HeavenForbid Posted March 20, 2007 Report Posted March 20, 2007 Chapter 11 Jack went home that night. Everything had calmed down over at Rebecca’s house. Jack was so worried about her. What will he do? AJ was dangerous. She wouldn’t go to the cops and Jack wasn’t a cop anymore. He had to get her out of there. Who knew how long that has been going on. What if he had hurt Jason? He went into the bedroom. Martha was reading her book. “Heya” Martha smiled. “Hey!” Jack said and kissed her. “So is everything ok now?” Martha asked. “I hope so. AJ came home and went to bed. I am really worried about her. What if AJ hits her again or he if hits Jason” Jack said. “Listen! You have tired to get her to leave him. She won't. There is noting else you can do!” Martha said to him. “There is one thing!” Jack said looking at Martha “What?” Martha said. “She will come and live with us.” Jack said. “Jack!” Martha said “I know! I know! But what else can we do? This way she will be away from him and so will Jason.” Jack said “Martha please! She will have nowhere else to go!” Martha agreed to let Rebecca stay. Her and Rebecca hadn’t been fighting since she came. It would only be for a while until she get sorted somewhere else. ****** Rebecca woke up the next morning. Jack called her. She had decided to leave AJ. She packed her stuff and wrote a note to AJ. Jason and her waited in the sitting room until Jack came to collect them. Jason was very happy that is was going to be living with his dad. Jack came and knocked on the door. “Thanks so much Jack!” Rebecca said. “No problem! I couldn't have you living here with him” Jack replied. “Where is Jason?” “Bathroom. He will be out in a second.” Rebecca smiled. Jason ran out and saw Jack. “Daddy!” Jason shouted. “Hey sport!” Jack smiled. “I cant wait to live with you!” Jason said. He ran out to the car taking his bags with him. “You ready?” Jack asked Rebecca. “Yeah” Rebecca said “Lets go” “Where are you going?” Jack and Rebecca turned around. Standing there was AJ. “I said! Where are you going?” AJ repeated. “Away! It is over AJ!” Rebecca shouted. AJ walked over to Rebecca. “Don’t bother!” Rebecca said They walked out the front door. AJ watched them get into the car, “Rebecca! Rebecca! Please don’t do this!” he shouted. “To late!” Rebecca said and go into the car leaving AJ. ****** Martha had made some lunch for Jack, Jason and Rebecca. They came home and had it. Martha helped Rebecca get settled in. “Thank you!” Rebecca said “It is ok! I know that we have had our problems in the past but I think we have gotten over them” Martha said. “Yeah…I am really sorry about how I treated you when I first arrived.” Rebecca replied. Jason ran into the bedroom. “Would you like to come and get an ice cream?” Martha asked. Jason nodded. Martha and Jason went to the diner. Jack was in the kitchen starting ot make the dinner when Rebecca came in. “Settle in ok?” Jack asked “Yeah! Fine thanks” Rebecca replied. “Good! Dinner will be ready soon” Jack said “Jack I need to talk to you about something” Rebecca said quietly “What is it?” Jack asked. “I know that it is over and nothing will ever happen again but my feeling for you have come back! I have really deep feelings for you Jack. I know you are with Martha and you are having a baby…but I cant help how I feel.” He looked into her eyes. He couldn’t believe that she felt this way about him. She leaned in and kissed him unaware that someone was at the door and saw the kiss Preview: How will Jack react to the kiss. Who is at the door?
HeavenForbid Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 Chapter 12 Lucas looked at Rebecca and Jack kiss. He quickly ran home. What was he going to do? Jack broke from the kiss. “I am sorry! That should never of happen” Jack said “No! Jack I am sorry. I am sorry about what happen years ago and I am sorry that I ever let you go!” Rebecca said. “What? Rebecca! No! I am married. I love Martha and we have having a child together. This cannot and will never happen again.” Jack said “But -” “No! Rebecca! No!” Jack went into his bedroom. Should he tell Martha? It didn’t mean anything. Martha arrived home with Jason. He went into his bedroom and Rebecca followed him. “What is up with her?” Martha asked, “Nothing” Jack smiled. He continued to cook the dinner. He wouldn’t tell Martha. There was no need too. It meant nothing and it would never happen again. He served up the dinner. It was very awkward between Rebecca and Jack and Martha noticed it. ****** After dinner, Lucas called around. Martha had taken Rebecca and Jason out with Beth and Tony. “Hi mate!” Jack smiled. “So what it is like with two women?” Lucas asked annoyed. “What are you talking about?” Jack said confused. “I saw you with Rebecca!” Lucas said “How could you! What about Martha?” “Luc! Wait. She kissed me. I swear. It never meant to happen and it never will again!” Jack replied. “Jack! Save it!” Lucas said “Either you tell Martha or I will!” Lucas turned around and saw Martha standing there. “Tell me what?” Martha said confused. “Martha!” jack said “Jack! What is going on? Tell me what?” Martha said “Will I tell her?” Lucas asked “No! I will.” Jack shouted. “Jack!” Martha said “Martha sit down! Where is Rebecca and Jason?” Jack asked. “Out in the car! They will be in, in a minute! Now! Can someone tell me what is going on?” Martha said “I saw him and Rebecca kissing today!” Lucas said. “What?” Martha replied stunned. “Martha! Wait - ” “Save it! It is over!” Martha went into the bedroom and packed her things. Lucas went home and Rebecca and Jason walked in the door. “What is going on?” Rebecca asked. “You know what! That night when Jack first saw you with AJ and called you a wh*re, well he was right! Jack is....Jack was my f*cking husband! You are a two faced b*tch and I hope you rot in hell!” Martha said and stormed out. Preview: What will happen with Jack and Martha? What will Martha discover?
HeavenForbid Posted March 23, 2007 Report Posted March 23, 2007 Chapter 13 Jack couldn’t believe what happened. He had lost his wife again! Would they get back together? What about the baby? Jack went into his room and stayed there the whole night. He looked at the good times himself and Martha had. There was a knock on the door. “Jack?” Rebecca called. “What?” Jack snapped. “Jason wants you to read him a bedtime story” Rebecca replied. “Can you not?” jack asked “Well I could - ” “Great! Settled then. Shut the door” Jack said. “Ok! See you in the morning.” Rebecca said annoyed Jack looked at Martha in their wedding photo. She loved lovely and even pregnant she still looked good. He loved her so much. But this was real! She left and he wasn’t sure if she would come back. That night he cried himself asleep. ****** Rebecca had already cooked breakfast the morning after. Jason was sitting at the table. “Morning” Rebecca smiled. “Hi” Jack said “Daddy! Can we go to the beach today?” Jason asked. “I am not sure sport! I am not feeling well” Jack said sitting beside him “Oh ok” Jason said sadly “Jack! Can I talk to you for a second.” Rebecca said “What?” Jack said “Over here in your room please” Rebecca said annoyed. “What?” Jack said shutting the door after him “What was that out there?” Rebecca snapped “What was what?” Jack replied “Saying you wouldn’t bring Jason out today!” Rebecca shouted. “Maybe it is because I lost my wife because of you and your f*cking feelings!” Jack shouted “Jack! It is over between you and her! Get over it! Take responsibility for your actions!” Rebecca said “What?! How dare you say that to me! You were the one that kissed me!” Jack snapped “Jack you didn’t stop it! You didn’t back away” Rebecca said “Yes! I f*cking did!” Jack shouted. Jack had enough off this. Rebecca coming into his life had turned his world upside down. He lost his wife twice since she came and now he didn’t know if he would ever see her again! “Jack!” Rebecca said calmly. “You are a grown man. Don’t sulk because you lost your precious wife!!” “You know what Rebecca. Why don’t you go f*cking back to where you came from. I don’t want you here and neither does Martha! Thanks to you I have lost her and I will never forgive you for that. Why didn’t you just tell me when you got pregnant that you were pregnant instead of coming into my life four years f*cking after and ruining it! And for the record I am not sulking! If you were married and spilt from your partner you would be upset so f*ck you! Be out of this house when I come back!” Jack shouted. “What about Jason!” Rebecca asked “I have nowhere to go! He is four! Where will he live. I cant let him sleep in the car.!” “He can live with me!” Jack slammed the door. “Mammy!” Jason said “Can we just go home. Back to the city” ****** Martha had to go for a check up at the hospital. Sally came with her. She waited on the bed until Rachel came in. “So what are you guys going to do?” Sally asked “I don’t know Sally! I really don’t” Martha said “What about the baby?” Sally asked “Oh! Jack will be apart of the babies life but not mine!” Martha said. She started to cry. Sally hugged her and assured her it would be okay. Rachel walked in the room. “Ok. Lets see!” Rachel said. “That is the baby‘s head and here is one arm.” Martha smiled. She wished that Jack could be here for this. God’s know what he was doing up that b*tch. Rachel stopped and ran out of the room. “I will be back in a second!” She said. “Oh no! What is wrong? What is wrong? Sally?” Martha became very worried. Rachel returned with another doctor. They were looking at the screen for a few minutes. Rachel turned around. “What is wrong?” Martha asked! Preview: What is wrong with Martha’s baby?
HeavenForbid Posted March 28, 2007 Report Posted March 28, 2007 chapter 14 “What is wrong, Rachel?” Martha asked worried. Rachel turned around. “You are having twins!” she smiled “Oh that is great!” Sally said “What?” Martha was stunned, “Yes! I found two heart beats!” Rachel replied “Oh my god! I am having twins!” Martha said in disbelief “Congrates! You and Jack will be great parents” Rachel said “Oh! Jack and I are not together anymore. I don’t know what is happening actually” Martha said “Oh I am really sorry! I didn’t know!” Rachel said “It is okay! Well I better be off!” Martha said Sally and Martha left the hospital and headed back to Summer Bay. “Will I leave you off at Jack’s?” Sally asked “No!” Martha repiled. ****** When Jack came home that afternoon, Jason and Rebecca had left. There was a note on the table with his name on it and it was from Rebecca. He read it: “To Jack! I am really sorry about what has happened since I have arrived. I know that I have messed up your life and Martha’s so much . That is why I am leaving. We are going back to the city. Call me and we can arrange visits between yourself and Jason.” Jack was stunned. He reread the note over and over again. Not only did he loose his wife but now his lost Jason, his son. Suddenly Jack heard a voice “Quickly! Run and get them. We have to go!” “Rebecca!” Jack shouted. “Why are you doing this!” “It is for the best! Jason! Come on!” Rebecca said “Please! Don’t do this to me!” Jack begged “No! I am sorry! I have to go! I can't ruin your life anymore. That is all I seem to be doing!” Rebecca repiled. At that moment, Jason ran out with his bob the builder dvd’s that he left behind. He ran out and got into the car. “Goodbye Jack” Rebecca said. “Rebecca please!” Jack said “I love Jason” “Where will I live? It would be better to move back to the city. I can live with my mum.” Rebecca said “Your caravan. Sal will give it back” Jack said “She will not” Rebecca laughed “She will! Just try please!” Jack said Preview: Will Rebecca stay in the Bay?
HeavenForbid Posted March 29, 2007 Report Posted March 29, 2007 chapter 15 Jack waited with Jason while Rebecca went over to Sally’s. They watched the dvd’s. After a while, Jack heard a phone ring. It was Rebecca’s. He answered it. “Hello? Rebecca?” said a man. “No. It is a friend. She left her phone at my house. Who is calling and I will let her know.” Jack said “This is AJ” he repiled. Jack immediately hung up. He was very annoyed at Rebecca. Was she back with him? Why was he calling her? Rebecca came back. “I got the caravan back!” she said smiled. Jason got his dvd and went out into the car. Jack stood in front of Rebecca. “You had a call.” He said annoyed. “From?” Rebecca replied. “AJ!” Jack shouted “Why the hell is he calling you!” “He has been asking to get back with me” Rebecca said “And! Are you getting back with him?” Jack asked “No! I swear Jack! Never! Listen I have to go. You have a visitor” she said. Rebecca walked out the door. Jack was not finished with her. Martha walked in the house. “Martha!” Jack said surprised “Hi Jack” Martha said. “Would you like anything?” Jack asked. “No. I had an appointment today” Martha said “Is everything okay?” Jack asked concerned “Oh everything is fine. I am having twins!” Martha smiled “We are having twins” “Martha! That is great news! But what does this mean about us?” Jack asked “Jack! I am sorry! We are not getting back together. It may have just been a kiss to you but it is much more to me” Martha said getting up “I have to go” “Martha! Wait!!” Jack shouted. But she was already gone. ****** Rebecca had settled in. She put Jason to bed and sat down to watch the telly. She heard a noise. It was coming from outside. Rebecca opened the window and saw AJ standing there singing. She quickly ran out the front. “AJ! AJ! AJ! Shut up! Kids are asleep!” she said to him “Rebecca why haven’t you answered my phone calls? Why?” AJ asked, “Because we are not getting back together and I don’t want you near me and Jason so go home!” Rebecca replied “I love you Rebecca! I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I am so sorry about what happened and I miss you and Jason so much. Marry me Rebecca!” AJ said. “What?” Rebecca was shocked as AJ bent down on one knee and proposed to her. “Rebecca I love you! Please! Marry me!” AJ repeated “Are you mad?” Rebecca replied. “Only about you! Please! Marry me!” He said again. Preview: What will Rebecca’s answer be? Will Jack and Martha ever reunite?
HeavenForbid Posted March 29, 2007 Report Posted March 29, 2007 Chapter 16 “Don’t have me repeat it!” AJ said “I love you and I have made so many mistakes and I am sorry.” “Yes!” Rebecca smiled. AJ and Rebecca walked back into the caravan. They spend the night together. Rebecca would have to explain to Jack tomorrow. How was he going to take it? ****** Martha was walking along the beach the next morning. She noticed AJ and Rebecca walking hand in hand. AJ walked into the diner and Rebecca went over to Martha. “Hello” Rebecca said “What do you want?” Martha asked coldly. “Just wondering how you are. I was speaking to Jack. He told me about the babies. He has Jason for the day” Rebecca replied. “So you can go of and do a guy that used to beat you up!” Martha replied “He had changed!” Rebecca said defending AJ. “Yeah! I believe that. Does Jack know about you guys?” Martha asked, “No. But I am going to tell him. We are getting married, Martha. AJ loves me and I love him” Rebecca said “Congratulations!” Martha said “I am not sure if that was sarcastic or not!” laughed Rebecca. “It was!” Martha said walking off. “Why don’t you get back with Jack? He loves you!” Rebecca shouted “Because he kissed you! I don’t want him after you had him!” Martha said “And besides! It is too late” “What you do mean by that?” Rebecca asked confused. Martha walked off. She didn’t answer Rebecca. She went home. ****** When Jack got home that evening, the post was waiting for him. Most letters were for Martha but one was for him. He opened it and read it. He got the shock of his life. Preview: What is the letter about?
HeavenForbid Posted March 30, 2007 Report Posted March 30, 2007 Chapter 17 Jack reread the letter. Divorce! She wants a divorce! He got his keys and drove over to Sally’s house. He hoped Martha was there. They needed to talk! He knocked on the door. “Divorce! You want a divorce!” Jack shouted. “Jack don’t you dare shout at me!” Martha snapped “Or I will never let you near our children when they are born” “Martha please!” Jack said “Jack no! It is over goodbye!” Martha said closing over the door. “I am never going to sign them!” he shouted Jack went home. Martha sat on the sofa and started to cry. ****** Rebecca decided to call over to Jack’s. He needed to know what was going on. She knocked on the door and waited nervously for a reply. Jack opened it. He looked upset. “Jack. Is everything ok?” Rebecca asked. “Here!” he said giving Rebecca the divorce papers. “Oh my god! Jack I am so sorry!” Rebecca said sympathetically “I can’t believe it Rebecca. I really can’t” Jack said “This is a little over the top don’t you think. It was only a kiss. It was like we were sleeping together” Rebecca said sitting beside him. “I know.” Jack replied. “But would she listen? No!” “Give her time, Jack. She will forgive you.” Rebecca replied. “You know what! I don’t care anymore. I refuse to sign them. I will never ever sign them but I am going to get on with my life” Jack said happily “Good for you Jack.” Rebecca said “Was Jason good today?” “He was great! How was your day? What did you do?” Jack asked. “It was good. I have something to tell you” Rebecca said “Ok. Tell me” Jack replied. “I am getting married……..to AJ!” Rebecca said smiling “What?!?!” Jack was furious “Jack!” Rebecca shouted “Don’t shout at me! Yes. We are back together. He has changed and I love him. He knows that if he ever hits me again I am gone! I know what I am doing” “Please be careful” Jack warned her “I will. I have to go. I have a wedding to plan” Rebecca said happily “When is it?” Jack asked “July the 7th” Rebecca replied. “That soon! That is less than 6 weeks away!” Jack said stunned “I know. I am so happy. You know it is funny how thing work out. I always thought I would marry you.” Rebecca said opening the front door. “So did I! It is funny how things work out” Jack replied Rebecca went home leaving Jack alone. He watched his wedding video. Over at Sally’s, Martha was watching the same. There was a tear rolling down her face. She missed Jack and wanted him back so much. But she just couldn’t forgive him. Nobody understood how much it hurt Martha. Preview: Jack and AJ go out to a club
HeavenForbid Posted March 31, 2007 Report Posted March 31, 2007 Chapter 18 Over the next few weeks, all Rebecca was doing was planning her wedding. Jack finally realised that AJ was good after all. Jack had started to get on with his life. In the end, he signed the papers but what he didn’t know was that Martha hadn’t. She couldn’t believe that he did. He said he would never ever sign them. Jack and AJ started to hang out. They would go to clubs. Jack would make it a test. Just to see if AJ could remain faithful and he could. Jack got a lot of attention from the females who were at these clubs. Some males were interested too. Unfortunately he had to break their hearts and tell them that he was not gay! Martha on the other hand was devastated about what was going on. She hadn’t signed the papers. She wasn’t ready. She knew it was her fault that this happened. She sent the divorce papers. She left Jack. But she too had to get on with her life. She was now nearly five months pregnant. Not many men would be interested in her. Jack and AJ arranged a night out for AJ’s buck’s night. All the men of Summer Bay were going to it. On the night that they planned to go out, Jack called over to AJ’s house. Rebecca and Jason had moved back in and this time it was forever. “Daddy!” Jason said opening the front door! “Hey mate! Where is your mammy and AJ?” Jack asked “Mammy is in the bedroom in a big white dress and AJ is in the bathroom because mammy kicked him out of the bedroom” Jason said Jason sat back on the sofa and Jack went to see Rebecca. “Oh my god! Rebecca you love amazing!” Jack said “stunning in fact!” “Thanks Jack” Rebecca said smiling. “Are you excited? Only one week away!” Jack said “I am so happy. I can’t wait!” Rebecca replied “What about Jason?” Jack asked “He knows that I am getting married but I don’t think he understand what that is” Rebecca said laughing “I have something to ask you.” “What?” Jack said “Well as you know. Not many people are coming. Just a few friends and family and my dad died three years ago. Jack I wanted to know would you give me away? I think that these last few weeks we have gotten a lot closer and I feel that you and I will be getting on from now on. So will you?” Rebecca asked “I would love too!” Jack smiled as he began hugging Rebecca Jack went back out to the sitting room. AJ came out and Rebecca followed. “I hate the way I have to wait another week to see you in the dress” AJ said kissing her “Well it is bad luck to see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding” Rebecca said “The taxi is here!” Jack said “Right. Well must go. See you tomorrow little man. Love you” AJ said looking at Rebecca. AJ and Jack got into the taxi. They headed to the surf club where Tony, Ric, Lucas, Brad, Alf, Kim, Dan and Peter were waiting. There was a party there that night with many other people. Every so often women would look at Jack. One woman in particular kept staring at him. She walked over to him “Jess” he said “Jack” he replied “So are you here with anyone?” she asked “With my mates. One is getting married next week.” He said “That one?” she pointed over to a man who was getting a lap dance. “Yep. That is him” laughed Jack “Are you married?” Jess asked “Em…not exactly. In the middle of a divorce.” Jack said “Oh. I am really sorry” Jess said “What about you?” Jack asked “Single” Jess smiled “Do you want to go somewhere to talk?” Jack asked smiling “Sure” Jess smiled Jess and Jack went out as a very annoyed Lucas watched. Preview: Martha finds out about Jess and Jack
HeavenForbid Posted March 31, 2007 Report Posted March 31, 2007 Chapter 19 Lucas walked out of the surf club. He looked around to find Jack. On the beach, there he was kissing Jess. It looked like he was about to swallow her head! Lucas was very annoyed. He walked back into the surf club. Jess and Jack continued kissing. “You are a great kisser!” laughed Jess “Thanks! I have had a lot of practice!” Jack smirked “Really?” Jess replied “Do you want to go back to my place?” “Sure!” Jack said. They walked down the street hand in hand unaware that a devastated Martha saw them on the beach. She went home and sobbed into her pillow for the rest of the night. ****** They next day, Jack woke up with Jess lying in his arms. He smiled. He hadn’t been this happy in a while. Jess woke up. They kissed each other and Jack left. Jess watched as he left her house. On the way home, he saw Martha. Should I go up to her? He asked himself. Martha looked at him and walked to up Jack. “How are you?” Jack asked “Great! Never been better!” Martha lied “That is good! I am glad that you are happy.” Jack smiled “Yes. I have. I am so happy. Oh look! Here comes my boyfriend!” Martha said as she grabbed some randomer of the street “Hey baby!” she hugged him and whispered into his ear “Play along…please” “Oh right. Well I met someone as well!” Jack said “Her name is Jess” “Oh…Yes! I saw you guys together last night on the beach!” Martha said “Tell me Jack! What is it like being like Rebecca?” “What? I have no idea what you are talking about?” Jack said confused “Sleeping with some girl you just met!” Martha replied coldly “For your information! I didn’t sleep with her!” Jack shouted. He walked away very annoyed. Martha started to walk off as well but she remember that she pulled some guy off the street! “Oh. Sorry! That was my ex!” Martha smiled “Ok. Are you guys not together anymore!” he asked “Nope. We are getting a divorce. I am signing the papers later!” Martha said “Oh and I am five months pregnant with his kids! D*ckhead!” “Em….” He replied. “Sorry. You probably think that I am a psycho! Well I am not” laughed Martha “It is ok.” He said “Ok…well I better be off. Oh my name is Martha” she said “Cam” he replied They walked in a different direction. Martha thought that Cam was very good looking. Cam thought the same about Martha. Martha went home. She got a pen and signed her name on the divorce papers. Soon she would be Ms Martha Mackenzie again. Preview: It is AJ and Rebecca’s wedding.
HeavenForbid Posted April 1, 2007 Report Posted April 1, 2007 Chapter 20 AJ and Rebecca’s wedding arrived. That morning Beth and Mattie helped Rebecca get ready. Jack helped AJ. In the bedroom, Beth was talking about married life to Rebecca. “It is great! It really is! When I married Tony three years ago, it was the happiest day of my life” Beth said as she was doing Rebecca’s hair. “I can’t wait to be married and the honeymoon! We are going to Italy” Rebecca said smiling “Did Colleen talk you about that? She went a few years ago.” laughed Mattie “Yes and it was great to get a break from her.” laughed Beth “She did inform me about best places to go to.” Rebecca replied “But it was Jack that said we should go there. He went their with Martha” “Yeah….that is where the got engaged. It is a real shame that they are not together now. I did think the would last” said Beth “So did I! Really. I mean I do think Martha over reacted about the kiss” Mattie said “Guys! I am really sorry about that. I really am. I felt so bad when she walked out” Rebecca said “Oh well…They are both happy now. Jack with Jess. - ” “Which Luc is so not happy about” Mattie said interrupting Beth “And…Martha with Cam” Beth continued “There! All done. Mattie get the mirror.” Mattie handed the mirror to Rebecca. “Aww….Beth I love it! Thank you so much!” Rebecca said “No problem! Ok let’s get your dress on!” Beth replied. ****** AJ and Jack went to the church. They waited for Rebecca to arrive. The music started and Jack started to walk with Rebecca. She looked stunning. Jack saw Jess. She was smiling at him. He smiled back. They reached the altar. AJ pulled her vale up over her face. The priest started. “Dearly Beloved. We are gathered here today….” Jack stopped listening. The last wedding he was at was his one with Martha. He looked as AJ put the ring on Rebecca finger. “I now pronounce you man andwife. You may kiss the bride” AJ grabbed Rebecca and kissed her. Everyone in the church cheered. They all went back to the surf club and partied into the early hours of the morning. The next day Rebecca and AJ were getting ready to go to Italy. Jack called over to AJ’s house and picked them up. He drove them to the airport. “Will you miss mammy?” Rebecca asked Jason “Yes. Can I come too?” Jason asked “No, mate you cant! Sorry about that. We will only be gone a week.” AJ replied “And you will stay with me” Jack said “Will I?” Jason’s face lite up! “Yes and you will be going to the beach and to the cinema.” Rebecca said “Ok. I changed my mind I don’t wanna go” Jason said They reached the airport. AJ and Rebecca got out of the car. Jason helped AJ getting the suitcases out of the car. But he couldn’t lift them. They all said there goodbyes. “See you in a week!” Rebecca shouted Jason and Jack got into the car and drove back to Summer Bay. They would spend the next seven days together and would have so much fun. Preview: Martha discovers a secret.
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