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This Love Is Like No Other

Guest PINK

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Urgh!! Chooka <_<

Exactly! <_<

Great chapter!

I hope Ashton doesnt make life difficult for Martha and Jack! :(

He should just stay away!

Awwww, the 3 of them :wub: Glad Martha stayed with Jack! I wouldnt have been too happy if she'd left him and slept with someone else like in hna! :angry: (im still bitter)

Update soon

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“Jack I’m here, sorry I’m late but the morning sickness was really bad this morning…” but stopped when she saw who was in the room.

Martha stared at the man that was standing on the other side of the room

Jack noticed this and spoke up “Hey Martha, glad you’re here now you can finally put a face to the name, this is Chooka, and Chook this is my wife Martha” he introduced them.

“You’re Chooka?” Martha questioned him

“Yeah, and your Martha, hi” he said as he walked over and shook Martha’s hand, the whole time Martha was looking at him wondering whether or not to tell Jack.

Martha was out in the main hospital area, it was pretty deserted and she was getting a coffee, just then she heard footsteps behind her, she whipped around to find Ash standing there, she rolled her eyes,

“What are you doing here?” she asked him and tried to walk past

“So you’re the famous Martha he’s always talking about, I can see now why he likes you so much, your very pretty” he said coming closer

“Stay away from me, can’t you see I’m happily married, and not to mention pregnant”

“Oh come on your husband is paralysed, it’s not like he’s going to catch us, I know you want me I can see it in your eyes”

By this time Martha was extremely freaked out but she remained confident,

“Look I honestly don’t know how you got that idea into your big fat head but I suggest you forget it” she glared at him

“Oh come on” he said coming closer and grabbing her around her waist

“Get of me” Martha screeched

“No” Ash fought

“What is going on” Rachel asked astonished at what was in front of her

Ash threw Martha down and fled from the hospital,

Martha sat on the cold hospital floor sobbing

“Hey come here” Rachel said bringing Martha into her arms as she wept

“What happened” she asked concerned

“I don’t know I met him at Noah’s last night and he tried hitting on me but I told him to back off and today I find out he’s been my husbands best friend since they were kids, what am I going to do?” she asked frightened

“You have to tell Jack” she said

“No” Martha shook her head “I can’t, he will worry and he has enough on his mind at the moment without adding this into the mix”

“Ok it’s up to you but I really think you need to tell him” she said

Martha nodded she had no idea what to do.

Martha walked back into Jacks room acting as though nothing had happened and that was how she intended it to stay, unless Ash showed his face again there was no need making a big deal out of it.

Later that day Rachel came into check on Jack,

“Hey Jack, how are you feeling?” she asked with a smile

“I’ve been better, but” he said looking over at Martha “at least some things are working out” he said smiling

“Yeah I always knew you two would work it out” she said happily

“Thanks, should we tell her?” he asked Martha

She looked at him “sure why not?” she said

Martha and jack smile before Martha spoke “I’m pregnant” she said

“What?” Rachel squealed excitedly, “Oh my God that is amazing, I can’t believe it, congratulations, both of you”

“Thanks” Martha said hugging her best friend.


“Jack discovers something”

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Fantastic update!

Martha and Jack ar so damn cute :D I think I have to steal the baby once it's born.

What does Jack discover? The truth about Ash?

Nothing serious please they need some happiness.

Thanks for the update. Another one soon?

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