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I think Sam comments was really bitchy and totally undeserved to Martha, Martha has stayed out of her way which is what she wanted. You are all trying to paint Martha as the bad person but she isnt. They are both to blame.

I loved the ending though


I cant wait for todays five life. It will be ace :P


I actually agree about Martha! [shock horror!]. Someone said once that Martha is a better character when she's not chasing after Jack, and I think she is.

I can't wait for tonights 5Life either. I think Sally will be horrified and think Miles is tormenting her or something and won't believe him.


I think Martha deserved it.

The last thing Sam knew was that Martha had left the Bay.. Next thing she is at the door to the church, why would she be there? The only reason would be because she is still obsessing over Jack and either wanted to see it happen, or stop it.

Sam saw her, and she wanted to confront her and this is the way she did it. I loved that line to Martha, I thought it was great.

The only bit I actually liked in the whole JM/JMS storyline.. In all the years lol

I cant wait for the next episode either, I cant wait to see Sally's reaction. I hope she doesnt go alittle too off with him. How would he know about Milco? And why would he make up a lie about it? Hopefully Sally can keep some sense with her reaction.


Oh my goodness, how amazing is this episode? So so brilliantly done, I didn't see that coming at all. We find out and figure out what's going on as Sally is finding out, which I think has been so powerful. Such *awesome* acting from all those involved as well. Absolutely amazing.


Yeah it was good, the whole epsiode was very touching. Sorry to bring negativity to it though but I found her remembering about the birthday party very unrealistic, remembering a boy being present maybe but suddenly remembering sharing a birthday party with someone which you haven't remebered for the last 25 years? I find it unlikely.


I thought the episode was great. Best in a long time.

Although, I also found Sallys jump to the memories alittle too sudden.. I liked that it sort of went back with age, remember when she was 7/8 with Pippa, and then back even further, but it was alittle too fast.

I also think they should of just had Sally and Milco in the episode, up until the end with Colleen entering and Ric. But I think they should of cut Cassie out of the episode. I know that she has a really big storyline, but what was said and shown in todays episode, didnt have to be in that episode, it could of been left until the next episode, I would of loved it if it was just the whole episode in the House with Sally and Milco.


Well, tonights episode was just awesome. Kate Ritchie and Josh Quong Tart excelled themselves in every aspect. I voiced my opinions on the episode in the Aus discussion thread when it first aired, so I'll just quote that :P.

  bttb-rox! said:
The only episode from this week that I've seen all the way through is Monday's amazing episode, so I'll just have to comment on that one!

What an episode. I probably won't be able to explain it very well, but I'll try! I seriously haven't seen an episode like it. The acting, writing, music and direction was superb. Kate Ritchie gave a mind-blowing performace, and Josh was absolutely fantastic throughout. The continuity of everything in the whole story is amazing and I love the fact that everything fits in with what we already know about Sally's past. The scenes with just Sally and Miles were extremely touching and I have nothing but praise to give to Kate and Josh for their performace in Monday's episode.

Along with Kate, Sharni's acting has been completely breathtaking of late and I've no doubt that her current storyline is going to bring out her talent even further.


Even thou, I have watched it a few times now. I'm still sooooooooooo taken back with emotion. The whole Milco storyline. Infact I'd never tire of watching the first couple of months of this season.

It was soo cool to watch it on a big tv screen, too.


This episode was a great one and i really enjoyed it, well done to Kate and Josh for playing a great episode as sally and miles. [ milco]

Why don't sally put a phone or mobile phone in her bedroom, then she don't have to go downstairs all the time the phone goes.


Just wanted to agree with most of what's been said here so far about last night's episode - it was amazing! The moment Sally came to the realisation that they were twins made me gasp and it was so lovely to see them holding each other towards the end.

I agree with Reo that it would have been nice to have the whole episode devoted to Miles and Sally to really do the storyline justice. I can't believe she's gone from complete happiness to horror in the space of one episode! :( Give us some time to enjoy her being happy.

About the fact that Sally hasn't found out about Cassie yet - I find this quite plausible - it's only been a day and let's face it she's kind of been distracted!

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