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There's a lot of cobwebs in here!

I was pleased to see that Martha was alone in her bedroom today- I thought she had

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in there, I was just saying 'what a tart!' but luckily I was wrong! That dinner party was so funny with Morag woffling on and on. I am sure she was just doing it to annoy them, the naughty woman :lol:


I found it pretty funny when Morag and Roman were talking and Martha was looking at them from the kitchen, like Morag had become the center of the date lol

I am really hating Drew's change in character. First he goes off at Aden without warning, when he shouts at him to be a big man and own up, and then again when Aden said something to Matilda about Johnny. Fair enough, something that people would get mad at. But it just came out of no-where, it didnt show him losing his temper, he just went from being calm to completely losing it.

And now this thing with Belle. Belle has a job, a career and something that she cant just say no to when being told what to do. She cant pick and choose, she just started. But Drew doesnt care. I couldnt believe it when he said 'How could you let this happen?' when he came in with the paper. For one thing how was Belle to know? She had written out the piece and showed it to Drew, that was what she was expecting to see in the paper and for another, what exactly could Belle have done?

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I think they are changing his character completely ready for him to leave the show. But they are changing him into a person that I cant stand to watch.

Posted (edited)

I've always liked Drew, but I've always thought he was a bit mad. He doesn't seem consistent in what he does, as you say. He just seems aimless at the moment, messing about doing nothing. I think Lucas also went like that before he left, maybe the writers don't bother to give leaving characters anything else to do.

Edited by Miranda

It really annoyed me how Drew just went off on one. It was fairly obvious that Belle had submitted her own article, which he had read, and it was completely out of her hands. I was agreeing with Drew through the episode until that point. Even if you have a job there is an ethical line which you shouldn't cross. Belle was completely out of line at Dans memorial. Drew needed her, and all she cared about was her job. Dan was much more than an uncle to Drew.

Roman and martha are cute atm, but i think they have the potential to become reeeeaaaaallllyyyy boring!


Not another romance for Martha :rolleyes: , which let me guess, will last all of five minutes before she realises her undying love for Jack?

What was with Drew at the end? I mean he saw the article Belle wrote (as other people have also pointed out), it was obvious that she wasn't even aware it had been changed. And even if she did know, exactly what could she have done, demanded that they not run the story? Yeah because her being a cadet, she certainly has a huge say in what does and doesn't get printed huh? Besides since when did Drew become Mr Morality? I mean this is the guy who used stolen car parts, cheated on his girlfriend with her mother, took part in illegal drag racing which eventually killed a girl and ran someone over with no intention of going to check if he was even alive.


I think Drew's having some sort of breakdown, probably set off by Dan's death. He is acting weirdly, even for him, and going off into the night alone. Sad really. Leah took it really well, considering Drew is like a son to her. Hopefully she will hear that he is safe and well soon.


Drew was losing it a few weeks ago and now he has gone. But Leah mentioning that it could be Dan's death making him lose it, I didnt think about that at all. Never entered my head. But he really has changed, couldnt believe what he did to Belle. The arguement, blaming her for things that she has no control of. Not understanding that her career is important and she cant risk losing it or just quiting like that. It has been abit much, he seems to have lost all understanding.

And I was also surprised by Leah and her just letting him go, it doesnt seem like her.


Wowee. What a mind-blowing performance from Bobby Morley and Jess Tovey last night! :D

Drew really did fly off the handle too much when he saw that the article about Sally had been re-written in a negative light. It wasn't Belle that wrote it, so how can Drew blame her so much? Okay, if she had of wrote it I can understand him getting annoyed. But she didn't, so I can't understand Drew's behaviour towards her. The storyline was basically Belle & Job V Belle & Job AND Drew. The latter wasn't working at all, so it would only have been a matter of time before they broke up anyway.


Yes, B and D should have split up ages ago. I could never understand how she forgave him for sleeping with Amanda!! I suppose B and D just stuck together out of habit. And thats another thing- he called her a slag- which shall we say is not entirely undeserved- but what about him?? Sleeping with his girlfriend's mother indeed!!!

What Belle should have done was stay with Lucas. She's bossy and he needs someone to boss him around and stop him going off into fantasy land, and he is calmer than Drew [usually] :lol:


  Miranda said:
Yes, B and D should have split up ages ago. I could never understand how she forgave him for sleeping with Amanda!! I suppose B and D just stuck together out of habit. And thats another thing- he called her a slag- which shall we say is not entirely undeserved- but what about him?? Sleeping with his girlfriend's mother indeed!!!

Haha yes, I just wrote that in the other thread! What a nerve he has! I could never understand her getting back with him after that either, that's like the ultimate betrayal.

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