Guest [x]whacko[x]jen[x] Posted March 4, 2007 Report Posted March 4, 2007 Good idea LOL ;) because there's 4 all talking about the same thing. How about we talk bout this in one of mine? That way mine gets full up and yours and Emma's aren't lol.
allibaz91 Posted March 4, 2007 Report Posted March 4, 2007 Lol good plan Now back on topic - I'll update soon, but probably not today as I'm not at home lol, I'm on the computer at my aunt's house
*~Abi~* Posted March 4, 2007 Report Posted March 4, 2007 Lol dont make me bigheaded, now! I think you would be really good - if you're unsure about your writing, myself and several others on the board are proof readers who could help you with it. Just check out the PR thread in the FanFic section - page five or something lol! aww thanks hun will do that when i write something loving the new add Pete's really taken to the uncle role and he should look for his son he will make a good dad
allibaz91 Posted March 4, 2007 Report Posted March 4, 2007 Thanks loads Lil and Abi lol - comments VERY much appreciated!! :D Lil, did you mean Pete and Lucy or Pete and Clare were cute lol?
allibaz91 Posted March 5, 2007 Report Posted March 5, 2007 Chapter 22 “Peter Kevin Baker!” Lucy screeched at top volume. Peter rolled over in bed, sighing, and checked the clock. Eight o’clock. What was she doing, waking him? He heard her thundering up the stairs, and a moment later the door was flung open, and she crossed the room and pulled back his curtains, letting the sunlight stream in. He sat up wearily, shielding his eyes against the blinding sun, which she had so kindly exposed him to. “Lucy,” he said, as calmly as he could. “It’s eight in the morning. What’s the matter?” “Oh, I was laughing at the fact that your middle name is Kevin,” she giggled, throwing a piece of mail at him on the bed. “This arrived this morning.” “What?” Peter grabbed the envelope and turned it over, looking perplexed. Who knew he was here? And more importantly, who of those who knew he was here thought it was so important to get in touch with him that they would write to him here? He tore open the envelope, and he felt tears welling up in his eyes. Lucy looked concerned. “Uncle Pete?” she asked him unsurely. “Are you okay?” “Uh, yeah, fine, Lucy …” he said distractedly. “Listen, go downstairs and check what we have for breakfast – I’ll be down in a couple of minutes, okay?” “If you’re sure …” she said, not sounding sure herself. He nodded in what he hoped was a reassuring manner, and she left the room, looking concerned. Peter sighed heavily to himself and got out of bed, pulling on any old clothes. He then closed the curtains over – the light was giving him a headache. He sat back down on the bed, with the letter resting on the covers beside him, and closed his eyes. ‘Detective Baker, I’m writing you this letter to apologise sincerely for what I’ve put you through. I know you don’t deserve it, and I wish I had the courage to tell you myself. But after speaking to you last week, I realised I had to let you know, that despite appearances, what I did really was in your best interests. I hope some day we can discuss it, but if not, then this will have to suffice. Enclosed, please find a few of your personal documents and what I presume to be important photographs. Hopefully these items will help make your stay in that place slightly more bearable. I really am sorry. I wish things didn’t have to be this way, but it’s for your own good. Yours sincerely Superintendent Sam Murphy Peter reread this letter several times, before laying it aside and tipping out the contents of the envelope. Inside were old photos from the Academy – from when he and Clare had been young, and friends with Sam. They had drifted apart since. Then there were his badge and gun license – only Sam Murphy would think a gun license would be a comfort! And finally, pictures from his time in the Bay. Sam must have raided his personal effects before they were passed on to his family, to get these. Maybe he wasn’t all bad after all. One particular photo that caught Peter’s eye was the one from Dan’s bucks’ night. That had been a good night – except for the punch-up, of course. And the fight with his mother when she found out about Dan’s colossal black eye – courtesy of Kim, of course. Thinking of his mother made him even more upset. All those years he hadn’t spoken to them; all that wasted time they could have spent getting to know each other properly … it had taken them right up to Dan and Leah’s wedding to sort it out, and now they had, they thought he was dead. How fair was that? This of course led to a whole heap of other memories – the time he had taken Clare back to meet his parents. It had actually been a great trip, although he had been dreading it for weeks. His mum and dad had been on best behaviour – and even more surprisingly, so had Clare! They had all gotten on really well; he had shown her around his hometown; she had met some of his mates from school; everything had been so … perfect. Which just reminded him that she was in fact perfect. She had even been able to stand his mother’s cooking – and that in itself was quite an achievement! Despite all that, he had still hurt her. And now he had her back, he had lost everyone else he loved. Without even realising it, Peter had started to cry. He felt a little embarrassed, but the tears wouldn’t stop coming. He missed his family – Dan, Leah, his parents … he still barely knew Drew, and now he might never have the chance. Life was so cruel. “Hey, Uncle Pete …” He hadn’t heard Lucy re-enter the room. He tried to wipe away his tears, but she had already seen them. She sat on the bed next to him, looking worried. “What’s going on? And don’t say nothing. If I have to talk to you about what’s bothering me, then you have to return the favour. It’s only fair.” “Have you ever considered being a lawyer?” he asked, half-laughing. “I don’t know – you reckon I could take on some of yours and Clare’s cases?” she asked. “I wouldn’t want to come up against you in any courtroom,” he said honestly. “Who was the letter from?” Lucy asked him quietly. He sighed and passed it to her, and she read over it without speaking. She then looked around at a few of the pictures lying there, and bit her lip, looking back at Peter. “I guess I never thought about how hard this must all be for you,” she said finally. “I mean, Clare left everything, but she still sees us. She’s off having a laugh with my mum just now. Your family all think you’re six feet under somewhere. That’s gotta suck.” “Yeah, just a bit,” he said, looking at the ground. “I just …” “You just, what?” she prompted him, looking sincere. He sighed again. “I just wish none of this had ever happened. Eve. Tracey. I mean, first time around, I’m kind of grateful for – it’s what brought Clare and me together again. But the whole reason I lost her again was over them. And now, because of them, I’ve lost everything else.” “Not everything,” Lucy said sympathetically, and put an arm on his shoulder. Peter looked up at her, surprised. And she had changed, somehow. He then smiled. “Well, how about that?” he said softly. “You’re a young woman.” “What are you talking about?” she asked him, clearly lost. He laughed. “I can’t explain it, but … somewhere in the last three minutes, you’ve grown right up. You’re not the silly kid I used to help Clare baby-sit. You’re a lady. And you’re smart, compassionate, sweet … and I’m very grateful to have you here.” Lucy flushed pink at his compliment, and he hugged her for a few moments. “Peter?” she asked. “Do you think … well, I mean, like I said, you’re the only male role model I have in my life. Do you reckon it’d be okay if I thought of you as my dad?” “You know what?” he said, shoving some stray hair out of her face and looking into her eyes, so like Clare’s. “I would be honoured if you did. And if you really were my daughter, I reckon I’d be the luckiest father in the world.” She smiled bashfully and hugged him again. “Thanks … Dad,” she said, nervously. “Or should I not call you that? Is it weird?” “I tell you what – you can call me whatever you like, and I’ll go do the dad thing and rustle up some funny-shaped pancakes for breakfast,” he laughed. “Sound good?” “Sounds perfect,” she smiled, and he slung an arm around her, and they headed downstairs together, having reached a new level of understanding. Lil made me update lol So enjoy everyone - especially you, Lil, or you're in trouble
Lilone Posted March 5, 2007 Report Posted March 5, 2007 OMG this is just so good. Lucy and Pete are just so cute "Dad" awww thats just the best
allibaz91 Posted March 5, 2007 Report Posted March 5, 2007 Lol you just like using the word just!! But thanks very much - I rushed the chapter so I could update tonight lol, so you be grateful!! Anyway, off to bed But will try and update soon ...... sooner, if Lil continues bullying Thanks again lol Lil! (and for the awesome name )
Sarah_Lewis Posted March 5, 2007 Report Posted March 5, 2007 That was fcuking awesome Alli Belly =]] update when you can =]] or i'll start bullying yooh to lol
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