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Guest -ParaisGal-

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Ok so I havent been posting on here for ageeeeeeeees and I thought I'd start again here.

Very impressive how many chapters you have managed to do Paris, do you even have a life? :P

You make my updating, or lack of updating, look even worse :lol:

And did you get the stepdads name "John Lewis" from that shop. you know the one with like absolutely EVERYTHING in it. what do you call it? A department store! :D

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Chapter Ten:

“Hey.” Martha greeted Alf with a hug as he stood at the door of the Macklin mansion.

“I heard what happened with your mother. Maybe you need to give her a break? She’s going through a rough time at the moment, and also maybe she just didn’t want your father to know.” Alf said gently.

“That doesn’t forgive her. I’m not going back there grandad so don’t bother trying to make me. I’ve made up my mind!” She warned him, walking in to find what Lillie was up to.

“Hey Alf.” Jack greeted him, as he made Lillie her lunch.

“Hey Jack.” He said with a nod.

“Grandad, Jack, Brett, Lillie and I are planning on returning to Summer Bay tomorrow. Brett’s decided to move with us, and not for a deal this time.” Martha smiled at her father.

“I still remember you kicking that cop in the shins.” Brett grinned at her.

“You kicked a cop in the shins?” Jack asked, grinning.

“McGrath. Aunty Morag managed to work me out of being fined.” She laughed.

“Lucky she did. You could’ve had a record.” He said seriously.

“What’s in the past is in the past. Don’t worry about it.” Martha said with a shrug.

“I think you should stay, maybe patch things up with your mother and John love. They are family.” Alf suggested.

“No. I will not do that. Let me make my own decisions.” She said, glaring at her grandad.


“When’s Martha coming back in? I’m interested in meeting my granddaughter and son-in-law.” Ruth asked her father.

“She’s not, love. She’s heading back to Summer Bay as soon as she can, with Lillie, Brett and Jack.” He answered her reluctantly.

“She has no respect for Ruth.” John said angrily “She’s her mother, she deserves her respect.” He said, obviously unhappy with the situation.

“She doesn’t feel too strongly about you either John. I think you’ve been giving her a hard time, which has led to her resentment of both you and Ruth. So maybe you need to back off her case, give her a break. She’s only twenty one.” Alf said, frowning at him.

“She’s a twenty one year old mother. She should have grown up after Lillie’s birth, not become even more immature. She has no respect. She was rude to both me and Ruth. I see where she gets it from, she gets it from her father. Ruth always shows respect.” He said, smiling at his wife.

“Thanks, and I agree. She was rather rude, which is why I’ve decided to head to Summer Bay once we’re healed. Hopefully, Brett will find us some accommodation, near Martha.”

“None of the houses near where Jack and Martha live are for sale.”

“The diner, dad?” Ruth asked him.

“That’s where Martha’s staying. Her and Jack were separated and Martha’s determined not to rush things, so she’s staying in her own flat. But she spends most of her time at Jack’s house.”

“Could me and John move in, so we could be closer to her? She’s my daughter, grandad. I want the chance you had to get to know her.” Ruth said quietly.

“Alright, but Martha has a say.” Alf said with a sigh “But I guess it’s worth a try. Seeing as I had the chance you didn’t have.” He added.


Three Weeks Later:

“Martha, you’re mother and John are moving to Summer Bay. In the Diner flat.” Alf said, looking at her, wondering her reaction.

“But that’s where I’m staying grandad!” Martha protested “Are you kicking me out?”

“No, she wants to stay there with you. She’s my daughter, Martha, I can’t exactly tell her not to.” Alf said, looking at Martha firmly.

“Fine.” She said, shrugging. But she knew what she was going to do.


“Hey.” Martha said, walking into the police station as she approached Jack.

“Hey. Didn’t expect to see you here.” He said, scooping up Lillie.

“I came to find out what time you finished.” She asked hesitantly.

“In half an hour, why?” Jack asked curiously.

“Because I will be house searching so I may need you to mind Lillie.”

“Why are you house searching?” Jack asked her.

“I’m not staying in the same flat as Ruth and John. They are moving to Summer Bay, and into grandad’s flat. With me.” She said flatly.

“There is an answer to that, so you don’t have to search.” He said, giving her a grin.

“What’s tha- Oh, move in with you?” She asked, looking at him.

“I guess you could say that.” He grinned at her.

“That is a possibility. But is there room, and are you prepared for a screaming three year old?” She smirked.

“Yes on all accounts. So is that a yes from you?” He asked, begging her.

“Yeah, why not. We’re married, after all.” She said, giving him a quick kiss.

“Go and start moving your stuff.” Jack told her, handing her his house keys.

“Thanks.” She said happily, heading out with Lillie in tow. She was relieved, she hadn’t felt like going house searching.


Jack drove into his driveway, grinning when he saw Martha’s ute parked there. He got out and hurried up the front “Hey.” He greeted her, noticing some boxes.

“In here!” She called from the spare room.

“Ah, a bed.” He said, looking at it.

“Toddler bed.” She corrected “That’s what it is, a toddler bed.” She smirked.

“Wow. Need any help?” He asked, kneeling beside her.

“Nope I got it.” She said, straightening the quilt.

“Good.” He said, giving her a kiss.

“What was that for?” She asked, grinning at him.

“Just to tell you I love you.” He said, smiling at her.

She gave him a hug, before they heard a loud smash, followed by loud crying “Lillie!” She yelled, panicking as she hurried out.

NEXT CHAPTER: What does Martha find has broken, and what’s the cause of Lillie’s tears?


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ARGH!!! i hope lillie isnt hurt :( and i hope it wasnt something to meanignfull... god do you know how long it is taking me to catch up on all your chapters paris lol :P i think im nearly done lol :P... not that im complaing about heaps of chapters or anything lol :P YAYAYAYAY they moved back in together EXCELLENT lol :P UPDATE ASAP


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