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This Love Is Like No Other

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Ok i'm a bit sketchy on what the exact details were with some of the stuff I used but I did the best to remember.

Also I'm not very good at matching up dates and so forth so just bear with me.

Anyway hope you enjoy.

It was five weeks later and Martha was sitting on her bed thinking about her life at the moment Jack and her had just had there fifth counselling session that day and Martha could feel the progress that they were making.

They had originally planned to go out to dinner tonight but Martha had insisted that when Jack got a phone call from work asking if he could go in a do the night shift the ho go as he had been really good about making all five of there appointments plus she kind of need to be alone tonight as she had a feeling about something and tonight was the night she was going to confirm it.

Martha leaned down to the end of the bed and grabbed her handbag and slowly zipped open the top. She stared at the contents for a while before finally bring her hands down and retrieving the package from her bag.

She drew in a sharp breath and closed her eyes she didn’t think she had ever been this nervous in her whole life. Tonight would be the night she would discover if her and Jack were becoming parents. A small smile spread across her face at the thought of mothering Jacks baby, maybe it would be a good restarting point for them.

Martha took in a deep breath and made her way to the bathroom where all would be revealed.

Jack sat at his desk staring at the computer, he couldn’t believe what he was reading, and could it really be true?

He picked up the phone and dialled a number when a shadow overcame him; he looked around to find a man in a black outfit standing there.

Martha was sitting on her bed again she had found out just little over a hour ago that her suspicions were correct, she was going to be a mum and Jack was going to be a dad. These thoughts went over and over in her head. Her thoughts were interrupted by Sally rushing into her room with an overly worried look on her face. Martha immediately knew something was wrong, “What’s wrong?” Martha asked concerned,

“It’s Jack” Sally answered her.

“Where is he?” Martha demanded “What’s going on?” she said getting worked up.

“He’s in there” Beth said worry spreading all over her face “Lucas and Tony are in with him now, I’m sure they won’t mind if you go in” she said tears brimming in her eyes.

Martha just nodded and spun on her heal, she went over to the door and slowly turned the knob, she entered the cold dark room, but it was what she saw next is what horrified her, Jack he was there with tubes, wires and machines everywhere.

She slowly made her way over to the bed where the man she loved lay.

She quietly sat down next to him and took one of his hands in her own.

Tony looked down at Martha, he could see her clinging to his hands and looking at him like if she lost him she would have nothing left.

“Would you like some time alone with him?” Tony asked her softly

Martha just nodded and smiled at Tony who gave her a sympathetic rub on the arm and left the room.

Martha held on to Jacks hands tighter. “Jack please wake up, I need you.” She started “We need you” She finished holding onto her stomach tightly.

Alf came into Jack’s room and quietly made his way to the back of Martha and put a supportive h and on her shoulder.

“Hey love would you like me to cover your shift?”

Martha thought about it for a second before replying.

“No I’ll do it” she said standing up, “I’ll let Luke and Tony have some time with him”

“Ok love, but only if your sure” he said

Martha nodded before grabbing her jacket and leaning down and giving Jack a soft kiss on the lips and whispering just loud enough for Alf to hear.

“I love you”

Next Chapter:

Martha meets Ash!!!!!

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Yay there is a baby Holden :D

But what happened to Jack I think I missed it if it was in there.

Martha meets Ashton :o NOOOOOOOOOOOOO please I beg you no she can meet him as long as she doesn't fall for him her and Jacky have made so much progress.

Great chapter, Update soon.

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