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Liska's graphics

Guest Liska

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  Liska said:
Thanks Kris10na, rockstarr08, Jen, mrsbaker and Barbara! :)




Thanks to Jamey-Maria for these scans! :)

These are really stunning - well done - I especially like them in Black and White.


Thanks for all your comments :)

And I would write a tut, if I knew how I did that colouring :D I just play around with everything, and I always have a different colouring, because I don't remind my colouring :D So, sorry :)




I don't really like the two last ones..


Thanks for all your comments :)

I said that I don't remember my colouring, but I do remember the colouring of that Belle and Aden one. (I have it somewhere on a paper.. *Searching for it* :P)

I made that Belle/Aden av with picnik.

1. Upload your av and do cropping and everything.

2. Edit --> Exposure: Exposure = 2 Contrast = 37

2. Edit --> Exposure: Exposure = 16 Contrast = 0

3. Create --> Effects --> Cross Process: Fade = 50%

4. Save!


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