Red Ranger 1 Posted January 14, 2012 Report Posted January 14, 2012 The way Frank's father was suddenly killed off confused me a bit:When Sally originally said it, I thought it was just a cover story to explain to Rosie what she was doing in his house but turns out it's true.Guess someone realised they'd introduced the character and then not used him for months. (I'd pretty much forgotten Frank had a father.)Given Anne's comments and his statement they should shout it from the rooftops, it does seem as though Frank's going out with Sally at least partly to improve his image, by dating a reasonably respectable mother of two. Steve's sudden announcement that his partner can't sell their share of the business without his permission was a bit odd, given that it's never been an issue in the past, but given later events it seems like he was lying and just trying to bluff Becky into handing over her share.At least things seem to be looking up for Becky and she was...reasonably honest with Danny about her past. Exactly how quickly are Steve and Tracy planning to get married if they're discussing hen parties already? Owen seemed like a bit of a control freak with his attitude towards the pond:There didn't seem to be anything wrong with Faye's suggestion for fish names, it's exactly what a child would call their fish, and there's no point asking her to choose if you're going to dictate the choices.All the same, pouring creasote into the pond and killing them was an incredibly cruel act and I'm guessing from her reaction shot we're meant to assume Faye was responsible. I'm with Tina over Tyrone:He's been presented with evidence that Kirsty's a pretty disturbed individual and he's still gone back to her as if it all never happened.I get that he was in a tricky situation with regards her being pregnant and not wanting to turn his back on the child but he really does seem to have slipped right back into closing his eyes to her faults and blaming everything on Tina, which really does smack of desperation.Disappointing too that Tommy tells him to go for it, especially since they once again seem to be laying it on with a trowel that he likes Tina. David Neilson once again demonstrates scene stealing ability:Roy's pithy remarks towards Sylvia, especially when he deducts the phone calls from her wages, are the highlight of the week.And when did they start hiring guest stars that I know again?Frank hires a private detective and I'm sat going "Oh look, it's DS Dawson from Heartbeat." Quote
Slade Posted February 12, 2012 Report Posted February 12, 2012 Not so much a great week this week but the last 2-3 weeks before that have been brilliant. I thought Becky was amazing up to her departure and she ended up being one of my favourite characters. I really enjoyed the payback with Tracy and I esepcially loved the way she and Kylie got David and Gail onside and they both wanted ring-side seats. I was quite excited during the actual wedding and thought Becky was going to out Tracy there and then but the scene in the pub was brilliant. My only gripe with what she did was even though Steve took Tracy's word over hers you would have thought that if she really did love Steve like she said she would have at least saved him from a marriage with Tracy. I thought she should have exposed Tracy's lies at the church. Steve is not a bad person, he gave Kylie 20 grand of his own money so Becky could have Max then ended up getting into serious financial trouble. Becky's departure i.e. leaving for good to go to the West Indies with a guy she'd barely known a month was unrealistic but at least she got a happy ending. I always thought she was a well written and very believable character full of flaws but someone with a good heart. I was glad this reflected badly on Deirdre as she could have prevented the situation from even getting to this point but she always looks at Tracy with rose tinted glasses. I really liked the scene where Steve and Ken were getting drunk together and bonding over had bad Tracy was and how she had them both duped. Not sure what's going to happen with Steve and Tracy now. I can't see her agreeing to any annulment even if she realises that she doesn't stand any chance of getting back with him, she'll stay married just to spite him. Again really good writing re Frank and Carla. Really tense scenes at the court and again really good moment when Frank's mum handed Leanne the photos the P.I. took of Carla and Peter. I loved the part where Carla looked at Leanne, looked away realised what she'd seen, looked back again (whilst Michelle and Maria were looking too) and the horror of her affair was exposed. I felt really sorry for Leanne and although she cheated on Nick previously didn't deserve that. The worst thing for me is that Peter is completely unrepentant. He admitted that he wanted Leanne to leave so he doesn't deserve her anyway. A while back at first I wanted to see Peter and Carla together, then I wasn't sure but I'm completely against them now. I actually don't blame Frank's mum for believing Frank. She's only trying to look out for her son and I don't think any mother would want to believe their son is capable of what Frank did. Sally on the other hand, I can't believe can be that stupid. It's so obvious Frank is only using her. I had a feeling he was going to get off. Whilst it's not good, it makes for great TV and the stuff with Peter and Carla coming out didn't do Carla any favours as they were caught out lying. Interesting part of the story having Frank and his employees move back into Underworld. The dynamic is interesting and already we can see the problems it is causing. Just how long can Carla stomach working with him for? I was a bit worried that Owen would turn nasty having being dumped by Anna but he's been no worse than he was before. I thought finishing with him was perhaps a bit harsh but he had no right to hit Faye and she probably doesn't want to be near him any time soon and Anna and Faye come as a package. If I'm honest, I'm glad to see to the back of Rosie. Thought she was an awful character - highly annoying, very little depth and for the most part came across as a selfish, spoilt, self-centred prima donna. I wasn't entirely convinced by the acting either. It seemed like she was acting a lot of the time and overdoing a lot of her scenes and facial expressions. And to show the sort of person she was, she'd been living with her boyfriend, staying at his mother's house and she dumps him purely for financial gain and to further her own career - Nice girl! Oh and Mission Impossible, The Man from U.N.C.L.E Robert Vaughn now Milton Fanshaw AKA Silvia's boyfriend. Still loving that calm, controlled voice of his. Quote
Red Ranger 1 Posted February 18, 2012 Report Posted February 18, 2012 I wasn't expecting Steve to actually marry Tracy, but he did take her side over Becky's to an absurd degree so I don't mind him having to pay the price.If nothing else, it's making for great drama/comedy. Carla didn't deserve what happened to her or to have Frank get away with it but I can't feel much sympathy for her at the moment and I was pretty much cheering when Stella had a go at her.(Although I do acknowledge she's doing a good job of making the best of a bad situation at the factory.)Her and Peter clearly don't care about how their affair has affected everyone else, especially Simon, who's lost the person he thought of as his mother and been left with a Wicked Queen as a substitute, with his father more interested in cuddling up to her than making sure Simon's all right. I am actually sorry to see Rosie go.A few years back I wasn't a fan of her at all but over the last eighteen months she's softened a lot, even if she is still selfish and superficial:She's built up a genuine sisterly bond with Sophie and Jason was good for her, so it's a shame she dumped him for such shallow reasons.I do feel sorry for the guy, guess it's the problem of being a long-serving character that every girl he likes leaves. Has to be said, Tina and Tommy are showing a conspicuous lack of intelligence on a par with Tyrone.You'd have thought they'd realise by now that Kirsty's got him wrapped round her finger and manages to twist everything to her own advantage, yet still they give her ammunition.Didn't help that they investigated the one time she wasn't actually doing anything wrong.Aside from it being a shame they've both lost their home, it's time to wash their hands of it and just leave them to it. Gail and Audrey's health kick led to some great comedy.I wasn't expecting Lewis to turn up but their casual meeting was brilliant, especially when he starts pretending to be his brother, complete with Clark Kent glasses.(Followed by the inevitable "There you go, Lewis" from the landlord.) Brian is possibly jumping to conclusions here, I can't imagine Julie cheating on him, it's more likely that the vasectomy has reversed itself.He really should have checked his fertility before confronting her. Actually, he really should have told her about the vasectomy before trying for a baby...Nice interaction between him and Ken, especially the "if he walked through that door" gag. Anyone spot the reference to Betty being under the weather?Guess we know where that's going... You can always tell when the episodes are shown on the wrong days:That second Friday episode was clearly meant to be the first Friday episode, leading up to something.Guess we'll see what on Sunday. Quote
Slade Posted April 7, 2012 Report Posted April 7, 2012 I've been playing catchup with Corrie for the last month and now I've finally caught up. Firstly there were a couple of episodes a while back that were absolutely hilarious both involving Steve that I wanted to comment on. First one was when he broke the partition in his flat with Tracy, lured her into a false sense of security then moved Beth and Craig in. Something in particular that made me laugh was when Deirdre was sitting down comforting Amy and the look of fear in both of their faces when Craig was staring at them. The second episode I found funny was when Tracy convinced Beth that Steve fancied her and Beth asked him to come round because there was something wrong at the flat (can't remember what) then she got all dressed up and cracked onto him. The way he screamed then backed off was really funny. Also his relief when he saw Craig and used him as an excuse to get away. Just love the way that the writers always find ways to make some episodes extremely comical. Anyway onto more recent stuff. Having Frank killed off was the obvious path for his character simply because there were so many people were out of shape with him. I have to say given his track record, I was genuinely surprised how many woman actually fell for his charm. Even right near the end Jenny was quite prepared to go along with his plans even though he was going to shaft his own mother. It's debatable whether he deserved it but the way he was going on he had to be stopped and I'm sure he would have continued his reign until he was caught. I actually didn't think it was Frank's mother who killed him. What threw me off was her reaction when they released Carla without charging her. I suspected it was a non regular but thought it was possibly Jenny. I did actually feel quite sorry for Anne. She's lost both her husband and only child within a space of weeks. And her confession to Carla simply demonstrated that she wasn't a bad person but genuinely thought the Frank was innocent. Now she's going to jail for a very long time and has no one. I was very unimpressed with Peter. It's one thing cheating on Leanne but another thing being prepared to abandon his son and serve a life sentence for the woman he loved. So he loves Carla more than he does Simon. I can understand Leanne wanting to remove Simon from the environment that he's currently in now that Peter is back on the wagon but there does seem to be an element of payback wanting to apply for custody. Not sure who's side I'm on to be honest. I felt really sorry for Eileen for the crap she's had to put up with. You could argue why she was getting involved in a relationship with a married man but I do think that Paul was taking advantage of her and I didn't blame her when she wanted them to leave. I thought Tracy was pretty vile to Eileen after Lesley went off with Amy but I do think she had a point about Lesley. Now that she finally is in a residential care home, part of me still think's it's morally wrong Eileen and Paul continuing the relationship. Mixed feelings about the fued with Audrey, David/Gail. I can understand his claim about wanting to protect her from Lewis and legally she doesn't have a leg to stand on but the only reason she signed the Salon over to him so that if anything happened to her he wouldn't have to pay inheritance tax. I do think that part of David doesn't want to give the Salon back to her in case she changes her mind about the will. And then there's Kylie sticking her oar in. She is seriously annoying me and to be honest it's non of her damn business. She wants the salon purely for herself. Really not liking Sunita at the moment. Even though Amber shouldn't have thrown the house party and deserved to be punished, I found myself shaking my head when Sunita basically told Amber she never liked her. So Amber clearly never stood a chance. I actually didn't blame Amber for leaving. Then there was the fact that Sunita kissed Carl and clearly fancies him and looks for any excuse to have a go at Dev. I actually believe that Sunita doesn't love Dev anymore which is part of the reason why she always gets annoyed with him. The storyline with Carl's gambling is a realistic one. Can't really blame Stella for throwing him out but I'm sure she'll calm down and want to talk to him eventually. Still, until Carl actually admits there is a problem nothing can be done. Quote
Red Ranger 1 Posted April 13, 2012 Report Posted April 13, 2012 To be honest, I thought all along that Anne was the one who killed Frank.It was obvious that whoever did it was going to leave the cast and she seemed to be the only one who wouldn't be missed. I am 100% on Leanne's side over this thing with Simon.Peter doesn't seem to care about anyone else's feelings just so long as he gets what he wants, not his son and not even the supposed love of his life who he broke up his family for.At least Carla seems to be trying to make the best of a difficult situation. Whilst I did think Amber really couldn't do right in Sunita's eyes a lot of the time(I can't believe she was still blaming Amber for Sophie and Sian breaking up right to the end), Sunita was right to stick to her guns about the party, a line had to be drawn and Dev's constant pandering to her and "faults on both sides" attitude wasn't helping.I actually rather want something to happen between Sunita and Karl(well, I guess it already has but something else)and, to be blunt, I think Stella's a mug for taking him back.The gambling and debts are one thing but he stole from her and not just fifty quid out of the till.Is she really just going to let the police think it was a burglary and claim on the insurance?Shame that Dev's seemingly trying to be more reasonable now he's come back. The Platts are seriously doing my head in at the moment.I wish I could say I don't think Lewis has an agenda but whilst I like him I don't think he's very trustworthy.But it's Audrey's decision to make and they need to stop being so high handed.That said, people warned her about signing the salon over to David and she can't really just ask for it back like that.I agree with Slade that David's motives are kind of two-fold:Sure, he doesn't want Lewis getting his hands on the business but he's not motivated entirely by protecting Audrey, he's looking out for his own interests as well.Kylie isn't even kidding herself that she cares about Audrey, she's just stirring the pot to benefit herself. Wow, they killed Jeff Horton offscreen?That's a bit of a kick for those of us who remember him. Reveal hidden contents And worse to come next week...There was a time when I was dead against Tommy and Tina getting together, now I don't really care either way.It does seem a bit odd seeing Kevin and Tyrone so friendly, I guess the whole business with Molly is water under the bridge now. Quote
Inactive User Posted April 13, 2012 Report Posted April 13, 2012 (edited) Last night here in New Zealand (think we are two years behind the UK) So I watched the episode last night here in NZ on TVONE from half 8pm to half 9pm. The one that aired on 13 September 2010 Monday in the UK I wished I should be allowed to watch it but my parents don't like it *sighs* But I can watch it if they are not home. Hopefully they will soon get the TV settled up in my bedroom so I can be allowed to watch it on my own TV. Edited April 13, 2012 by ~JarlieFanEver~ Quote
BethFaye Posted April 13, 2012 Report Posted April 13, 2012 Ooo you are coming up to a few of my favourite episodes involving Carla Connor October/November 2010 I loved. Quote
Red Ranger 1 Posted April 21, 2012 Report Posted April 21, 2012 So, that was the week that Betty died.Putting aside the real-life events surrounding it, which is probably right, it was a decent tribute to the character, with the show having the sense to just stop and let the characters reminisce for a bit.And it's good that they managed to get the proper Gordon back, instead of that guy who played him for a couple of episodes in the 2000s, seeing him in the Rovers again gave me an oddly nostalgic feeling.Not sure about the much promised Big Reveal about Betty:I think the point was that she could have been landlady of the Rovers but she was happy being one of the rank and file and living out her life among her friends, but it seemed to get swallowed up by some odd legal complications which didn't hold much water.(Notably that I think Annie never owned the Rovers outright, just the tenancy, so the will was probably invalidated by its sale as a free house in the mid-90s if nothing else.)That last shot with her voice echoing around the Rovers and her picture on the wall was nicely done though. And it was also the week Terry Duckworth came back, more unpleasant than ever.Tommy's probably setting himself up for a load of heartbreak by getting involved with him.So it's a good job I don't really care about Tommy...I am glad though that he didn't entirely buy into the bile Terry was flinging at Tyrone.It's ironic that Tommy and Tina seem to spend just as much time being wrong about Kirsty as being right, surely any sensible people would have accepted the lack of damage to her car as evidence. In two minds about the salon feud:I don't like David and Kylie but they are kind of in the right, even if they have taken it a bit too far, Audrey did give David the salon and can't really suddenly ask for it back. Her lying/"exaggerating" to her solicitor about what happened is taking it a bit too far as well. Quote
Inactive User Posted June 17, 2012 Report Posted June 17, 2012 Finally now I can be able to watch Coronation Street as my own TV is now settled up in my bedroom On Thursday night at half 7pm, I will be up to the episode when Jack Duckworth dies. Coronation Street is aired on TVONE from half 7pm to half 8pm on Saturdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Quote
Slade Posted June 17, 2012 Report Posted June 17, 2012 Firstly I was really impressed with Nick's attitude regarding the stuff with Kylie and David. He went out of his way to help her and David and he did go up slightly in my estimation. I was really annoyed when Eva went and sabotaged things for Nick at the restaurant when he had the mayor round. If she had a problem rather than seeking some petty revenge she should have confronted him about it. I was actually really glad when Nick finished with her and thought he was well within his rights to fire her and perhaps should have done. I was virtually at the point where I was thinking Tyrone should have completely finished with Kirsty the way she was abusing him for even slightly putting a foot wrong. It has changed since her surprise birthday party and I saw what her father was like. It doesn't justify how she acted towards Tyrone but it goes a long way to explaining why she's like that. I think she joined the police force because of her father and although she was annoyed that her career was over and didn't want a job at the factory I think since working there it's actually taken a lot of pressure of her and ultimately Tyrone. I'm still not sure about them but I hope for both their sakes (and their baby's) that she keeps this up because I think she's used up all her chances. Although it was hardly surprising I was disappointing at her attitude when Tina and Tommy came round for help regarding Rick but she redeemed herself at the end and I thought her and Tina finally made a breakthrough so perhaps there's a chance to bury all this hatred and animosity. I don't quite understand why Tommy just let Terry leave with the money like that. Regardless he is better off without him. I have to say regarding Rick, Tina has really got some bottle. I think a lot of blokes wouldn't have done what she did. Irrespective although it was brave I thought she was unbelievable stupid and they were very lucky that Kirsty called the police and they just happened to catch Rick with the drugs meaning he would go to jail for a very long time. Still you do think that Rick would want revenge and has plenty of people on the outside capable of delivering it. I actually thought Tina was really harsh with Tommy. He borrowed the money off Tyrone because he genuinely wanted to help his father and the main reason why he kept quiet was because Tina was in hospital was recovering from a serious head injury and he didn't want to worry her. Regarding Rick again I felt that Tommy felt as though he really didn't have any choice. He made it clear to Rick that the debt was Terry's but Rick didn't care. I honestly believe that Tommy felt he was in between a rock and a hard place. So although I can understand Tina finishing with Tommy because of what happened with her father I don't think he was really at fault. Continue to be disgusted with Sunita. I absolutely hated the way she was towards Dev and when he quizzed her about having another man I wish she had just come out and told him. Incidentally I don't like Karl's role in this either but at least he seems remorseful but I suppose it's to be expected with Sunita if she doesn't love Dev anymore. Still I was almost jumping for joy when Sunita wanted to be with Karl and he told her it was just a fling and it was over. Yes..... She's quite miserable at the moment. Good. Don't have any sympathy for her and I hope she packs her bags and goes elsewhere. Although it's an important topic I really haven't liked the stuff with Peter and Leanne re Simon. Felt really sorry for Peter when he made the decision to let Simon go and live with Leanne because it was what made Simon happy. He clearly loved him and felt he was doing what's best for Simon. To me with Leanne the way she was it still feels like she is punishing Peter choosing to be with Carla over her. Stella's attitude towards Peter really annoyed me too. When Stella first arrived I actually quite liked her but now I often find her incredibly sanctimonious. Especially given how she appears to have sided with Sunita over Dev. The ironic thing being if she finds out what happened with Karl she will promptly switch sides. Quote
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