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I'm not sure I'm a fan of the revamp yet. I'm taking issue with the film their using. It just seems really jumpy to me. I don't like it. It feels like there are a whole lot of frames missing, or as if it's being transmitted digitally, and half the signal isn't getting through... It irritates me. Newer does not always mean better.

Are you watching it threw a normal ‘box’ tv? Or the widescreen digital transmission? To be honest it took me a few seconds to even realise it had changed, but that’s because I watch TV on the computer threw the digital box so it all kinda blends, but when I compare recording I have prior to the ‘revamp’ the quality is much clearer and the lighting is loads better, less studio like - it looks really like the format in film they used before 2000, (when they changed to the digital widescreen format they had up until the revamp)…so 7 years is a pretty long time to stick with the same film. Here's a comparison shot:


I know what you mean though, when H&A switched to High Definition in 2003, it took a while to get used to it, it was like an invisible barrier had been put up between the audience and the show somehow!

Nah Ringo and Frazer will be back!

Tonight Stonie arrived back, Todie went to court and he was let off with a fine and something else, but it wasn’t a big deal. Ned’s going to be coaching the footy team and Carmilla is waiting for test results to indicate whether or not there is something wrong with her baby (due to taking the medication etc before she knew). She hasn’t told Oliver yet. PLUS they had the end credits role without any promo of voice over, and the end theme is really good imo!


I think the quality of the images themselves are better, it's just the transmission I have an issue with... or the lack of frames. Or something... Yes, I'm getting that invisible barrier feeling :(

I'm watching it through a normal TV. I've got a Foxtel satelite feed on another TV though, so I know the kind of digital jumps you're talking about - it's not like that. It's something in the actual filming of it... Not much to be done about it now, I suppose, but it is irritating to watch.


Does anyone else think Carmella blames herself for the car crash? I mean she was praying by Ringo's bedside, what if she thought God was punishing her or something, which in turn is why she told Ringo she didn't love him (Just a theory), it just seemed that way to me and I can't blame her, especially with everyone giving her a hard time, aleast Rosie has stopped being a idiot, Frazer needs to let it go before it destroys his and Rosie's marriage thought


Do you mean that Carmella thinks that God almost killed Ringo to teach her a lesson...? That seems a bit extreme, but I suppose it's possible for her to think that...


Can someone please tell me what the deal with Rebecca,Richard and Alan is?

My poor brain is ready to explode i'm so confused.None of it makes any sence to me.


Can someone please tell me what the deal with Rebecca,Richard and Alan is?

My poor brain is ready to explode i'm so confused.None of it makes any sence to me.

Basically Alan disowned Rebecca when she fell pregnant and I guess he was annoyed that she got herself involved with Richard, who was abusive towards her. But eventually she ran off, giving Oliver to the Barnes family.

A few years later, Richard and Rebecca got back together, he convinced her that he had changed but he raped her, conceiving Declan. Alan knew but didn't do anything to help her and she spent her life running away from Richard.


I haven't read any spoilers recently, so I'm just a little bit terrified of what's going to happen in tomorrow's episode. Toady's having a heartattack, but more importantly (cause I doubt Toady will die... I hope not anyway) I'm scared of what Richard's going to do to Declan. The whole thing reminded me of I Know What You Did Last Summer - "When you leave a man for dead, make sure that he's really dead!" Ehh.. :(


Can someone please tell me what the deal with Rebecca,Richard and Alan is?

My poor brain is ready to explode i'm so confused.None of it makes any sence to me.

Basically Alan disowned Rebecca when she fell pregnant and I guess he was annoyed that she got herself involved with Richard, who was abusive towards her. But eventually she ran off, giving Oliver to the Barnes family.

A few years later, Richard and Rebecca got back together, he convinced her that he had changed but he raped her, conceiving Declan. Alan knew but didn't do anything to help her and she spent her lfie running away from Richard.


I think Declan will be fine Jem...well he better be!


Fine?? FINE!?!? He's gonna go to jail!!! For attempted manslaughter, no less! That's like one of those 20 year deals... Deeecllaaaannnn!! *Cries!!*

Since when was I this attatched to Declan...? Hm. Must have been the vague psychotic streak... which he probably does get from his father...

Speaking of Richard, I was almost ready to believe him until he pulled this stunt. It was still his word against Rebecca's, but I can't believe that any father who loved his son would want to see him sent to jail over something that didn't really happen... I mean, no one was hurt in the end... and it's not like Declan actually struck him... the idiot fell out of the boat himself :rolleyes:. Which makes me believe that he's a right b*stard. Hopefully Toady and Rosie will sort him out with their spunky new lawyer team. Oooh they could refer to themselves as the Justice League - that seems like something Toady would do...

It was interesting that Toady had a panic attack, and not a heartattack. He really did look like he was clutching his heart... though I suppose you do that when you can't breathe and you think you're going to hyperventiallate and die... Glad to say I've never been hospitalised for that, lol... Nice to see the issue being raised though. Something different.


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