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Come What May

Guest -ParaisGal-

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Paris you called Lillie Isabel at the beginning. I got confuddled!

:o What is wrong with her baby, nothing serious I hope, maybe its twins. :P

Aww so sweet

Please update soon or I will bug you on msn soooo much you will regret not updating sooner!

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Chapter Thirteen:

One Week Later:

“What’s wrong?” Martha asked Rachel at her next scan.

“Just hang on.” Rachel said, hurrying out and came back with another doctor “I just need a second opinion on something.” She added as she came back in.

The doctor said nothing to Martha, nothing to ease her fears except to nod to her in agreement and leave, with Martha’s fears growing more.

“Martha, Jack. You’re baby is profoundly deaf, meaning that he or she won’t be able to hear anything except very loud noises. I’m sorry.” Rachel said, putting the machine back.

Martha stared at her in disbelief “What? How?” She asked shakily, putting her hand to her stomach.

“It’s just one of those freak things that happens, I’m so sorry.” Rachel said softly “I’ll leave you and Jack to talk.” She added, heading out of the room but stopped at the door “If you have any questions, feel free to ask.” She added.


“I can’t believe our baby is deaf.” Martha said, her face red and puffy from crying.

“I know it isn’t an ideal situation. But this is our baby and we can’t give up on it. Sure the baby will be deaf, but that doesn’t really change it does it? We’re still going to have it, and it should be alright, even though it can’t hear.”

She nodded sadly “Can we stop calling the baby it though? It sounds so mean and cruel, I hate it. I never called Lillie an it, but I knew what I was having.” She said with a sigh.

“We will get through this. Our families will support us, we don’t need to worry about that Mac. We’re strong, and our baby will be as well. Our baby wouldn’t give up on us so why should we?” He asked her.

“I know, but I just don’t want our baby to be deaf that’s all.” She said, wiping her tears on a tissue Jack handed her.

“Neither do I, but there isn’t much we can do.” He said softly, kissing her gently.


“Lillie!” Martha called to her a week later “Come here.” She said, putting her on her lap “Mummy has something to tell you. You know how there’s a baby in mummy’s tummy?” At Lillie’s nod she continued “This baby is going to be different so you’re going to have to be extra nice alright?” She asked her, receiving another nod.

“Hey.” Jack said, walking in. The whole town felt sorry for them, because their baby might not be able to hear so they were getting many sympathetic words.

“Hey.” She said warily, holding Lillie tight.

“You told her then?” He asked her.

“Yeah. She seems fine with it.” She said, staring into space.

“Alright, let’s do something that isn’t sitting around.” Jack said “I’m taking both of you to the beach.” He said firmly.

“If we must.” Martha said, getting up.


“I think I needed to come.” Martha said, in a decisive tone.

“I think you did.” Jack nodded.

“It made me realise, that what you said in the hospital was right. I’m not giving up.” She said, holding her stomach tightly.

“That’s great, Martha, and you shouldn’t either.” He said, wrapping an arm around her.

“I know I shouldn’t, that’s why I’m not.” She said, looking at the waves.

“I’m glad. I didn’t know what I was going to do if you had of given up on the baby.” He said, as they stopped walking and stood, letting the waves wash around their feet and watching Lillie dart away from the waves.


“Congratulations!” Martha said, smiling at Belle and Luc.

“Thanks.” Belle said, grinning at them.

“So you decided to give your lost love another shot?” Jack asked, smiling as they celebrated at the Holden/Hunter home.

“Yes we did. We realised why pine for each other when we can actually have each other.” Belle admitted, grinning up at Luc.

“We did exactly the same thing. Now look at us, married with one child and expecting another.” Jack grinned at them.

“Maybe we’ll put the kids off for a while Jack.” Luc said, rolling his eyes at his brother.

“What if Belle gets clucky, what will you do then?” He demanded.

“I’ll be pretty stuck. But no kids till marriage Belle, sorry.” Luc said with a laugh.

“Try sticking to that.” Belle retorted.

“I will.” He said.


“In a little under five months we should have our baby.” Martha said softly to Jack that night.

“I can’t wait. I’m thrilled at being a dad for the second time.” He said, smiling.

“I can’t wait to be a mum again.”

“Everything will be fine.” Jack assured her.

NEXT UPDATE: Will Jack and Martha split? Will Martha get good news about her baby?


Strike through due to change of my wishes.

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Pairs you listen to me, they will not split up you big meanie!

I can't believe you could do that. And don't you dare say I brought this on myself because i certainly did not. You can get out of this Paris, but only if you really want to.

Update soon. Or I wil have to kill you. :)

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