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Come What May

Guest -ParaisGal-

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Chapter Eleven:

“Lillie!” Martha called, hurrying to her. She walked to Lillie, noticing she’d dropped some sort of vase thing. She remembered it was nothing special, a plain glass vase they’d bought before the wedding. She knelt down carefully, picking up Lillie slowly, to make sure she didn’t get any glass in her palm, and in the process she didn’t want to send the glass through Lillie “Jack we need you to clean up this glass.” Martha called to him.

Jack came hurrying out, looking worried at the sight of Lille with blood on her arm “Is she okay?” He asked, grabbing the dustpan.

“I’m going to clean it.” She said, putting Lillie next to the sink and washing her hand and arm. She gave a sigh of relief when nothing seemed too wrong “I’m taking her to the hospital to make sure she hasn’t got any glass in it.” She said to Jack.

“I’m coming.” He shot out, putting the dustpan on the counter, and hurrying to open the back door for Martha.


“She’s alright. No glass. Just keep her hand bandaged, and she’ll be fine.” Rachel said, smiling at Lillie as she wrapped her left hand in a white bandage.

“Thank god.” Martha said, picking Lillie up when Rachel finished “I’m thrilled that’s all it is, that she didn’t have any glass.”

“She’s fine. Just make sure all the glass is cleaned up.” She assured her.

“Thanks Rach.” She said gratefully “I’m relieved you were here.” She said, smiling at her.

“I work here, of course I’m going to be here.” She grinned at her.


One and a half months later:

“Oh great.” Martha said when she got home, not happy to see Ruth there.

“Martha, please.” Ruth said, frowning slightly at her “We need to talk.”

“I think we don’t, actually. I think you need to get lost. I want nothing to do with you.” She snapped, putting her arms securely around Lillie and unlocking the door, letting herself and Lillie inside and slamming the door in Ruth’s face.

Tony frowned as he headed up to the house, noticing Martha had a large argument with a woman. He headed up to the door, knocking as Martha let him in.

Ruth pushed the door open “Don’t do this Martha! Please.”

“Just go!” Martha said loudly, handing Lillie to Tony.

“What’s going on?” Tony asked cautiously.

“This is my birth mother, Ruth Stewart. She should know it’s rude to outstay your welcome so go, get out of here. Leave. Whatever you understand!” She snapped at her.

“I’ll be back!” She promised her.


“Alright Lillie we can go beach.” Martha agreed, grinning at her as she dressed her.

“Can I come too?” Jack asked brightly, heading into the room.

“If you must.” She said, smiling as she kissed him. They were back as your ordinary couple now, doing everything normal couples did, being very much in love again.

“Thanks.” Jack grinned at her, smiling as he kissed her back “You appear quite happy.” He observed.

“Well, I wasn’t initially because Ruth approached me but now it’s all good.” She said, smiling.

“A lot of our friends are down the beach, did you forget the big dinner that’s been planned?” Jack asked, grinning at her.

“Oh no I forgot.” She said, blushing.

“Don’t worry, get some swimmers on, and some beachy clothes and I’ll finish getting her ready.” He said, grinning as he took Lillie from her.


“Lookin’ good.” Jack said, grinning as Martha came out, dressed in mini skirt, top and bathers.

She grinned back, walking over and wrapping her arms around him “Glad you think so.” She grinned at him.

“That’s good. And I hope I’m the only guy allowed to say that.” He whispered to her.

“Oh no, all the guys are allowed to say that.” She said innocently.

“What?” He said, frowning.

“I’m only kidding!” She said, grinning as she gave him a kiss “You’re the only one allowed to say that and kiss me.” She whispered to him.

“I hope so.” He said as they broke apart “I’d hate to see anyone else near my wife.” He said, grinning as he picked up Lillie.

“You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.” She said, picking up the car keys.


“You want a drink?” Jack asked her at the beach.

“Yeah, just a juice thanks.” She said, smiling.

“Juice? Not a beer?” He asked, confused.

“No, not a beer Mr Holden.” She said, rolling her eyes.

“Since when do you not drink alcohol?” He asked, pulling her to the side.

“Since about one week ago.” She said, slightly nervous now.

“Can I ask why?” He asked, already having an idea “Are you pregnant?” He asked her, straight forward.

She looked at him nervously, her look was enough.

“You are, aren’t you?” He said, starting to smile.

“Yeah.” She admitted “I didn’t know how to tell you. I mean, we were drunk when we slept together a few weeks ago Jack.” She said unsurely.

“Well I don’t mind. Besides yes we were drunk but we were ready. Well I think we were.”

“We were. I was just wondering how you’d take me being pregnant and all.” She said with a shrug.

“It’s alright, Martha. Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.” He assured her “Do we tell everyone?”

“I’m about nearly a month along, so wait a while longer.” She said quietly “In case anything goes wrong.” She added.

“Alright.” He said, wrapping a protective arm around her, thrilled. He was going to be a dad. And that thought thrilled him to pieces.

NEXT UPDATE: Will the pregnancy go well?


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hahaha... Paris is smart! :P its hard to keep up with all the fics hey paris? i dont blame you for not knowing her age... her age is little lol :P...

well excellent chapter im glad lillie is ok :D and YAYAYAYAYAY martha is preggers :D excellent... great chapter paris

update asap :)


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