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Blast From The Past (by HeavenForbid) - comments


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Shes got a child to Jack aint she :(

Martha how stupid are you! someone asks do you no your husband and you just reply oh yes im his wife silly girl :P

lol. Yeh Martha didnt even question it! If i was Martha id be fireing 20 questions at the woman that claimed to know my husband!

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! (i think thats enough) dont let her have Jacks child! Although i cant see any other reason as to why she'd be here, unless its something to do with Harry Chambers but i cant see that happening either. :unsure:

I guess your just gunna have to update to put us out of our misery! :D

Edited by vale4eva
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Yes. Listen. I am sorry. Here. There is 50 dollars. Go out and buy yourself a new dress and I will take you to that new restaurant you have been wanting to go to tonight.”

Jack seriously did not just give his gorgeous wife $50 to buy a dress?? OMG He should have give her at least $200. Gosh how much does he think his wife is worth <_<:lol: jks. But Rebecca, i still hate her. If she has a kid with Jacky, i will be very upset. Jacky better tell Martha NOW!!!!!

More please :)

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:( Hes got a son! You'd think id be happy about that but its only half Jacks and half that witches! :angry:

Poor Martha, but did Jack find out about his son just now then? Cuz how dare she keep that information from him, she just comes all this way after so many years and says, oh by the way, i gave birth to our child! :angry:

I am NOT happy!

Mission 1: Eliminate Rebecca :ph34r:

Update soon :)

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