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The T-Shirt Design Contest

Guest Cal

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I'm not going to enter actually ... I might join in the second contest though if that is ok. I just want to see how the first round goes and then join in next time. My ideas are very basic and the moment :lol:


I think you could do awards at the end like 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and a separate award for most wearable t-shirt. When i say awards i just mean positions although if the host wanted to they could make banners.

This way, there are more places for people to get and the person who gets most wearable t-shirt may not necessary get 1st or 2nd or 3rd place.

I think the voting could go like this:

1st - 10 points allocated

2nd - 5 points allocated

3rd - 1 point allocated

This way the points are not exactly the same as the lyrical contest so it's different.

and the form used could be just like this:

1st: <number here>

2nd: <number here>

3rd: <number here>

Most Wearable: <number here>

This is just an idea, and you don't have to go ahead with it i just thought i would suggest it. :wink:


The voting will be something like what Aaron suggested:

1st - #x - 10 points

2nd -#y - 5 points

3rd - #z - 2 points

Most wearable: #p


I might also do more awards. They winners will be picked by moi. For Example, Most Creative, Most Sexual T-Shirt... etc.



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