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Peter Baker's Lost Love

Guest Mrs Bishop

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Chapter 11

Amanda sat on the sofa glass of wine in her hand, why what on earth have I done to get dumped, I go away for a little while and I loose my boyfriend to some one else, hum I dont think so .

Kelli came in the front door "hello didnt know you were home," hu some sister you turned out to be,"

"why" kelli asked "I thought you would have been with Peter,"

"Well thats were your wrong I,ve been dumped, but not for long,do you know he said we were like chalk and cheese ",

"hu I,ll show him."

"Oh no" Kelli said "let me go and talk to him perhaps I can change his mind,"

"It wont do any good ",Amanda started crying "oh what am I doing to do kell."


Peter arrived home to find Lorraine hiding in the bedroom," what on earth is going on "?

Lea asked Peter "to calm down Lorraine dosent need you shouting at the top of your voice,"

"Come here and I,ll tell you, in a hushed voice Lea explained how just before she arrived home Amanda had been there banging on the door and shoutingI,ll kill you Lorraine Curtis, did you call Lorraine by her name when you spoke to Amanda this morning."

"No "Peter said" I didnt say anything about Lorraine, only because she,s put up with a lot from her own perents ,

with out me making things worse for her and she dosent need Amanda shouting the odd,s ."

Well some one has found out who she is for Amanda to knowsaid Lea,

Hum Peter mused funny you shouild say because I was greeted bye Laura Fitzgerald congratulating me this morningso if she know,s so do all the rest."


Lea put her hnd on Pete,s "go and confort Lorraine she need,s you at the moment,we,ll sort this all out when Dan comes home,"

Amanda was trying to clear her head it just didnt make sence she,d been so happy now she had nothing, but to try and win Peter back again from the clutches of that jezzebelle, that Lorraine person,

Kelli handed her another glass of wine "what are you going to do " she asked,

"Havent made my mind up yet but I dont take things lying down,"

All of a sudden Kelli got up" I have an idea leave it to me "she picked up her bag and headed out of Amandas house

Amanda filled her glass up again once more,


Drew came in to the kitchen as Lea was prepring the dinner" can we have a barbi "he asked, Peter popped his head round the corner of the door" hiya mate how did school go ",

Yea ok thanks dad whats up with mom I know she,s been crying you bin playing her up and Drew laughed,

No I havent bye the way you spoken to Belle?about you mom ,sure dad I didnt think mom was a secret,

Well there,s the answere.

Did I do wrong Drew asked,

No son you werent to know perheps I should have mentioned to you not to say any think until we had announced it offically.

Sorry dad I didnt mean to up set you or mom I was just so pleased to have me mom and dad back together,

Peter asked Drew if he would sit with his mom as he was going to see Amanda and make thing,s clear once and for all.

Ok dad and Drew went into his mom who was sitting on the sofa, sorry mom I think it was me that let the cat out of the bag I told Belle last night,

Hey Lorraine said no it,s not your fault but it was a shock to have some one screeching your name at the top of her voice,


Dan came in you ok Lorraine "I hear you had some trouble,"

"I,m ok Lorraine said nothink I cant get over,"

Peter came in right I,m going to Amandas she,s not going to get away with this, look after your mom Drew,

Ok dad

Dan asked" if Pete wanted some company,"

Hum pehaps it might be best if we both go she just might get the message I thought this morning went too well,


Amanda was feeling rather tipsy from all the wine she,d had by the time Dan and Peter arrived at the house,

Come in boy,s take a seat pour your selfves a drink I,ll go and get another bottle, lets have a party ,

Amanda Dan shouted but Amanda wasnt listening she went into the kitchen for another bottle of wine,

Amanda Dan tried again oh hello Pete my petey petey oh baby I love you,

I,m not you Pete Peter said and your drunkcome on Dan this is a waste of time until she sobers up,

Thats right back to the new little woman Lorraine iswnt it wahts she got that I havent got ,

Peter turned back very quickly walked uyp to Amandawho was listing to and fro you want to know what she got and you havent ME and turned back to the door and walked out of Amanda,s and out of her life for good


Chapter 12

Peter discused with Lorraine about taking a few days off and going to the city for a bit of a break,"you need a break especially after Amanda hurling abuse at you",

Lorraine agreed "it would be very nice to have some time on there own as much as I enjoy every one,s company ,

I just want to be with you",

Peter spoke to Dan and he even thought that was the right thing to do" any case it will give you both time to get to know each other again especially as you,ve been apart for so long",

"Well I know Lorraine s happy about the idea and it will make a change for me to show Lorraine around the city,"

Drew came into the living room" hey whats going on " Peter pulled Drew to one side "your mom and me are going to the city for a few days you dont mind do you"?,

Drew smiled "know of course I dont ".

"Ok "Lea said "I,m in favour of that and by the way lorri just make sure pete,s a gentleman you know what I mean"

"Think so "Lorri said "but it might be a little late for that".


Peter and Lorri set off for the city "have a good time you too dont worry about things here",

Peter turned" and prey what do you mean by that Lea Baker",

Lea was giggling as she walked into the house, Dan followed "trust you to say some thing like that ",

"Well you can see there in love they need the time to them sel,ves,"

Bye this time Dan was laughing "yea it make,s me feel about the trime I fell in love with you".

"See you know how you felt surley Pete and Lorri must be feeling the same" Dan nodded yep your right",


Dan was sitting reading the paper when Lea came in from the kitchen "you Dan I,ve just had an idea , what if we were to arrange a surprise party for them for when they get back",

"Yea "Dan said "what and hold it in the surf club"?

Before Dan had even finished speaking Lea was on the phone talking to Irene, "yea is that ok I,ll get sally as well and a few more also i,m geting Dan envolved , ok see you later "as Lea replaced the reciever,

Dan stood there open mouthed "so I have my bit to do as well",

"Of course "Lea said laughing "after all he is your brother",

Well there,s one thing i,ll say" your well up for this",

"They both deserve it after all the time that,s been wasted being apart lets face it eighteen years and Lorraine never bothered with any one else I think that is a credit to her, and also knowing she had a son in Austrailia it must have been tough".


Amanda was throwing a hissy fitbecause she could fine the paracetomol,

Kelli came in" what,s up with you Mandy", as she watched Amanda destroy the kitchen, here let me have a look handing Mandy the bottle,

"Oh thanks have you seen Peter"?

I,m sorry Mandy but I just missed him apparently he,s gone to the city for a few day,s a little break so I heard",

"I suppose he,s taken that floosey with him hum I,ll just have top wait till he get,s back",

"Think so "Kelli said "but I,ll keep my eye,s and ears open".


Lea was explaing every think ti Irene both women were getting excited Irene said" it will be nice to see Pete settled"

"Yes "Lea replied" I definatley can say Lorraine ,s the one for him, she,s sweet charming and has a very pleasant nature and she,ll calm him down I can see why they fell in love at school",

Irene "do you know that afternoon she came into the diner looking for Drew I could see that Drew was like his mom",

Lea said "I know this sounds awful but I did have my doubt,s but know there inseprable they are a definate item",

Alf was at Noah,s Bar when Dan came" to ask if they could have the use of the surf club, and of course it goes without saying we,ll need this place as well"

Alf was only to pleased to say yes when Dan explained all "and how they had gone to the city so they were taking this oppotunaty for both Pete and Lorraine".

They both went quiet when Amanda and her sister walked in , Amanda came up to the bar" could I have to juice,s

please Alf ",

"Sure love I,ll bring them over to you",

Amanda went and joined Kelli "some thing is going on they both shut up when we walked in did you nitice",


Peter and Lorri arrived at the hotel where Peter had booked the reservation, the hotel it self was just up from the harbour it was one of the better hotals in Sydney, they were ecorted up to there room bye the bellboy who had the case,s ,

Lorraine went over to the window and looked out they had got the mosr beautiful view of the harbour the bridge,

and she could just make out the opera house,

Peter tipped the bellboy and closed the door befind him,

Peter came up behind her as she was looking out across the view from there window "do you approve he asked",

"oh yes very much so"as she turned and pit her arms round his neck "Ilove you Peter Kevin Baker",

"Come on "he said as he pulled her into a sepreate bedroom "now how much do you love me",

Lorraine pushed Peter further into the room and onto the bed "this much and more", they kissed passonatly and things started to happen as Peter rolled over on top of lorraine ," this is our time".


Chapter 13

Peter and Lorraine were getting dressed to go out for dinner, they had decided not to eat in the hotel but go to a nice little seafood restrant they had come across that afternoon whilst out for a waslk, so P[ete decided to book a table for them for that evening,

Peter was doing his shirt up when Lorraine mooved behind him and slipped her hand,s under his shirt, "hum you smell gorgeous",

Pete turned "you trying to get me into trouble Miss, I,ll have you know I,m a police Detective and I might have to put the cuff,s on you",

"Oh yes please" Lorraine said laughing,

"You ready "Peter asked,

"Sure am" Lorri replied as they walked out of the room hand in hand to where the elevator was.


Lea was confirming that every think was going like clockwork for the party, all the buffet had been sorted and Dan Alf and Ric had the banner under controle, they were having to do it very discreetly not to alert Amanda or Kelli as to what was going on.

Drew was with Belle in the juice bar they had an o.j. each, as Dan came over to them, Belle was just about to ask what was going on when Dan said "it was better she didnt know",

Dan "honest i,m not bothered if Peter,s found happiness with some one else quite honestly after what my mother has done he deserves all the good luck in the world ",

Dan thanked Belle but explained it was better she didnt know the details but to come to the party as Drew,s guest",

"Ok" Belle said "I wont say another word I promise",

"Ok you too behave I,ll leave you to it",

Belle was explaining to Drew "you know I live with Irene and I know Amanda suppose to be my mother but Irene treats me more like a daughter than me own mother",

"Well it,s best you stick with Irene then" Drew replied.


Dan arrived at the diner to pick Lea up from work," you know Lea Dan was saying just bin chatting with Drew and Belle and she looks on Irene as her mother rather than Amanda",

Lea put a coffee in front of Dan "quite honest I,m not surprised look how Amanda has treated her and Ryan he prefers to spend time with us than his own mother,"

Dan was saying" how he remember,s the first time Ryan first came to the bay what a little monster he was",

"Yea dont think I will ever forget it but how different he is know",

Dan,s phone started ringing "hello yea mate you yea ok what time roughly 7-730 ok mate we,ll see you then bye",

Lea looked" and ",

"It was Pete and the poor bloke sounds knackered",

Lea smiled" sounds as if there having a good time",

"Hum "Dan said "lucky beggar".

"Hey" Lea said digging Dan in the ribs,


Peter was packing a suit case Lorri stood watching confused," do youn always pack like that" she asked?

"Yes why what,s wrong with that" Pete said ,

"What,s right with it come here I,ll show you how to pack as she gently pushed Pete out of the way Pete stumbled and fell on the bedas he recovered his posture he sat there watching Lorri whilst pulling faces at her,

She whent to slap him on the shouilderas he moved "ah ha missed "Lorraine smiled "just wait as Pete with a cheeky grin put his tounge out "you want to becarful a bird will come along and do a do do on that",

Pete quickly put his tounge away but promptly put his finger on his nose,

"Yea keep doing that you,ll stick like it as she managed to knock his hand away from his face,

Peter caught her hand and pulled her to him they rolled on the bed kissing and moaning gently together,

Lorrine whispered the packing wont do it self you know",

"Thought you loved me " Peter asked ,

I do love you more than you,ll ever know but the packing still wont do it self ",

"Well the packing can wait for a while as peter held Lorraine tightly and kissed her firmly on the mouth.


Saturday dawned and it was all go in the Baker house hold getting all thd food put on trays checking this and that

making sure there was enough booze for later that day, Sally had baked a lovely cake with white icing and pink writing CONGRATULATIONS PETER AND LORRAINE "oh Sal thats smashing thanks everso much" Lea said ,

"I just hope they like it" Sally said,

"Yea they will ",

Peter and Lorraine were on there way back from the city traveling down Yabby Creek Road when Pete pulled the car over into a layby switvhed the engine off and slipped his seat belt off and moved closer to Lorraine,

as he put his arms round her he picked up her hand with her engagement ring on it , "well you have had that one for a while now how about we put the other one on to join it",

"You really mean you want to get married" Lorraine asked,

"Yes yes I do and soon" Peter said kissing her hand ,

"Well we,ll have to make it quite soon as she placed Pete,s hand on her tummy,

Peter frowned "you mean I,m gonna be a dad again" with tears in his eyes,

"Yep you certanly are"

Peter lent towards Lorraine and kissed her" I gave up all hope of being a dad again"

"I do hope there tears of joy "Lorraine said,

"Just remeber that when it,s your turn to get up in the middle of the night",

"Right I see that,s what your game is ha ah"

Lorraine laughed "well not all the time any way",

"I dont know about you but i need a drink you know how to blow his sock,s off".


They pulled up out side Dan and Lea,s all was in darkness, they looked at each other ,

"You did tell Dan what time we,d be back ",

"Yes "Peter said "you heard me ",

They went inside the house every where was in darkness except for a small lamp on the table,

Lorraine picked up the mail and handed it to Pete, "hey here,s one for you ",

"Eh for me oh I know that writing" and put the letter on the table,

Peter asked "if she was going to read it",

"What and have her spoil things no ",

"Do you mind if I do ",

"Carry on Lorraine said,

My Dearest Lorraine

Sorry you havent had a good lifeas regards your father, yes I know he was a tyrant but you know I couldnt cross him, I know you were very much in love with Peter and wanted to stay there with him and your baby,

but as you know your father knew best no matter what the cost.

I like Peter you know I do and am glad to here you have found one another again along with your baby who now as Im told is a fine young man,I also hear you have got engaged to Peter well i,m ver happy for you both,

I hope you have a happy life together all of you .

I love you my Darling Daughter,


P.s Sweeheart tell Peter how sorry I,am.

Peter handed Lorraine the letter as she wiped the tears away from her eyes Peter came over to where Lorriane was standing put his hand,s on her shoulders "I think we both need a drink",

"Peter Baker you know pregnant women cant drink",

"Well you can have pop and i,ll drink for both of us."


Thanks to all that have read this my first fanfic but this is the final chapter.

Chapter 14

Peter was still holding Lorri who by this time was upset once again at what he had said,

"Sweetheart i know its the hormones but you know I did,nt mean it , it was a joke I know pregnant women

ca,nt drink any way I dont think one will hurt the baby just for us to celibrate",

"I know perhaps your right I,m sorry "Lorri said,

"Come on lets go to the bar and have that drink" Pete took hold of Lorri,s hand and winked.

They had decided to walk to the surf club Peter said "the excercise would do them good",

"Look who,s talking I,m not the one who crams two helpings of chocolate fudge cake for desert when they go out to dinner",

Peter laughed "your never gonna let me forget that are you",

Lorraine smiled "my sweetheart you can eat as much as you like, but you,ll have no excuse to take it out of me when I get bigger",

"Hum I dont think I could take it out on you ever remember I saw you when you were full term with Drew",

Lorraine suddenly looked serious, "you do relise Drew has to be told how,s he going to take it, he,s about to have a baby brother or sister,"

"Well in all fareness he gets on with VJ and Ryan so I think he will except he,s going to have a sibling".


As Pete and Lorri neared the surf club they could hear music,

"They must be haveing something special on in the bar "Lorri commented,

"That,s why the house is enptyI bet "Pete replied,

As they approached the car lot Pete noticed how full it was "I hope no one is drinking and driving" he said,

"Oh gawd once a copper always a copper, HEY! your off duty till Monday",

Pete laughed "it wont do my cred any harm if I can nick a few",

"PETER BAKER"! behave and just chill"Lorri said as she went to thump him in the arm,

"Na na missed again not a very good shot are you and your right next to me at that",

With that Lorri stopped walking,


"Come here "as Lorri pointed to just in front of her,

"Yes ma-am" as pete saluted Lorri,

"Give me a kiss please"

Peter did as he was asked as he felt a thud in his arm,

"Hey that,s not fare you cheat you dont play fare"


Drew was watching his mom and dad "hey you two about time ",

"Why what have we done know" Peter said "ca,mt your mom and dad have a kiss and cuddle",

Drew put his fingers in his mouth as if he was going to make him self sick,

"Hey you cheeky whipper snapper"

""Any way what have you bought me back from the city?" Drew asked,

"We,ve bought our sel,ves back what else should we bring back" his dad said,

!Hu Drew whent to walk away but was stopped by his mom,

"Drew can we have a word "as Lorri looked at Pete ,

Pete nodded "yes go a head he has to know",

All three went and sat on a bench just out side the surf club, Drew was in the middle of them,

"Ok this sounds serious Drew looked from one to the other what have I done whats wrong"?

"You havent done any think as far as we know"Lorri said "but of course that might be a different matter when we catch up with Dan and Lea",

"Oh there in the surf club"said Drew suddenly reling and putting his hand to his mouth,

"Why "asked Pete,

Drew just looked,

"Ok leave it for now carry on mum" as pete flashed Lorri a cheeky grin,

"Mom "asked Drew,

Lorri took hold of Drews hands in hers "you know when you first came to the bay thinking you had no family except for your uncle Dan",

"Yea mom your frightening me what"!

"Well" Lorri carried on you found out you dad was alive then I came looking for you and I found you both and I think that you,ve come to love me",

"Goes with out saying Drew said " and now I dont want to be with out either of you not again",

"Well oh dearhow do I put this"Lorri said

"Son pete said seeing Lorri was having a bit of trouble telling Drew "how would you feel if we were to tell you that your mom,s pregnant your going to have a baby brother or sister",

Drews face lit up like a christmas tree, really mom really "as he threw his arms round his mom neck, that,s smashing fabulous you ok mom you want a drink of water",

"Drew" Lorri called "I,m not Ill,"

Peter was chuckling "I only thought it was the father,s that got in a flap looks like you have two of us to contend with",

Lorri tutted "trust me still it,s nice to no you both care ".


Peter got p from the bench "come on lets go and have that drink",

"Hang on a moment let me go first"Drew said and off he went,

Peter shrugged his shoulders "you got me ",

Lea came out of the surf club "what are you two standing there for come and have a drink",

were trying but keep being stopped" Peter replied,

"Well come on I,m buying" Lea said ,

"Come on quick this I have to see Lea paying",

Thud in the other arm Peter looked between thme both "between you to I,m going to be black and blue",

Both Lea and Lorri laughed as Lorri held Pete,s hand tightly poor baby I,ll kiss them better later",

Pete just looked and raised his eyes to the sky and started shaking his head "women".


They all got in the surf club as every thing had gone quiet,

"Here they are "Lea said pushing open the doors to Noah bar as Pete and Lorri got an almighty shock , then to her amazment Lorri looked up and strung up over the bar was a banner,


Pete smiled at Lorri then he noticed Drew with Dan and his own mom ande dad,

Alf asked every one to" raise there glasses to toast the happy couple Pete and Lorraine",

Drew moved towards Alf and whispered in his ear "oh and not only that I,ve just been informed that ther is a little Baker on it,s way",

Peter thanked every one Lorri and my self plan to get married as soon as we can arrange it and it whent without saying all were invited but not only that Drew our son would be alloud to change his surname to Baker by deed poll,

and also I always new there was a missing link in my life but now i,ve found that link Lorraine,






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