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Having Faith (by -ParaisGal-) - comments


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omg omg omg omg omg YAY :D

aww jack and rory :wub: they're so cute

for some strange reason i compleatly missed the second half?!?! not sure how but im glad i came back! omg YAY he's back!!! :D lol i'll sleep well tonight!

but yourr not going to make something bad happen are you? because that would be VERY VERY BAD! hmmm i've got my eye on you Paris...

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omg paris do you know how much i love you

:wub: lol you brought him back :)

lol i had hoped you would :) o and sorry to hear you've been upset *sympathetic hug* that sucks but i understand this story and where it came from with you now sooo much better lol :) well hope it all

works out for you and great chapters update asap i want more!! :)


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jacks back....lol.... :wub:

i'm sooo happy.....so he's definatly back for gd...... :)

paris u r the best!!!! i was hoping u would "bring him back to life" again!!!!

definatly a gr8 chapter....soooooooooo hope theres more soon..........*i'll give u cookies*

:P :P

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Yer Paris I'm sorry aswell, didn't actually realise how long it went on for... Hope things turn out well with your parents, and that was great. The past two chapters were fabby! I knew you could never kill Jack - well not permanently! Please please please update soon, I can't wait till the next chapter :D

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People actually believed I had the heart to kill him! That whole, imagining Mac as a single mum line was something to put you off. I did Tilly in witness protection in Childhood. And don't worry about the factory thing, it's ancient history now guys. Thanks for your comments, I stopped writing this on HAAC because only one person ever responded, one or two. And so many more people appreciate it on here, so I'm happy! Hopefully an update of childhood tonight, and a chapt of hf tonight or tomorrow. And thanks for your sympathies, yes you understand why Callie got 'adopted' by Martha, because I was adopted at age four! LOL!

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