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This Love Is Like No Other

Guest PINK

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^It's just the storyline like in Home and Away where he got bashed up.

Sorry I should of made that more clear

Ok I just didn't know if he had be bashed or shot or what.

Well as long as that is as far as it goes being the same as the show.

If Martha leaves Jack for Ashton I will be very mad and I am sure I'm not the only one.

If she does I think jack should be given the baby and he can have his little daddy's girl.

But it would be even better if they were together with a little princess.

Update soon.

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Well as long as that is as far as it goes being the same as the show.

If Martha leaves Jack for Ashton I will be very mad and I am sure I'm not the only one.

If she does I think jack should be given the baby and he can have his little daddy's girl.

But it would be even better if they were together with a little princess.

Update soon.

^^Totally agree with you on that!!

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HEY heres the third Chapter enjoy.

“Ahh damn it” Martha yelled getting annoyed as she dropped an empty glass behind the counter.

“Hey love” Alf said to Martha quietly

Martha looked up from where she was “yeah” she answered uninterested

“Why don’t you come and sit down” he suggested

Martha looked at her grandfather cautiously before agreeing “ok” she said, stood up and made her way towards a table.

“So what did you wanna talk about” Martha asked

“What’s going on” He asked

“What do you mean” Martha asked not quite following

“I heard you whisper to Jack that you love him as we were leaving the hospital” he said “are you guys thinking about getting back together”

Martha looked down at her hands and wondered whether or not she should tell her grandfather everything.

She finally decided that she would.

“I found out I’m pregnant” Martha said looking down at her hands.

“What” Alf asked his eyes widening.

“I found out just this afternoon” she said even more quietly than her last sentence, tears now brimming in her eyes as she thought of Jack.

“This has really mad you realise something hasn’t it?” Alf asked

Martha nodded, “It made me realise that life is way too short and to cherish every moment that you have with the one you love because otherwise it may be too late” she said tears trickling down her cheeks.

“You wanna go back to the hospital, I’m sure Jack would love you to be there when he wakes up don’t you think?”

Martha smile “Yeah but who will hold over this place while we’re gone?” she asked him

“It’s pretty quiet I’m sure Shane can hold down the forte while we’re gone”

“Ok” Martha smiled

“Ok I’ll go sort out a couple of things and we can get moving” Alf said standing up and making his way to the store room.

Martha looked up as a guy with short black hair entered the bar; he looked over and noticed her next thing she knew he was over standing beside her.

“Hi” he said sitting down opposite her

“Hi” Martha said a little too unenthusiastically, she wasn’t in the mood for some guy trying to pick her up.

“So can I buy you a drink” he looked at her hopefully

Martha stared at him “I don’t think so” she said

“Oh why not if you don’t want to have a drink here we could always go back to my motel I have a bottle of win waiting on ice”

Martha stared at him before standing up and slapping him across the face with much force.

“How did that feel” she asked “I bet the wedding ring made it extra painful, I suggest you don’t make a habit of trying to pick up married, pregnant women” she said as her grandfather approached them

“What’s going on is everything ok?” He asked

“Yeah, fine lets just go” she suggested before heading out the door leaving Ash with bruised ego and an even soarer face.

Martha walked back into Jacks room and made her way over to the bed and sat down on the chair taking his hand into her own she felt him grasp it tighter and with that he started to let out moans of pain.

“Jack, Jack, can you hear me?” Martha said standing up

“Martha” he mumbled, his eyes half closed

“Jack, oh my god your awake, I’ll go get Rachel” she squealed excitedly leaving the room in a hurry.

Next Chapter:

A devastating shock

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Omg best chapter ever!!!

Go Martha you slap that evil greasy bastard!

Loved it, loved it, LOVED IT! :D

I hope it's not to devastating, Martha can't loose the baby and Jack has to keep his memory unless he looses it and thinks him and Martha never split.

Anyway great update :) Can't wait for more.

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OH NO! I don't like devastating shock, unless its for ash then thats fine :P lol

but i have a feeling it's not, if its about jack then martha will help him through it won't she?? i hope so.

and Good job martha nice slap i imagined it in my head lol. yay. girl power!

Go Martha you slap that evil greasy bastard!

the perfect description A+ ^^^

keep up the awesome writing!

xxx lil

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Ah, i loved that chapter. Go Martha for slapping that scum bag :) Pity he is Jack's best friend, so Martha has to see him again <_< Oh wellz, Martha has to tell Jack about the pregnancy, and then about Ash, and then Jack can punch Ash :) Great chapter

More please :)

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Rachel walked into Jacks room with a big smile on her face; she was so glad that he was ok.

“Hey Jack how are you feeling?” Rachel asked

“Really sore” he replied

“Yeah well that’s understandable due to your injuries, now tell me when you feel this” she said as she started to drag a pen across his foot.

Jack stared at her “Well do it already”

Rachel looked up, there was no easy way to say this “Jack, you didn’t feel anything?” she asked

“No” He said starting to freak out a bit “what’s going on why can’t I move my legs?”

“We will have to do further testing but there is a lot of swelling” She stopped “Jack this isn’t easy but” she stopped again

“Rachel what?” Martha asked scared of the response she was going to get

“Jack I’m afraid you’re paralysed”

Jack froze, was what he was hearing for real? Could this really be happening, first his marriage now this. He didn’t know how much more he could take.

Jack just sat there

“Maybe we should give you some time alone” Rachel suggested gesturing to Martha, Tony, Beth and Lucas

“And hey stay positive it may not be permanent or anything, for all we know you could be up on your feet again within a couple of moths, it’s just a matter of waiting and seeing” Rachel said sympathetically

As they all started to leave the room

Once they had all gone Jack tilted his head over to the other side of his pillow and let tears fall from his eyes it was like his whole world was falling apart and he was powerless to stop it.

Two hours later Rachel entered the room to do Jacks OBS

Jack looked over at Rachel as she adjusted his drip.

“Hey Rach is Martha still here?” he asked

Rachel looked down at him, “Yeah would you like me to get her for you?” she asked

“Yeah if you wouldn’t mind” he said gratefully.

“Of course not” Rachel said placing his chart back in the end of the bed and heading out the door.

“Hey Martha” Rachel said as she exited the room

“Yeah” Martha said looking up from her magazine

“Jack wants to see you” She said

“Oh ok” Martha said a little surprised; she stood up and made her way towards the door.

She took a deep breath as she slowly turned the door knob and entered.

She looked over at Jack who was staring at the wall on the far side of the room.

Martha coughed trying to get his attention

Jacks head whipped around to see Martha standing there

“Hey” he said “come here” he said gesturing for her to come closer

Martha slowly made her way to the edge of the bed and looked down

“You wanted to see me?” she asked.

Jack looked at her and began to speak “Martha everything that has happened has made e realise something” he stopped but began again “It has made me realise that life is way to short and you have to make the most of every moment to have” he stopped again “This is like my worst nightmare, I just can’t seem to see a light at the end of the tunnel, but then I think of you, and you just somehow make everything seem somehow possible” he said as he basically poured his whole heart out right in front of her, giving her the power to break his heart but trusting her not to.

“Martha please say something” he said pleading with her

“Jack” she started

“Look if you’re going to tell me to forget about us, if your going to tell me to move on just leave now I don’t think I can handle it”

Martha looked at him he looked to scared of what her answer was going to be

“Jack I’m never going to leave you, if anything this has made me realise the exact same thing” she stopped “It made me realise how much I really do love you and how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you, we are going to get through this together and then we are going to be one big happy family, just the three of us” she smiled

Jack had the hugest smile on his face but was confused about one of the things Martha had said.

“Three of us?” he said confused

“Jack I’m pregnant, we’re going to have a baby” she said excitedly

“Oh my God” Jack said as the thoughts of what was going on with his health flew out the window “Come here” he said

Martha moved closer and bended down until there lips touched and it was still as magical as before.

Next Chapter:

Jack introduces Martha to Chooka

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