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Liska's graphics

Guest Liska

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Thanks for your comments :)

Just playing around with a picture..




Heyy, liska. Loving the One Tree Hill stuff... and I would say the same about these but I can't help but notice how similar they are to someone elses work I admire...

12lh4.png11vy8.png - shellybelly46 from HAAC

I'm sure you can see that yours are pretty similar to Shellybelly46's, and I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but please be careful where you get your inspiration from. It could annoy the artist :P I know it would have bugged me when I was making graphics!

(Don't worry though, we all get inspiration from each other's work, just try to be careful to steer away from someones design.) :wink:

Keep up the good work though!

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It wasn't my intention to make similar avs. But I can see the similarity. So I'll delete the avs with the white rectangle :)

I'm really sure it wasn't... like I said, we all get inspiration from somewhere and it's hard to trace back where it's from. Sometimes we see something, like it, and it gets put to the back of our mind. When we retrieve it, we forget it actually belongs to someone else and use it as our own.

It's perfectly understandable. :)

Keep up the good work :wink:

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