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Staff Changes

Guest Chris J

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Changes are afoot once again in BTTB HQ!

First of all we have 2 people stepping down from their positions :-

Si-Co has been a moderator here for a number of years (around 3 and a half I believe) and is certainly one of our longest running Mods - in that time he has had to perform 3500 mod actions! Unfortunately, Si has now run out of hands to juggle his time about with! I'd just like to thank him for all the work he has done over the years, and that I hope we still see you around on the board in your fleeting moments!

We're also saying goodbye to Cerise as a Librarian, whose personal life is also taking over at the moment. Once again, thanks for all your work over the past couple of years and we hope to see you around :)

Now for the good news!

Anaya, who came highly recommended to me, has kindly agreed to become our latest Librarian recruit. However she is on holiday this week, so please don't swamp her with requests just yet! :P

Barbara has been helping out with the BTTB Quiz since its conception (indeed it was her idea!), and after seeing what a hard worker she is, she has now been promoted to full Contributor Status (purple badge) so she can help out in other parts of the site :)

Red Ranger 1, who has always shown himself to have an excellent knowledge of the show (and has already written profiles for the main site), has also kindly agreed to join our Contributing team as a Feature Contributor. :)

Thanks to all of you, we're grateful to have you on the team and we hope you enjoy it!

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Congratulations to the new team members,especially Barbara,who came up with the Quiz and also has helped me out many times!! :D :D

And,I'm sorry to see people going to,but,I hope it won't be last we see of you! :)


Thanks for all your work Si Co and Cerise :)

and congratulations to Red Ranger,Barbara and Anaya on your new positions. :)

Barbara its gona be so weird seeing you in purple , and Anayas gona be red :D


Congrats to Barbara, Anaya and RR1. I'm sure you'll all do a great job.

It's sad to see Si-Co and Cerise go but hopefully it's not the last we see of you.


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