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I loved Fridays Five Life ep. Jack getting drunk and going to see Martha was so funny! I loved Alfs reaction "What the flamin hell do you think you are doing!" and "You're kidding aren't you, you are as drunk as a skunk!" was just hilarious. Of all the people that could have answered the door it just had to be Alf! Genius.

Thought Tony was really sweet in this episode too. It was so nice of him to go and speak to Martha. This is one of the reasons that i love Tony! Such a lovely man.


drunk as a skunk it's still gets my giggling now!

tony was very sweet i loved it when he said "i can't imagine you not being apart of our famliy"bless him!! also he's very hot

Posted (edited)

Kim angst in today's episode. Loved it :wub: You could really see the emotion when he was reading the poem and holding baby Ella *Which by the way is like exactly the same as when Kim found Baby Noah and held him*

Just a thought, be wouldn't the logical godparent choices be Martha and Kim ? Because Tasha and Rob are both good friends with Mac, but Rob is better friends with Kim. So was Tash, once upon a time. Jack was just the plus one, at first.

Anyway, I really liked the whole Christening scene, i thought it was very cute, especially seeing as Robbie is so upset over the courtcase. And it was nice to see Tasha getting so worked up about how well the day was going.

Now, Cassie and Macca. Tut tut. I am a Cassie fan. But the girl's just not being moral. I'm also a Macca fan. And a Ric fan :o So i don't know what i'll make of tomorrow's episode, but it's gonna be a bloodbath. Especially as Sally is on her way there too (and mabe Alf).

Favourite line from today's episode:

Tasha: You're next mission, should you choose to accept it, is to eat more.


Edited by Guevara01

I was so shocked when Ric walked in at the end, as I was expecting it to be Sally. That was a nice little twist. Surely if Cassie was really worried about being caught with Macca she would have taken him to her room instead of getting it on in the sitting room sofa?


I couldn't believe it when Ric walked in. I like Cassie and Ric, but Im gonna have to side with Ric on this one. Can't wait to see what happens 2nite.

I felt really sorry for Kim as well. I forgot until she said he was 19 just how young he actually is and it made the whole "not wanting kids soon" thing make so much more sense. It was so sad when he was holding baby Ella.

Looking fwd to 2nites :D


  Guevara01 said:
I think both Sharni and Kate are doing a stellar job with this storyline. I like the family unit stuff.


Yeh me too. Although that part then when Cassie fell to her knees, was terribly done, she couldve been a little more drastic!

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