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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Guest MarcHall0606

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  homeandawayxoxo said:
Omg I love that episode. I wish they could have been together forever. Although I did like Buffy and Spike. I think I'm going to have to watch it now. When season 1 happened in Angel, it was on season 4 on Buffy wasn't it?

Yeah I loved Buffy and Angel more than I did Buffy/Spike actually.

Yeah Buffy season 4 was Angel season 1 because Angel left in the last episode of season 3 Buffy after the ascension,which is a very sad episode as well when Angel disappeared into the fog :(

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Buffy's best boyfriend was Riley. :P

I was always a Ruffy shipper. Other ships never could contend. Tillow was second, but nowhere near topping Ruffy.

Ah!! Remember Kendra? She was SO funny!

*Vampire rips her shirt*

Kendra: That's me favourite shirt. That's me only shirt! :angry:



I didn't really like Buffy and Riley. It was always Buffy and Angel or Buffy and Spike for me. But I liked Tillow! Was so sad when Tara died :( The couple I would have liked to see together would have been Faith and Spike.

Haha Yeah Kendra was funny. I can remember her saying that now :lol:


  Cal said:
Buffy's best boyfriend was Riley. :P

I was always a Ruffy shipper. Other ships never could contend. Tillow was second, but nowhere near topping Ruffy.

Ah!! Remember Kendra? She was SO funny!

*Vampire rips her shirt*

Kendra: That's me favourite shirt. That's me only shirt!


I dont know about "Ruffy" actually because Buffy never really loved him I dont think.

Tillow was good though and uit was very sad when Tara was shot dead. I loved the episode when Tara's family came to take Tara away and eevrybody said that they wouldnt let her go without a fight.That was when Tara realised that she had been accepted by the scooby gang.

Kendra was fantastic . I loved that line and I loved mr Pointy also :lol: it was funny when Kendra says " do you think he might tell us ?" and Buffy replies in Kendra's accent " I think we might make him"

It was a sad episode where Kendra was killed by Dru I think when Buffy was running through the school in slow motion with the sad music as well :( that was at the end of "whats my line - part 1 " if im correct. Part of season 2 , one of the best Buffy seasons.

Another of my favourite lines was when Spike offered to help Buffy bring down Angelus before he woke Acathla when Spike and Joyce were sat in teh living room on their own and :

Joyce : have we met before

Spike : not that I can remember

Joyce : Oh alright

Spike : actually there was the whole get the hell away from my daughter thing

Joyce looking confused said : oh yes

:lol: ^^ I loved that scene


I loved Willow and Tara so much, and typical Joss took it away from us. Well done though, it certainly was done well and made me cry. Adding her to the credits for Seeing Red made us beleive she was sticking around but then by the end of it, she was no more. Amazing work Joss.


Know-it-all in the house:Kendra died in 'Becoming' Part 1, the first half of the season two finale.Really stupid way to go...

I loved Tara and I was disappointed they killed her off.They should have put her on the opening credits mid-series five when Riley left or at least at the start of series six.But no, they messed with our heads by doing it and then not having her survive the episode.I actually liked Kennedy too even though I know some people didn't like Willow moving on so quickly.In one of my diary entries of the time I called her "the Ezri Dax of Buffy".

I liked Angel but it was really hard watching it in this country, it got really mucked about on terrestial, first shown in an early evening slot hacked to pieces by the censors, then in a graveyard slot, then opposite the two top rated shows in the country, then back to a graveyard slot and then the last series not shown at all.I didn't even get to see the last episode until last year when I got the DVD.(VHS release got deleted really quickly.)


  Red Ranger 1 said:
Know-it-all in the house:Kendra died in 'Becoming' Part 1, the first half of the season two finale.Really stupid way to go...

I loved Tara and I was disappointed they killed her off.They should have put her on the opening credits mid-series five when Riley left or at least at the start of series six.But no, they messed with our heads by doing it and then not having her survive the episode.I actually liked Kennedy too even though I know some people didn't like Willow moving on so quickly.In one of my diary entries of the time I called her "the Ezri Dax of Buffy".

I liked Angel but it was really hard watching it in this country, it got really mucked about on terrestial, first shown in an early evening slot hacked to pieces by the censors, then in a graveyard slot, then opposite the two top rated shows in the country, then back to a graveyard slot and then the last series not shown at all.I didn't even get to see the last episode until last year when I got the DVD.(VHS release got deleted really quickly.)

Sorry I always get confused with whats my line and becoming!!

I remember now that in whats my line it was about the order of Teracha!!Its all coming back to me now. :P

I was never really a fan of Willow and Tara , dont ask em why because I have no clue they just didnt grow on me.From what I have heard though they were a very popular couple.

I cant remember Angel being messed about on Sky One !! Was it not always on after Buffy?


^I never had Sky unfortunately.They had it on just after Buffy for the first two series, which is how it was shown in the US, not sure what they did after that.Angel on terrestial was a nightmare, first being on Channel 4, then on Channel 5 and never in synch with Buffy.


  Red Ranger 1 said:
^I never had Sky unfortunately.They had it on just after Buffy for the first two series, which is how it was shown in the US, not sure what they did after that.Angel on terrestial was a nightmare, first being on Channel 4, then on Channel 5 and never in synch with Buffy.

Oh right I remember Sky was consistent with screening on both Buffy & Angel.

I would hate for one of my favourite TV shows to be messed about by switching it around different cahnnels and different time slots.

I never really kept with Angel after Buffy finished unfortunately because it was always the 2 hours of Buffy and Angel and I only watched Angel because it was on right after Buffy but then I forgot about Angel and didnt tune in especially to see it .


  Cal said:
Buffy's best boyfriend was Riley. :P

Is that sarcasm? :P I really saw no point with Riley at all, only that Buffy moved on with another man. Well not really though, she didn't love Riley like she did with Angel.

And going back a few posts towards the Kendra talk, I really love the scene where she's killed. I love her character and Drusilla is one of my absolute favourite characters out of the whole Buffy verse, so Dru killing Kendra really had my heart pumping in a sick way :wub::ph34r: lol. If Angel or Spike had killed her it wouldn't have had much of an impact on me... Oh, and not to mention seconds later Buffy running in slow mo... :P

*sighs* I could talk about this show forever. It truly is the best.


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