cold.

“Excuse me?” She gasped.

“You heard me. Me and Dad have the relationship you and I never had.”

“Young lady don’t speak to your mother like that.” John said coldly to Martha “She’s just been through a trauma and she deserves your respect.”

“Respect? You wouldn’t know about that.” She said furiously, turning on her heel and storming out. Coming to LA had been a bad idea, she knew that now. She headed to her car, to drive to the Macklin mansion, fuming.

“What’s wrong?” Brett asked, grabbing her and stopping her as she went to walk straight past him.

“All these years Ruth knew. She knew I was married and had a little girl, with the message I left. Yet she ignored it, and didn’t send it on to you. That is simply unforgivable.” She said.


“What are you doing here?” Ruth snapped at Brett. Her fight with Martha had left her in a bad mood.

“I heard about what happened. Mac told me everything. You little cow aren’t you? A right selfish cow.” Brett snapped back.

“I don’t know where you and your daughter get off, insulting Ruth like this. She’s just been in a car accident, she shouldn’t be being treated like this by her ex and her daughter!” John fumed.

“She deserves it! She didn’t tell me about my family. Something I should have been told.”

“You were never close to Martha! You told her you wanted nothing to do with her Brett, unless you forgot that!” She snapped.

“I know it was a mistake. Martha knows that too and she understands. She forgave me! She’s staying with me now, and I doubt she’ll ever want to see you again. And I understand why. You and your oh so fantastic husband deserve each other. You never once noticed how badly he treated Martha. Do you want to know the reason she’s not close to you? Because he treats her like dirt and scum and you ignore it. She got sick of it and I don’t blame her. She isn’t dirt or scum, she’s an amazing daughter who you stand to never meet again because of your foolishness. You just lost your relationship with your daughter. Actually no, you didn’t just lose it. You lost it when you got engaged to him.” He spat, turning on his heel “I hope he was worth losing your only child!” He called over his shoulder.


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-Note- Someone must take Sian's temperature. 1) She may like Brett - 2) She might be nice. Sian and nice just don't belong in the same sentence.. :P I'm updating cause I'd like to see what a nice Sian is like.

Nice to see you have faith in my kindness ok. *goes to read what nice is in the dictionary*

I really like how you swapped the relationships around because in the show it's more Ruth/ Martha but here it's more Brett/Martha. I like different :) differnet is good.

I forgot to say I'm glad J&M put the rings on :) how romantic they were like a millon feet in the air.

--My nice bit over--

Urghh Ruth :angry:

Urghh John :angry:

--my bad part over--

Go Martha for saying her piece!.

On a final note - I think I'm going to be sick.

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