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Blast From The Past (by HeavenForbid) - comments


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- "Get you stuff and get the f*ck out of here!" - Martha to Cam or Becky

- She was not able to drive under her current state. Becky or Jack or Luc

- "Call an ambulance" some randomer

- "Follow me and I will show you exactly what I mean!" the nurse?

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lol i like that one Rachel. Martha to Jack :lol:

an ambulance??? oh gosh i hope everyone is alright. Oh wait, ive forgotten what happened in this fic, wil go check :P

EDIT: i remember now. you say last few chapters, this fic is finished???? :(

Edited by jack4martha
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EDIT: i remember now. you say last few chapters, this fic is finished???? :(

No, It is not finished yet.

I have the rst of the fic written though, so I decided to put in those teasers

Another 9 chapters left..........

Chapter 28

“We will be over at 6 then” said a voice on the phone.

“Thank you” Becky said and hung up.

Becky went for a walk. She saw Martha on the beach. She walked into the diner and saw Lucas.

“Hey! What are you still doing here?” he asked smiling

“Change of plan! I am staying” Becky replied


Rebecca was on her third bottle of wine by the time 5 in the evening arrived. AJ came worried about her. She had not stopped drinking since she came home from the hospital. He went into the bedroom and talked to talk to her.

“Get me another bottle” Rebecca said

“Don’t you think you have had enough?” asked AJ

“No! Get me another.” Shouted Rebecca again

“No. I won’t. You can get it yourself.” AJ said

Rebecca got up and walked out of the room. She came back a few minutes later annoyed

“There is none left!” she yelled at AJ

“Is that my fault?” AJ snapped

Rebecca got back into the bed and AJ went out of the room


Everyone was in the Fletcher household at 6. Becky waited nervously for them to come. When Martha came home she didn’t say a word to Becky. She was furious at the way Becky spoke to her and saying that she was an unfit mother. Sally cooked the dinner. They all sat down. Sally noticed there was some tension between Becky and Martha and she wasn’t the only one that noticed. Alf and Morag did as well.

“Where is Ric?” Martha asked

“At Mattie’s” Sally said

“So love, Why did you change your mind?” Alf asked Becky

“Oh…Well…Me and Lucas are doing great so - ”

There was a knock on the door. Becky’s heart skipped a beat. Sally got up and opened the door. Standing there was two women.

“We are from social services” said one of the women.

Martha looked around. She looked at Becky who was crying.

“You b*tch!” Martha shouted

“Martha! I am so sorry! But the kids need a good home and a safe environment to live in” Becky said

“Don’t ever speak to me again. And you!” she said looking at the women “You! Will never take my babies away from me! I am a good mother!”

“I am sorry. But we have to investigate that statement” said one of the women

“What the flaming hell is going on?” Alf asked

Martha ran out of the room and up to the kids. Becky filled everyone in.

“What?” Alf said shocked

“We have to investigate this…” one of the women interpreted

Martha came down the stairs. The two women talked to everyone in the home. They agreed that Martha was not able to look after the children. They would be taken away from her. Martha ran out of the house.

“Where will they go?” Becky asked

“Well…In foster care for now”

“Please. Can I look after them?” Becky asked

“Becky - ” Morag started to say

“Please! I will take such good care of them. I have basically been their mother since they were born” Becky begged

“I don’t think that is such a good idea!” Sally said

“Not if you are living here.” Said the women.

“I can sort that out. Give me a half an hour” Becky asked

Becky left the house and went over to Lucas’. He opened the door.

“I need to ask you something” she said

Preview: Will Becky get the kids? Will Martha clean up her act?

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